Ivan Stankevich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Banker 2021



Former Civil husband Anna Semenovich Ivan Stankevich now appears not in the news of secular life, but in a criminal chronicle. The man is accused of participating in the corruption scheme.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography of the banker knows little. The estimated year of the birth of Stankevich - 1964. Ivan was born in an intelligent Moscow family, he was named after Santa.

Father Ivan - Doctor of Science, Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation, in 1995 he was elected a member of the National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Alexander Stankevich served as Deputy Director of the Drop Publishing House, specializing in the release of textbooks.

Personal life

Ivan's first wife was Tatiana - dancer, coach of the support group of the Khimki basketball team. A woman who celebrates his birthday on April 3 and graduated from the Russian University of Physical Culture, presented her daughter Anyu in 2005. In 2011, the marriage collapsed.

Soon the banker met Anna Semenovich. The singer moved to the apartment of Stankevich in the residential complex "Golden Mile". Ivan fell like a mother and grandmother Semenovich, who called the man's bride and a stone wall that brought positive changes to his granddaughter's personal life.

Lovers were preparing for the wedding, but broke up. The reason for the break, by rumors, was the jealous nature of Ivan. In memory of the novel, the joint photo of Stankevich and Semenovich remained.


Ivan graduated from the Moscow Mining University, which is now part of the research university (MISIS). Among the university graduates - politicians, Vladimir Resin and Gleb Choir, the translator of Evgeny Weisbrot, Boxers Adlan Abdarazdov and Nikita Ivanov, Poet Jan Shanli.

The career growth of the businessman contributed to the defense of Ivan in 2000 by the candidate dissertation in economics. In the study, Stankevich justified the mechanism of leasing of gold in the era of liberalization of the precious metals market.

Ivan Aleksandrovich, who was part of the board of directors of the Bank "New Time" and hearing a banker-patriot, did not led the page in "Instagram" and tried not to fade into the media. The only public event in which a man was lit, - Flashmob "Do not make my" Iskander "," designed to demonstrate the ironic attitude of Russians to international sanctions.

Ivan Stankevich now

The troubles for Ivan Alexandrovich began with the arrest of ex-colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko - Heads of the Security Service of GC "1520". The company engaged in railway construction, according to the prosecution, for bribes received huge orders from Russian Railways JSC.

The co-owner of the GC "1520" was a friend of Stankevich Boris Usherovich, and Ivan Alexandrovich provided a financial cover to the machinations. The investigation believes that as a result of the actions of the criminal group, Zakharchenko's condition increased by 2 billion rubles. Ushoreich and Stankevich were caused for interrogation, but did not appear and were wanted. In March 2019, Ivan Alexandrovich was sentenced to arrest.

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