Faith No More - Photo, Creation History and Composition, News, Songs 2021



Now the California Group Faith No More belongs to the legendary teams, which in the 20th century worked in the genre of metal rock. During the years of the creative career, she received a number of gold certificates, as well as the nomination at Grammy and MTV Music Video Awards.

The history of creation and composition

The author of the history of the Group began the drummer Mike Bordin, who during the years of school played the EZ-Street team. There he met a number of outstanding musicians, among whom was Metallica bassist and his future colleague Jim Martin.

After the reorganization of the youth team, who did not release anything outstanding, Mike, who received his nickname Paphi, decided to collect a new composition. In early 1981, he met Wade Worthington and Billy Gould, and then Mike Morris came to the team, which took responsibility for vocals.

The guys thought for a long time over the title that would glorify them in America, and, having sought a number of keen options, stopped on the phrase Faith No more. After 2 years since the meeting, they recorded several democompositions in the garage on non-professional equipment, which entered the debut album.

In the following years of active creativity, the composition of the group has repeatedly changed, and they included such performers as Chuck Mosley and Courtney Love. There was a period when Bordin collaborated with the old familiar Jim Maritin, but as a result, a more talented musician came to his place.

Now, after problems and crises, two participants remained from the bone of the team - Billy Gould on the bass guitar and Mike Paffi on the drums and backing vocals, and the rest of the top three of the established members of the group in 2009 were Roddi Bottum, John Hudson and Soloist Mike Patton.


Since the group was based in San Francisco, she had no difficulty finding a recording studio, and WE CARE A LOT debut album came out on the Mordam Records label. Before this, the musicians created the Single Quiet in Heaven / Song of Liberty, which, according to independent critics, was awarded 3 out of 5 stars.

In 1987, after the release of the 2nd plate, which was made in Los Angeles and was called Introduce Yourself, Faith No More took off the semi-professional video, which was shown on the music channel, and got into the UK to the Luxury list of Albums of the year.

It helped the promotion of a group that toured with Red Hot Chili Peppers and for 2 months a joint tour spoke more than 50 times in America. And then there were solo concerts in Europe, which allowed spreading cassettes with entries, which were attended by such songs as Chinese Arithmetic, Spirit and Blood.

Returning from trips to California, the musicians took up new material and at the beginning of 1989 presented the Album The Real Thing. In the record of all 11 tracks for the first time, Vocalist Mike Patton was participating, talented by a punctuary on the Black Sabbath called War Pigs.

Thanks to this song and the Epic Faith No More clip acquired popularity and received numerous awards of the Sounds and Kerrang publications!. And after the nomination for the Grammy Award and receiving the RIAA certificate, Mike Bordin and the company presented the Angel Dust plate.

In the middle and late 1990s, Faith No More worked in the style of hard-metal and replenished video archive and discography next to experimental and successful works. First, the musicians released the King For a Day plate ... Fool for a Lifetime, and then presented Album of the year with the songs of Helpless and She Loves Me Not.

After that, creative disagreements arose between the participants of the group, and in an interview with the American journals, Bordin said that he disselances the project. But in early 2009, the team in the new composition was revived and gave a full-scale concert in London.

For this, long-term tour was followed, which included a visit to a number of European countries, and a performance on rock festivals, including an event in Perm. But during this period, the group was not ready to continue the studio work, because there was no necessary attitude, as well as new texts and music.

In May 2014, a photo of Vocalist T-shirt Pattone and a message appeared in Twitter of the Groups and a message that soon the artists will present the 7th album. And after 12 months, the release of Sol Invictus took place, which included the MotherFucker scandalous track and the Ballad of the Rise of The Fall.

Faith no More now

In 2019, the Group did not show creative activity, but earlier a statement was made that a new album could appear. In "Instagram" and on the official website, text and photograph were published, where the musicians expressed hope to meet with the public in the near future.


  • 1985 - WE CARE A LOT
  • 1987 - Introduce Yourself
  • 1989 - The Real Thing
  • 1992 - Angel Dust
  • 1995 - King For a day ... Fool for a lifetime
  • 1997 - Album of the Year
  • 2015 - Sol Invictus


  • 1998 - Anne's Song
  • 1989 - Epic
  • 1992 - A SMALL VICTORY
  • 1993 - Another Body Murdered
  • 1995 - Ricochet.
  • 1995 - Evidence
  • 1997 - Ashes to Ashes
  • 1997 - Last Cup of Sorrow
  • 1998 - I Started A Joke
  • 2015 - Separation Anxiety
  • 2016 - Cone Of Shame

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