Tulcy Gabbard - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Presidential Candidate 2021



American Tulsi Gabbard is known as a politician who nominated his candidacy for the presidential election. A woman with self-deed roots is a member of the Congress, an officer of the National Guard and a veteran of the Iraq war.

Childhood and youth

Tulsi Gabbard was born in the village of Leelalola, located in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, on the territory of the American Samoa. Her parents of mixed nationality, the former supporters of Hindu, before the wedding became legal residents and US citizens.

Father Mike Gabbard, a businessman and politician, in maturity switched to the Catholic faith, but he trained five daughters and sons to Krishnait Mantram. Mother Carol Porter consisted of a religious organization "Institute of Knowledge of Identity", but did not try to influence the spiritual education and further future of children.

In 1983, parents moved to Hawaii, where Tulsi, grew up with brothers and sisters, rarely left the family house. The girl received a home education on anyone not known reasons, so the items that were well known to others with difficulty knew.

In the biography published in the USA, it was said that the certificate of maturity The future presidential candidate was received in one of the Philippine schools. Many Americans believed that this information was published in order to give politics an impressive noble halo.

At an early age, Tulsi met with the ancient teachings of Elder Caitanya, and then examined the Bible with the commandments of Jesus Christ. In the ancient texts and the New Testament, the vera in humanity, sincerity and kindness was attracted equally.

As a result, before becoming a student of the Hawaiian Pacific University, Gabbard spiritually determined and decided to profess Hinduism. Religion, who supported the Universal God, located inside each of the living, inspired a sense of justice, faith in the future and optimism.

New views served as a reason for enrolling in the National Guard, after which Tulsi went to the volunteer on the American-Iraq war. In a medical shelf, housed in the epicenter of an armed conflict, a girl with honor supported citizens, with enthusiasm who beat the country.

After demobilization in the mid-2000s, the owner of the medal "for the commendable service" entered the Military Academy to get an officer rank. In the spring of 2007, Tulsi was noted by the title of lieutenant for outstanding successes among women and men.

The new status allowed the girl to complete an academic education and in parallel with this to become a commander of the division of police troops. Then there were service in the Middle East and participation in safety missions that demanded the maximum concentration and implementation of acquired qualities.

Then, in the career, Gabbard was a period of work in a military camp in Kuwait, and in the end she became the first woman who received the Order of the Government of this country. In America, for professionalism and courage, she was assigned the rank of captain, emphasizing that its achievements are useful and extremely important.

Personal life

In the youth of Tulsi Gabbard was considered a real beauty, with a height of 173 cm weighing 60 kg. With a flawless slim figure, it was not ashamed to seem in society in a skirt and publish photos in a swimsuit in the social networks "Facebook" and "Instagram".

In the personal life of the future candidate, the presidents were constantly attended by fans, and for the first time the girl married in the early 2000s. Unfortunately, marriage with Eduardo Tamayo, a mature and experienced man, soon collapsed without publicity, mutual accusations and rude words.

After the divorce, former spouses continued to support relationships. The chosen one was left sometimes sacrificed money for the political projects of the ex-wife. Tulsi did not burn about the past, with his head plunging into the work, her thoughts occupied a career and the future of native mills.

In the mid-2010, the matured and formed Gabbard met Abraham Williams, a man known in the world of cinema. The wedding on Oahu island took place after it turned out that lovers share the thoughts of each other and plan to act at the same time.

The operator who worked on the film on the Sidewalk in Waikiki did not worry the religious views of the spouse and her professional path. Judging by the reports in Twitter, the couple led a regular lifestyle and, despite the dense charts, allowed himself to relax.

Career and politics

A successful service in the American army made it possible to start a political career, and Gabbard, becoming a member of the Honolulu Council, entered the government circles. In the early 2000s, the girl participated in the election of the Congressmen of Hawaii, demonstrating that it was not afraid to make decisive steps.

The main rival on the debut primaries in the ranks of the Democratic Party of America was a former city chairlist named Muffy Khanmenhann. Gabbard received a percent of interest and fell into the Legislative Assembly, where faced with such concepts as intrigue, meanness and deception.

Solid moral beliefs helped Tulsi to maintain a reputation, and over time she began to be considered as a political star. In 2012 at the National Congress of Socialists and Liberals, a woman represented Barack Obama who led the country.

True, with time Tulsi, criticized the actions of the African American president and moved to Hillary Clinton, incorporated into the struggle for the supreme power. The performances against the terrorist organizations and the support from Donald Trump did not give young American politics to get off the road.

In the media, at that time, rumors were actively discussed that Gabbard will become the Minister of Defense or the permanent representative of Americans in the UN. Articles in the American newspaper "Gardian", which covered contacts with the authorities of the Republican, showed a woman in military uniform from the most favorable sides.

Bypassing popularity, a representative of the Democrats, represented by Hawaii's voters, declared serious intention to run for the presidency of the country. Because of the statements about the conflict in Syria Tulsi, called the "enemy of the establishment", because his thoughts were alien to opponents.

An unusual for party, the anti-war position made Gabbard's scandalous, and a personal meeting with Bashar Assad strengthened passions. Despite the way, opponents and colleagues attacked the participant in the conflict in Iraq, her election campaign was supported by thousands of American people.

Tulsi Gabbard now

At the beginning of 2020, Tulsi as a presidential candidate, participating in political debate, was put forward a number of interesting ideas. She boldly opposed Camala Harris, the California Prosecutor General, and immediately became the loved one of the Internet and the heroine of the news.

After some democrats dropped out of the struggle for a place in the White House, the chances of Gabbard at the victory have repeatedly increased. Now the woman does not think about the ratings and in an interview with American publications says that he is passionate about the processes in which it was involved.

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