Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky (characters) - Photo, "Auditor", Nikolay Gogol, characteristics of heroes


Character History

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky - Characters of the Gogol Comedy "Auditor". At the beginning of the book, these characters become the culprits of the pod, pointing to Ivan Klezlekov as an alleged auditor.

The history of the creation of characters

Nikolai Gogol in the instructions of actors who are going to play the "auditor", indicated that in order to understand the images of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, it is necessary to get sick "sap of curiosity" and "scabies of language". Characteristics of the heroes of how punished gossipants whose curiosity moves the plot, demanded that the performers of their roles were chosen "especially well": they had to be portrayed not just to chat, and people enjoying the lifestyle and see their main goal.

The names of the heroes do not contain hidden values. The comic effect is achieved by their rhymed consonance and the fact that they are similar to the sober: "Bob-app, Bob-app." There is also the opinion that Dobchinsky is from the word "add", because the hero incessantly interrupts and complements the speech of the buddy.

At the time of the author of the emphasis in both surnames were put on the second syllable, and not the first, as now, - their of Polish origin focused. This fact is confirmed by the poem of Peter Vyazemsky "Khlestakov", the rhythm and rhyme of which require that emphasis.

Biography and image of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky coincide with the names and patronymic - both are called Petri Ivanovichi. In addition, they are also very similar to externally, except for Dobchinsky a little "longer" and with the outlined Lysini: both are low in growth, continued and the roundabouts, dressed are dressed, with united hair.

Heroes - secured landowners. Belonging to the noble class allows them to be a relatively independent life, but in the depths of the soul they would like to be "cream of society" and belong to the official top to enjoy greater respect for fellow citizens. However, the financial situation of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky far from well-being: when Khlestakov brazenly demands that they are "loaning rubles rubles," both 65 rubles are barely scold in all pockets.

Dobchinsky, unlike a friend, a family man, but his marriage does not seem safe: according to the quotes of other heroes of the work, his wife secretly meets with the fate of Lyapkin-Tipkin, who even attributed to the paternity of his children. However, Petr Ivanovich himself hardly notices - he is so absorbed by rumors and gossip that he once thought about the moral appearance of the family.

Both landowners are distinguished by incredible chatty. Their craving for the collection and figurative retelling is gossiping the life of the provincial town, but they lack the scale. The cherished dream of Bobchinsky - so that the "Sovereign Emperor" and "Different Velmazb" in the capital will know about his existence. What he will be in their eyes, the hero does not care - the very fact that the hero's imagination will be excited about him and makes it a significant person in his own eyes.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, Pattern of Peter Boilevsky, 1910

That, to what extent, Pierce Bobchinsky and Peter Dobchinsky, emphasized with the scenes of their communication with the imaginary auditor. Both of them look at the horstykov from the bottom up and do not buy it with incredible requests: to report to the emperor, "legalize" of an illegitimate son. In addition, they bring a bribe, although, not being officials, do not need the favor of the auditor.

The characters are distinguished by a similar manner of talking - emotionally, patter, with exaggerated gesticulation. Both heroes do not just collect rumors, but also generously add paints, details and assumptions. Their stories are sistering by unnecessary details, proving that Bobchinsky, and Dobchinsky - ignorant inhabitants, greedy to news, discussing other vices and flaws. The infinite variety of their speech writer emphasizes that both landowners are to extremes empty people who themselves are not able to determine what is important and what is not.

By bringing the next news, the heroes feel at the height and enjoy public attention. Without this, the attitude of other actors to them is rather negligible. Feeling it, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky look and hypocrous enough.

Despite the fact that talkative landlords are perceived as a single character, and their names reader always recalls together, the characters are not identical. Dobchinsky not alien to some solidity; He considers the spread of rumors, he considers serious work, which increases its value in his own eyes. Bobchinsky is accustomed to the role of a clown, and because of the greater lively, he "takes the top" over the partner and even lens to some extent.

Both heroes study together, tell and watch, but in the course of the story it becomes clear that they are more rivals than friends. In order to first give officials to the news of the arrival of the checking, they are ready to overgrow each other pharynges. In the scene, when the characters explain to the city that Ivan Khlestakov - and there is the very auditor, they endlessly interrupt and criticize each other: everyone wants to enjoy a minute of attention, to feel their value.

In describing these two characters, the entire subtlety of the typological skill of Gogol is manifested. They are similar, but not identical; Their misstitution and rivalry played a fundamental role in the fatal self-deception of the district of the county town. In some sense, it can even be argued that if it were not for these two talkative gossip from the barely catchy differences in characters, the play events would not have happened.


One hundred years and cult Chervonetsev! Non-free outdoor, in a particular dress, there is a person walking around the room, and in the face of a sort of reasoning ... Provided, God, for forty deadlines!


  • 1836 - "Auditor"


  • 1933 - "Auditor"
  • 1949 - "Auditor"
  • 1952 - "Auditor"
  • 1977 - "Incognito from St. Petersburg"
  • 1982 - "Auditor"
  • 1996 - "Auditor"

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