Seryozha Serezhkin (Character) - Photo, "Adventure Electronics", Actor, Author, Description


Character History

Seryozha Serevoyzhkin - Character Book Evgenia Wellist "Adventures of Electronics" and its famous Soviet film simulation, a prototype of a cybernetic boy, a portrait resemblance to which becomes the main engine of the plot.

History of character creation

The musical film "The Adventures of Electronics" came out in 1980. According to the original design of the director Konstantin Bromberg, electronics and the cheesegne should have played the same child, and Dmitry Zamulin became the main applicant for the role. However, later Bromberg decided that the abundance of joint scenes requires the participation of twins.

Casting was not easy - in search of heroes, the director watched the samples and photographs of several hundred twins from all over the Soviet Union. The appearance was not the only defining factor: according to the plot it was necessary that the brothers were flexible and sports, they knew how to play a guitar, ride a moped and possess a considerable set of skills.

Twins Vladimir and Yuri Torsuyevs were listed at number 368. They liked this brombergu so much that he immediately approved them, despite the fact that she was looking for a woman's boys. At first, the role of electronics was given by Yura, and Syrozhkin - Volodya, but the shooting process "did not glue." After the brothers changed places, everything went like oil.

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For the filming of Torsuev, forced to let go of her hair and repainted in blonds, which did not like it with young actors, which, because of the catchy "non-counseling" hairstyles, became the target of ridicule at school. According to quotations from the interviews of the brothers, the first time they begged Bromberg to allow them to knear, but over time, they were still accustomed to new images.

Becoming popular already in childhood, Torsuyevs had all the chances of continuing the acting career, but did not take advantage of them. Now the brothers are engaged in business and recall their participation in the shooting with nostalgia.

Irina Grishina voiced, and Elena Kambourova sang songs for him.

Biography and image of Syriezhagna

Sergey is studying at 7 "b", the class of prestigious Moscow school. His mother is a philologist, and his father works a trucker. The appearance of the boy is not remarkable: a smoky nose, gray eyes, a sports figure, a school uniform and eternally battered shoes in football battles. In a word, according to the description of the author, Seryozha "same as all thirteen-year-old".

Hero learns no matter. Its main problem is not the lack of adjacent, but an excessively passionate, fond of natural: hero wants everything immediately, he grabs new hobbies and immediately throws them, it is worth the next "ingenious" idea to appear on the horizon. Seryozha is constantly fountaining with new ideas: yesterday he wanted to become a veterinarian, today the robot designs, and tomorrow is marked into programmers.

Syroezhkin - an intelligent and inquisitive guy, not devoid of abilities. In minutes of inspiration, when a passion for study suddenly flashes, he "clicks" the most difficult examples of mathematics, but when the passion passes, the simplest task of "5 lines" about the gardener with its harvest apples and pears suddenly becomes insoluble. From time to time Sergei manits the school laboratory: he is still small to work there, but he likes to sit in the room, watching high school students and dreaming that one day will collect electronic devices independently. In these periods, the performance of the cheese magnitude sharply falls, which upsets his parents. However, as the hero, hero learns to approach things seriously, and over time it becomes clear that a talented scientist will be a talented scientist.

The literary characteristic of the hero is slightly different from cinematic: in the film Syroezhkin is more lazy and boastful, and in the book he is a more complex nature that falls into unpleasant stories is largely due to the circumstances and intense than due to selfish intentions.

Sergey's appearance for electronics borrowed Professor Gromov. Constructing a cybernetic boy, he accidentally saw a photo from the magazine, imprinted the cheeseglass in the class in the pool. The charming smile of the boy liked the scientist so that he copied his idle of the whole, not particularly thinking about the consequences. The exact similarity becomes the basis for further adventures of two heroes - living and electronic.

Initially, the detection of the twin seems to be rare lucky luck: as the electronics itself notes, the probability of their meeting was one thousandth percent. The first time the cybernetic boy, pretending to be seedly, easily allows his training and personal difficulties, but gradually, not wanting himself, it begins to push him out of life. In the course of the narrative, the cheesegne will have to overcome the consequences of his own laziness and tricks, learn to appreciate life with all the troubles and understand that idleness and loneliness did not bring anyone to good.


Well, what stared? Syroezhkin - This is me! Do you want to be a person? Be them! Where to run and where to look good luck? What kind of edges hid? .. I can't sing, I'm afraid, now I will cry ... and however, my song Song.


  • 1980 - "Adventures Electronics"


  • 1964 - "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase"
  • 1971 - "Rassie - Elusive Friend"
  • 1975 - "Winner of the Impossible"
  • 1984 - "New Adventures Electronics"

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