Huntavirus: what it is, symptoms, treatment, distribution, as transmitted


Anxious informational reason, which forced the inhabitants of the planet to shudge, became Huntavirus. In the news they reported that on March 24, 2020, the first fatal case was recorded in the province of Yunnan in the direction of the city of Shandong. Chinese doctors took tests from flight passengers. Is it worth worrying and what rules to stick to not to infect new ailment, in the material 24cm.

What is Hantavirus?

Huntavirus is a studied group of viruses, the diagnosis of which is not difficult. It causes diseases provoking the development of pulmonary syndrome in America, and in Europe and Asia - hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (GLPS).

For the first time with the disease, humanity collided in the 50s of the last century in Korea. And only in the 70s it was possible to identify the pathogen.

Huntavirus: what it is, symptoms and distribution

Virus carriers - rodents, more than mouse. "Mouse fever" also spread volatile mice, moles, earthying, burozzles. The transfer path is air-drip. Huntavirus comes to person when contacting animals, particles of which penetrate the respiratory tract, or when rodent bite, which happens less often.

According to Izvestia, Russia ranks second after China on the "mouse fever" caused by Huntavirus.

In 2019, the GLPS disease statistics amounted to 8635 sick Russians and 2 fatal cases. Last year, the disease was discovered from residents of Saratov, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod regions, as well as Udmurtia, Mordovia and Bashkortostan.


The incubation period of the hantavirus infection is 1-2 weeks. Symptoms of the disease at an early stage are similar to the signs of COVID-19. It may be ailment, fever, nausea.

In the future, the symptoms of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome near the diseaseds are manifested as follows:

  • back pain and stomach;
  • headaches;
  • chills;
  • impairment;
  • redness of face skin;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • renal failure;
  • polyorgan deficiency;
  • Formation of thrombus.

Diseases are more often susceptible to young men. The consequences of the disease can affect the quality of life. During the year, an asthenic syndrome has been observed at the "mouse fever".

Mortality from GLPS ranges from 1 to 15%. The press voiced 35% of mortality. In this case, we are talking about world statistics, where the lion's share of deaths falls on pulmonary syndrome common in America.

Distribution and treatment

An employee of the Institute of Biology Tyumu Nikolai Karpov emphasizes that the danger depends on the specific strain and state of the immune system. It is believed that Khantavirus is not transferred from person to man.

The risk is infected above in hot dry weather during hay and work with grass. Vulnerable can be called dachas that fall in the garden house in the fall. The virus with particles of feces and urine rodents dries, turns into dust and falls into the respiratory tract.

Huntavirus: what it is, symptoms and distribution

The outbreak of diseases is associated with antisanitia and landfills where unsubstituted food waste remain. The source of infection can be contaminated by the excrement of rodents food. Infection occurs when inhalation of particles through the nose and mouth or due to dirty hands.

The victims of infection are residents of the countryside, located next to the forests, fields or farms, where rodents were broken. There is no reason for the outbreak of the epidemic and panic in Russia.

Evgeny Tkachenko, head of the scientific direction of FC them. MP Chumakova stressed: "Undoubtedly, Huntavirus infects a smaller number of people than coronavirus. But the pandemic will pass, and the annual situation with hemorrhagic fever will remain. "

The sickness is recommended as soon as possible to apply to the medical institution and remain under the control of health workers, which, when increasing the alarming symptoms, will be able to translate into the separation of intensive therapy and conduct hardware support for the body.

"With inpatient treatment, as a rule, a person recovers," Sergey Nezetetov explains in an interview with Izvestia, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


In the spring and summer period is recommended to work with the ground in gloves. If rodents started in the house, then it is necessary to take measures to destroy infection carriers. Gardening sites should be released from the rubble and garbage, which attracts rodents.

In the long run, the populations of mice and a vaccine search, which will help to prevent infection in vulnerable groups of citizens.

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