Ray Donovan (character) - photo, series, actor, lion shrimber, father


Character History

Ray Donovan is a character of the dramatic series, named by his name. The audience came to the soul of a discreet, brutal and charismatic hero, who seemed to be impossible to resolve the problems. Filmists compared the image of Ray with James Bond, played by actor Daniel Craig. I can merge with the crowd, remaining unnoticed thanks to a typical appearance, the Donovan spends dangerous and risky operations - only not across the country, but within the framework of private stories.

History of character creation

The premiere of the series took place in 2013. The crew of the project was the director Ann Beyderman. A criminal drama is chosen as a genre. The image of the main character was conceived as a whole, with an internal straightener, reasonable. Such a man, by virtue of activity, should own as a word - communicating with customers and colleagues and strength - in cases, if words are not enough for a weighty argument.

According to the description of the hero, it is impossible to be called by the handsome - the appearance of it is typical for many representatives of the strong sex. However, in the appearance of the character there is something that is called male charisma and attractiveness. Ray Silen is physically, the smart can remain calm in the most unexpected circumstances. For the role of the main character, the creators of the series chose the actor Lion Schreiber, who organically bother the character of the character.

The roles for which actors are ashamed

The roles for which actors are ashamed


The roles for which actors are ashamed - background

The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Lawrence admitted that the scene with a kiss in the film "Passengers" was the first frank scene in its practice. To remove the tension, she had to drink a little.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Vladimir Epifantsev, despite all the originality, shakes his debut in the movies. It was the Tresh film "Green Slonik", which went to the memes and quotes.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed - 1 background

The roles for which actors are ashamed

Matt Damon considers his role in the film "Ultimatum Born" failure. However, the vinit of this is more than the screenwriter, and not.

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Roles for which actors are ashamed - 2 background

The roles for which actors are ashamed

Pavel Maikov, whose name thundered to the whole country after entering the light "Brigades," believes that this series can not be shown to people and very much regretted that he took part in the shooting.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed - 3 background

The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Aniston does not like to talk about his debut in the cinema. The actress first appeared in the horror movie "Lepricon". At the time of filming, Jennifer was proud that he received a major role, but over time she began to be ashamed of this work.

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Roles for which actors are ashamed - 4 background

The roles for which actors are ashamed

Dmitry Nagiyev agreed to the role of Mikhail Lesnikov in the Kamenskaya series only because there was no other offers from directors. The actor never liked his character, so he left the project.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed - 5 background

The roles for which actors are ashamed

Robert Pattinson tolerate can not "twilight" and his hero. The actor does not understand why the film is so popular.

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Roles for which actors are ashamed - 6 background

The roles for which actors are ashamed

Paul enjoying more often plays good guys. To enter the image of the scum for the painting "bad blood" he did not like at all.

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Roles for which actors are ashamed - 7 background

The roles for which actors are ashamed


This project was popular with the audience, thanks to not only a fascinating plot, problems that exciting the public, but also to the brilliant acting. Several seasons participated such stars of American cinema as John Vight (acting by the Father of the Main Hero), Susan Sarandon (playing the role of the head of the Ray) and other actors. The first seasons of the series had high ratings, so it was decided to extend the plot until 2019. In Russian translation, the hero of the hero John Voeta did the actor Sergey Chikachev.

Biography and image of Ray Donovan

About the biography of the main character is known little. Ray comes from the Irish family, settled in Los Angeles many years ago. The Hero's mother died when he was still a child, his father was imprisoned for 20 years. Already as an adult, having a family, teenage children, the character understands what can do business bringing good income. Work forms the character of Ray, tempering it.

A business role, which chooses a hero for himself, can be called a conversational term "solved". Donovan "destroys" the situations in which his customers fall - media persons, sports stars and show business, which are a lot in the city of temptations. And they are ready to pay any money to the hero to save the "honest" name. To resolve problems, a man uses different methods, including coming against the law.

Among the cases with whom it is necessary to face the character, they prevail those that can pretty spoil the reputation of famous persons and even bring to prison. So, for example, the Donovan refers to the help of the famous basketball player. After a stormy night, the athlete wakes up in the same bed with a dead female body. Ray, using his connections, finds out that the girl was a drug addict and died of drug overdose. Thus, the basketball player avoids criminal pursuit.

No less exciting history becomes the case of a popular Hollywood actor, whom the ladies of fans adore. The "victim" is planned a multi-million dollar contract in the militant, where the handsome acts as a brutal superhero. But on the eve of the signing of the contract, the Contractor turns out to be involved in the sex scandal, which reveals non-standard stars hobbies. The actor is blackmail, threatening to publish videos, threatening loss of work, money and popularity. Donovan, along with the assistants, decides this problem, finding a reliable Alibi for a lover lover.

However, the hardest test in the business of the hero becomes the moment when his father, Mickey, comes from prison. A few years ago, Ray himself contributed to the fact that Mickey was planted behind the bars. "Decided" considered that the father turned out to be leading in the death of the younger sister of Ray, Bridget. At 16, the girl got drunk tablets and jumped from the roof of the skyscraper. Mickey was condemned for 20 years, of which a man served 15 - the remainder of the "Skostili" period, since the prisoner issued information about the illegal business of the Son.

Now, with the return of the father home, in the life of the hero begin new, more serious than its main work, problems. Salmon delivers not only Mickey, but also the brothers. Senior, Terry Donovan, previously engaged in boxing, but due to injuries, a man developed Parkinson's disease. Despite this, the character finds the strength to keep the gym, where he carries out training with young boxers. Ray is tied to his brother and is ready for the sake of Terry to come with its own principles.

Junior, Banchi, in childhood was raped by the priest. "Decided" achieved the Church to pay the victim more than a million dollars. Children's injury led to the fact that Buni became an alcoholic and drug addict. The difficult relationship adds to Donovan with your own wife and children. The work in which attractive women are involved, causes the attacks of jealousy from Abby Donovan. Children also deliver the hero of the hassle - the features of transitional age are affected.

As a result, an interesting fact is obtained - a person who can easily solve other people's problems, it is impossible to restore the harmony in his own family. For several seasons, viewers watch the drama of the character, the death of Ebby in the 5th season, the visions of the hero associated with the deceased sister Bridget, including the chronology of events. The phrases pronounced by the hero became popular quotes.


  • 2013- ... - Ray Donovan

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