Coronavirus in Yekaterinburg 2020: Cases, Situation, Illness, Latest News


Updated May 6.

The World Health Organization on March 11, 2020 determined that coronavirus applies to countries on a pandemic scale. The latest news reports that a sharp increase in cases of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus is also marked in Russia. About the situation with Coronavirus in Yekaterinburg for today and what measures did officials of the Sverdlovsk Region on the fight against the ailment, in the material 24cm.

Curonavirus cases in Yekaterinburg

The SARS-COV-2 Virus of Sars-COV-2 was treated with the residents of the Sverdlovsk region. On March 17, 2020, the governor of Evgeny Kuyvashev said that Koronavirus was brought to Ekaterinburg: an infected girl flew home from Italy with a change in Moscow Sheremetyevo. The patient was placed in the hospital number 40.

Edition on the same day published an interview taken from a woman who was in the cabin of an airplane with an infected coronavirus. According to her, measures to prevent the dissemination of the virus were accepted promptly, but no one froze the temperature at the airport and did not check the infection on the symptoms. Employees of Rospotrebnadzor issued a suspected and eight-year-old child a direction for hospitalization in the same hospital number 40.

On May 6, 2020 marks 1 353 cases of infection Coronavirus in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region, 1 93 Patients managed Recret , three deaths recorded.

Situation in Yekaterinburg

The head of the Regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor Dmitry Kozlovsky reported that more than 2 thousand people passed the inspection for the presence of symptoms of infection. The Ministry of Health ordered the inhabitants of Yekaterinburg, who recently returned from countries, where they revealed cases of coronavirus infection, report this at number 112, so that another 855 citizens are under the supervision of doctors.

55 people were hospitalized with suspicion of Coronavirus. They can only be written after a double negative analysis for the presence of the SARS-COV-2 virus and in the absence of ORVI symptoms after 14 days. So far, among the observed cases of infection, coronavirus in Yekaterinburg was no longer registered.

Restrictions in Yekaterinburg

On March 18, 2020, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region signed a decree on the introduction of restrictive events. Because of the coronavirus in Yekaterinburg, the situation will change until April 23. Basic provisions:
  • Massive events involving cluster more than 50 people are canceled and transferred to the video format.
  • Yekaterinurbursts, who visited places with a dangerous epidemiological situation and / or those who have found signs of ARVI, are obliged to call 112 and comply with the 14-day quarantine at home. Relatives and children of the sick or suspect in infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus are also self-insulated.
  • Employers are required to control the temperature from workers, disinfect the room and work surfaces. With the appearance of signs of ARVI signs - to send home and promote the fight against the spread of coronavirus in Yekaterinburg.
  • Measures for disinfection of places of accumulation of people are increasing (trading points, places of catering, transport and so on).
  • Thermal imaging installations are installed (instruments that diagnose areas with inflammatory processes) at the airport of Koltsovo and railway stations.
  • In schools and universities, the possibility of free visits to the educational institution is introduced. A free visit to kindergartens is a recommendatory character, since among the sick and those who have suspicion of coronavirus, there are no children in Yekaterinburg (parents themselves decide whether children led to the garden).
  • The US Consulate General in Yekaterinburg because of the COVID-19 pandemic suspended the issuance of visas.

Latest news

Doctors who work with contaminated coronavirus in Yekaterinburg, asked the authorities to isolate them in free hotels to minimize the risk of infecting a family.

April 15. The second aircraft with a new game of medical goods for the diagnosis and prevention of coronavirus flew to Ekaterinburg from China. The load will be divided between the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.

On April 14, the Chief Doctor of GKB №14 in Yekaterinburg Vladimir Kuercckin went to two weeks self-insulation. The reason for such a solution was that it was contacted with a coronavirus patient. The next 14 days he will hold at home.

Due to the epidemic of COVID-19, the high-speed electric train "Swallow", between Perm and Yekaterinburg, temporarily canceled.

In Omeska, Yekaterinburg reported that the hospital number 40 received train passengers from the Ekaterinburg-Passenger station, arriving from St. Petersburg. According to incoming information, they in contact with the patient COVID-19.

Passengers of the train in the Urals capital met ambulance doctors. As the source in the railway sphere told, in this train, the elderly woman, who was suspected Coronavirus. From the train she was removed before he drove to the Urals. According to him, no more than 10 people arrived in the Ural capital in this car.

From April 10, 2020, paid tests for Coronavirus began to make in Yekaterinburg. You can pass testing on COVID-19 in the Laboratory "City Bar" located in the medical center at the address of machine builders, 18, from 7:30 to 14:00. The cost of such a procedure is 1200 rubles. Biomaterial - rotogling smear.

True and lies about coronavirus

True and lies about coronavirus

Sverdlovsk doctors raised wages. As the information of the regional administration, health workers who contribute to the fight against coronavirus will receive a monthly surcharge to the main source of income: doctors will receive 40 thousand rubles, medium and younger medical staff - 20 and 10 thousand rubles, respectively, ambulance doctors - 20 thousand rubles, the average medical staff - 15 thousand rubles, other velocity staff - 5 thousand rubles. But people working at other enterprises face a reduction or wage cutting.

On April 7, 2020, Yekaterinburg City Hall allocated 20 cars from their own garage. Due to the increase in the frequency of circulation, specialists lack transport to leaving the challenges to the house. The working change of physicians is increased from 8.00 to 22.00, and at home the patient doctors not only conduct an inspection, but also take the biomaterial for the "coronavirus" test.

On April 3, 2020, the mayor of Yekaterinburg, Alexander Highinsky, contributed to the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region on the termination of the sale of alcohol. According to the city holder, alcoholic beverages kill immunity, as well as their use will negatively affect the conditions of a city-wide quarantine.

The governor of the Sverdlovsk region issued a decree, in which he recommended to all residents over 65 to self-insulating at home until April 14.

Due to the coronavirus in the Roddomas of Yekaterinburg temporarily banned partnerships. In addition, the trains were canceled in Kazan and Izhevsk.

In Yekaterinburg, LLC "Zavod Medsintez" "developed a core from coronavirus. The drug in February 2020 was sent to testing in the PRC, the return answer is planned to be obtained in May.

Evgeny Kuyvashev in Instagram-Account encourages residents not to panic, because the treatment of infected coronavirus in Yekaterinburg approached: 1501 IVL vehicles in the ready mode, only 60 million rubles were allocated on the medical equipment.

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