Tooth Fairy (Character) - pictures, cartoons, history, fairy tale


Character History

Tooth Fairy is a fabulous heroine, which initially penetrated the culture of English-speaking countries, and after those or other interpretations "captured" the whole world. A good wizard was popularized in cinema and in the form of a light character, and in the image of a terrible monster.

Legend of Tooth Fairy

The author of the fairy tale, who gave the beginning of the legend, is the Spanish writer Louis Roldan Roldan. At the end of the XIX century, he was asked to write a story for Alfonso III, the young king of Spain, who had a milk tooth.

For a writer, it was easy, as his father worked as a doctor. As acting persons, the magic fairy tale was the Bubi Bubi himself, as the child called the mother, Queen of Maria-Christina, and the magic character Muscular Perez.

According to the plot, the mouse picks up at night the dusted tooth, and in return leaves a small gift. The fairy tale went beyond the Royal Castle and was published in 1902.

Since the publication, history is gaining popularity. At first, Glory for a mouse penetrates all Spanish cities, a little later throws away to the whole of Europe and even on other continents. Interestingly, a new character appears in English-speaking countries, which appears in the image of a wizard with wings behind his back.

But in Spain, the role of the "wonderful donor" still remains for a mouse rider dressed in a funny camsole. The essence of the resulting legend is uncomplicated, but she really helps children to cope with inconvenience and pain in connection with the change of teeth.

According to reference, the dental fairy takes the milk tooths, and in return leaves or a gift, or a gold coin. To get the cherished gift, the child needs to hide the dropped tooth under the pillow and sleep hard. Then in the morning he will certainly detect traces of staying a fabulous character.

The original manuscript, the beginning of the wonderful legend, broadcasting from generation to generation, is the second century, is stored in Madrid. Accuable address: Street Arenal, House 8. Specifically selected this place, because there was a confectionery, in which, according to the product of Rolledan, and lived a mouse Perez.

Now there is installed a bronze statue of a mouse and hanging a memorial plaque. The place collects tourists near himself. And the further interpretation of the legend in the film industry fell on moral and children, and fans rinse the nerves when watching movies.

Tooth Fairy in books and films

In 1996, the English writer Graham Joyce rewrites the story about the anthropomorphic character on the new way. The book is clearly not intended for children. The scene was based on the same legend, but the author set aside a fantastic phenomenon in a scientific and psychological aspect.

A seven-year-old boy wakes up at night and sees next to the bed is not an adorable fairy with transparent wings, but an incomprehensible creature, remotely resembling a person. Next, the plot captures a puberty period of grieving the main character. The night satellite does not want to return to his world, one way or another anxious of the owner of that ill-fated dairy tooth.

Colorful cartoon for similar topics Steel "Dream Keepers" of 2012. In a fantastic animation tape, acting characters - Tooth Fairy, Sandyman, Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. Heroes are correctly carried by the service, protecting the dreams and hopes of girls and boys, until the evil spirit Homeshnik appears.

He wants children to stop believing in magic, and their good dreams became nightmares. Stop evil spirit Guardians alone cannot, so Ice Jack comes to the rescue. At the end of the animation cinema it turns out that Jack also was once a little boy. However, he, saving sister, drowned and lost his memory of the past. Thanks to the guardians's efforts, the children again begin to believe in a fairy tale, and the angry spirit Homeshnik himself will rise in his own nightmares.

Among the films about the dental fairy there are family comedies. For example, the "Tooth Fairy" of 1997 from Cresst Ellie in the lead role. The idea of ​​the picture is to show the work of the magician "from the inside." The daughter of Dantist Catherine, who became a dental feoth after the sudden death, penetrates the problems and fate of children. A woman seeks to help, even despite the fact that it enlisters it by departing to hell. In the final for the good heart of Catherine give another life on Earth.

In the sparkling comedy "Tooth Fairy" in 2010, the actor Duyne Douglas Johnson starred in the role of a mystical character. A strong hockey player often knocked his teeth to rivals on the playing field. For this ability of Derek Thompson nicknamed a dental fairy. In the usual life of Derek, it is the reason for the disorder of children of his girl, because it does not want to find a approach.

For such behavior, real dental fairies decide to adhere to the main character. They turn it to a week in themselves such a character, and Derek has all this time to unnoticed in children's rooms and leave gift dollars. And at the same time, the main task is to establish relationships with children in love.

The character was greatly distributed in the horror genre. For example, the horror film "Darkness comes" 2003. An old woman who loved the children was becoming an ominous ghost here, who loved the children and gave them money for the dropped dairy teeth. Because of the accident during the fire, the old woman burned heavily, so she had to hide the face. Human disgust gave rise to rumors, and the woman became an outcast.

As a result, it began to even suspect the disappearance of children and at the first incident killed. After death, the ghost began to revenge everyone who saw his true face.

There are still quite a few cinematic projects in which one way or another the description of the initial legend is replaying on a new way. And children around the world and in the XXI century are waiting for a long-awaited gift from the fabulous fairies.


All the troubles that I have caused you, did not happen from evil. Just sometimes it does not work differently. I don't understand why these police and firefighters are not interrupted, but to those who have wings, - well, not the slightest respect! You, sir, are to blame for the nature of disbelief and in the intentional murder of bright dreams and fantasies . To fly, you need to believe! And still cleaned with wings.


  • 1994 - "Rock Music"
  • 1996 - "Santa Khryakak"
  • 1996 - "Tooth Fairy"


  • 1997 - "Tooth Fairy"
  • 2000 - "Tooth for tooth dental Fairy 2000"
  • 2001-2017 - "Magic Parents"
  • 2002 - "Santa Claus 2"
  • 2002 - "Red Dragon"
  • 2003 - "Darkness comes"
  • 2006 - Santa Claus 3
  • 2008 - "Hellboy 2: Golden Army"
  • 2010 - "Tooth Fairy"
  • 2010 - "Do not be afraid of darkness"
  • 2012 - "Dream Keepers"

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