Kristina Milian - Photo, Biography, Actress, Singer, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



American Cuban origin Kristin Flores, or Christina Milian, is a talented singer and film holder. Her compositions and albums were repeatedly nominated at Grammy and received Ozone award in the Best R & B Female category.

Childhood and youth

Now Christina Milian is used by Mother's name Mother's name, but she was born under the name Kristin Flores in 1981. The family who lived in New Jersey belonged to the group of Cuban immigrants, which the creative career was not treated for serious work.

The girl was different from his parents and since childhood he sought to the public, day long watching TV and dreaming to be inside. Then for younger sisters, she arranged ideas in which dancing, songs, tricks and poems were included.

Looking at it, the elders gave daughter to a dramatic studio, and she made his debut on stage in the Annie musical performance. And studying at school, Christina went to castings for commercials and starred in the video for a company producing dry breakfasts.

Mother soon realized that her daughter could become an actress, and leaving her husband in Jersey, moved with children to Los Angeles. Then a divorce was drawn up, which influenced the biography of the girl, who threw offense and refused the name of Flores.

With documents in the name of Milian Christina came to television and became the leading show of Movie Surfers on the channel "Disney", and then the producer of Rodney Dzherkins accidentally heard her singing and offered to work in the studio to make a number of demo recordings.

Personal life

In the personal life of Christina's beauty, regularly having fun in a bathing suit, there were many men who caused a number of psychological injuries. So, after a gap with Nick Cannon, who changed his beloved, a girl with an increase in 157 cm lost weight to 48 kg.

Another man, from whom Milian gave birth to Violet's daughter, was a soul performer known under the pseudonym The-Dream. The couple played a wedding, but after 3 months it broke up, and a guy named Jes Prince appeared in the fate of the artist.

In mid-2015, a snapshot of the singer appeared in the "instagram" of the prestigious ceremony, which was accompanied by Lil Wayne, but after some time it turned out that her chosen one was M. Pokor. On January 20, 2020, the Son was born at the pair.


At the beginning of Professional career, Milian participated in collaborations with such popular performers as Ja Rule Rule and Jay Lo, and then concluded a contract with the Def Soul Records label and in October 2001 released a debut album.

Single with the original name A.M. To P.M., invented singer, got into the tops of European charts and conquered the Australian Billboard Hot 100, but in the US, the release was postponed for a while because of the events provoked by the collapse of the twin towers.

Waiting for the yield of Kristina's record, agreed to play the cinema and appeared in the episodes of the series called "stupid", having some acting experience after the comedy "American Pie".

In addition, the girl was leading in the game show on the music channel, where he met the director who was called Joseph Kan. He noticed the potential of the singer and gave her a role in the "torque moment", which narrated about the life of bikers and street gang members.

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Then Milian got the main role in the film Troy Beier "Love is worthless", which after the premiere liked critics and received a number of good reviews. But the actress decided to wait with the continuation of a successful career and, returning to the recording studio, released the second solo album.

IT's About Time, represented in Europe in July 2004, contained ballads and club tracks, one of which was Dip IT Low. Thanks to the club, this song was widely known and at home the singer immediately hit the Billboard hit parade. Its further promotion was facilitated by the nomination for the Grammy Prize in the categories "R & B-performer" and "best cooperation".

Thus, having received fame as a professional vocalist, Christina starred in the Comedy "Be Crucifier" with John Travolta and the mind of the turman. In the same period, its filmography was replenished with a project "steep and chicks", as well as Horror "Pulse", who told about the invisible invasion of aliens.

In 2010, Christina worked in a movie and on television in the projects of the grandfather of unwitting and "achievement: Bring to the end!". She starred with Vanessa Born and Cody Longo, who played students of the institution from East Los Angeles.

Christina Milian now

After the comedy "Huts of love", published in August 2019, as well as the producing of the series called Soundtrack, or Mixtape, Kristina planned to replenish the discography with a new album and singles, and now fans are looking forward to news from her.


  • 1999- "American Pie"
  • 2003 - "Love is worthless"
  • 2004 - "Torque"
  • 2005 - "Steep and Chicks"
  • 2005 - "Be cooler!"
  • 2006 - "Pulse"
  • 2009 - "Yes of Success: Bring to the end!"
  • 2013 - "issuance of rude"
  • 2015-2016 - "Grandfather Impaired"
  • 2016 - "Rocky Horror's Horror Show"
  • 2019 - "Love Hut"


  • 2004 - IT's About Time
  • 2006 - So Amazin '

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