Erich von Daniken - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Books 2021



Erich von Danikin - Swiss writer, author of several books, ufolog and film director. The researcher applies to the number of ideologues of the theory of Paleokontakt and is known to the audience interested in extraterrestrial civilizations. The works and statements of the author provoke the interest of the public and criticism from scientific figures.

Childhood and youth

Erich was born in the Swiss city of Tsofingen on April 14, 1935. He was educated in a Catholic gymnasium, and then at St. Michael College, located in Freiburg.

Already at a young age, Danikien was interested in the study of the controversial theories of the origin of mankind and studying manuscripts, but could not devote himself to research - the lack of permanent income.

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The young man tried to decide this problem by doing trade. Then Erich invested his capital to the hotel business, but he miscalculated and carried the damage. According to some data, for the debts of the entrepreneur even taken under arrest.

Some time, Erich von Danikin worked as an administrator in Swisshotel. He decided to devote free time to the writing case and outlined several author's theories on archeology in the book.

Personal life

Erich von Danikin - a lively emotional man with an excellent sense of humor and irrepressible passion for his beloved business. His schedule is scheduled for months ahead, and free time is dedicated to work on new theories, travels and meetings with like-minded people and researchers.

The personal life of the scientist has developed successfully. A man is married since 1960. Erich's wife name Elizabeth von Danikin. Spouses have a daughter Cornelia. Other children during their collaboration in the pair did not appear.

Danikin's background did not become a fan of social networks. He has no personal account in "Instagram", where photos and posts would be published.


Motivation to create a debut product was the religious doubt that appeared at the background. Theological guesses researchers associated with theories about extraterrestrial civilizations. The first book of Erich "Return to Stars" refused to take 20 publishers to print. The work was published in 1968 not without protigeration of the author's acquaintances in the ECON publishing house, working with literature about space. The book became a bestseller in Germany, the USA and 38 other states.

Two years later, the screening of the debut work of Danikin "Memory of the Future" appeared. The tape attracted the attention of a wide audience to the activities of the researcher, which inspired him to continue writing activities. He became a popular theoretical theorem of Paleokontakt. The publicist began to speak with lectures and replenished the bibliography with new works. From this point on, his creative biography was associated with the creation of books and filming movies.

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The literary works of Erich von Danikin are translated into 28 world languages, and the total circulation of books is more than 60 million copies. The author's bibliography replenished the novels "Heavenly Teachers", "name Zeus", "Sphinx's eyes" and others. Background Danikin entered several writing organizations and even received literary awards. In 1991, he was awarded the Schnobel Prize for the Book of the "Chariot of Gods".

In 1998, publicist became the founder of the Association of Research on Archeology, Astronautics and Seti. The number of participants quickly reached 10 thousand and is constantly increasing. Together with like-minded people, a Ufologist participates in expeditions that help find new confirmations to its nontrivial theories.

In 2003, under Berrh, the opening of the "Riddles of the World" park was held, among the initiators of which was the background Danikin. Here is 70 thousand square meters. M are miniature copies of unusual world attractions, three-dimensional and holographic objects.

The researcher filmography was replenished with full-length films, as well as documentary series. In them, the enlightement answers questions related to history, archeology and paleokontacts.

Erich von Danikin now

The director and the writer continues creative activities. In 2019, he had outlined the release plan for a new nearby series called "Legends about Taosa". The premiere was appointed for 2020. Now Erich is implemented as a director and writer. An impressive fortune that the author earned through the popularity of his books, allows you to visit different corners of the world and sponsor research and educational projects.


  • 1968 - "Memories of the Future"
  • 1968 - "Chariots of the Gods"
  • 1998 - "Gold Gods. Aliens among us "
  • 2006 - "Stone Age was different"
  • 2003 - "Heavenly Teachers"
  • 2003 - "Day, when the gods appeared"
  • 2004 - "name Zeus"
  • 2004 - "Sphynx Eyes"
  • 2004 - "In the footsteps of omnipotes (where science is powerless)"
  • 2004 - "The gods were astronauts"
  • 2006 - "Signs facing eternity"
  • 2009 - "Maja's Gods"
  • 2010 - "Judgment Day"
  • 2011 - "Twilight of the Gods"
  • 2011 - "History erroneous"


  • 1970 - "Memories of the Future"
  • 1976 - "Secrets of the Gods"
  • 1994-1995 - "In the footsteps of omnipotent"
  • 1997 - "Blitz"
  • 2005 - "Reality or Fiction"
  • 2009 - "Secrets of the Aliens"
  • 2014 - "Secrets and Conspiracy"
  • 2012 - "Book of Tyne America"
  • 2020 - "Legend of Tajeis"

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