Show "Voice. Children" Season 7 (2020): Fights, Meladze, Members, Member, Release of March 27


On the First Channel began a fight 7 seasons of the show "Voice. Children". Young participants enter the serious struggle for a place in the semifinals. Teams are divided into five triples, each of which appears in front of the judges. According to the results of the speech, the mentor should leave only one singer from each triple, and by the end of the transmission to reduce the number of its participants in the semifinals to two. Opened fights team Valery Meladze.

Who left, and who remained in the seventh release of the seventh season of the project, the names of the first semifinalists - in the material 24cm.

Trio "Luxury Hair": First Troika

As part of the first three team, Valeria Meladze was performed by Alisa Smirnov, Sophia Butamenok and Semen Smirnov. The guys are so similar to each other and harmonize together that Polina Gagarin offered to nick their trio "luxury hair"."You asked the mood to all the kids who are waiting for their turn," the artist was pleased.

Although the mentors unanimously recognized the speech by successful, Meladze still had to make a choice, and he did: in the semifinals passed Sofia Butames.

"Very truly": the second triple

According to Meladze, Troika Mirone Dovgan, Bogdan Heirulina and Sofia Fomenko looks funny, because they are different. Before the guys stood a difficult task: to prove that even such a variety of team can be harmonized, and with the help of the "Mammoth" composition, they still managed it:

"Very touching, very truly," Basta concluded.

The winner from the fight came out Fomenko Sofia.

"Distribution BozyBend": Third Troika

Artem Solon, Kirill Alexandrov and Timur Lezgishvili performed the song Everybody Group Backstreet Boys. As it turned out, in his youth, it was a favorite team of Polina Gagarina, and she even liked the "black", so she piled them to "heartbreaking boyzbend":"Oh, the boys, you returned me at the time of my youth," she admired.

The semifinalist became Kirill Alexandrov.

"Phenomenal": Fourth Troika

The fourth troika amounted to Varvara Museva, Kira Naumenko and Tumanova Sophia. They sang the song "The Same". Each of the girls has a unique and recognizable timbre, so it was difficult to determine the mentor. But the choice to do was in favor Sofia Tumanova.

"Girls, you conquered me. Just phenomenally, I congratulate you on a successful performance, "Gagarin praised.

"Zazhgli": Fifth Troika

Friends song in Fifth Troika performed Polina Groznov, Christina Siller and Arina Orlov. The manner of the execution of girls is pretty adult, but differs from each other."Girls, lit. I beg, tell me where you bought these sneakers? ", I did not hide the emotions of Polina Sergeevna.

Choosing Valery Shotaevich fell on Kristina Siller.

Song on departure

As part of the round "Song for the Departure", the participants had to fulfill their "qualifying" songs. According to the results of the competition, the Meladze team decreased to two people: Sofia Tumanova and Christina Siller.

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