Enver Khoja - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Albania



Enver Khoja - the long-term ruler of Albania, who has passed the way from the revolutionary to Tirana. The descendants of the dictator sacrifice cannot decide what politician has more priced - good or evil.

Childhood and youth

Enver was born in 1908 in the family of Bektashi - followers of the Sufi Order, combining Islam with elements of Christianity. Malaya Motherland Khoji is a city of GyroCara, in which about 30 thousand people now live.

Ever Father traded fabrics, about the level of life of the family, you can judge the three-storey house, in which the children's and youthful years have passed the policy, and for the fact that the guy has not hurried to grow up and make money independently. In the summer of 1930, the young man graduated from a lyceum in the Albanian city of Korch and entered the French University of Montpellier. Like Joseph Stalin, in the youth of Hody wrote poems.

In France, Enver met with the leader of the Communists Maurice Torez, writers of Henri Barbus and Louis Aragon. From the first university, I was expelled, according to Albanian historiography, for the commitment of communist ideas, and in the opinion of opponents - for gouli and absenteeism, but Albanian entered the second - Brussels Free University.

Enver entered into French, and in the Belgian Communist Party, published articles in the "Yumat", in which Stalin admired and threw Trotskyists and Bukharinsky. After returning to Hody's homeland, he headed the communist cell in the garbage.

In 1938, the Albanian Bolshevik studied in the capital of the USSR at once in two institutes - Marxism-Leninism and foreign languages. A month after arrival in Moscow, Enver met with the leader of all nations.

Personal life

Even the opponents of Khoji do not deny that Enver had a model appearance. High, possessing a charming smile, and in youth, judging by the photo, and a thick chapel, the leader walked with an exemplary family man.

With the future wife, the Nead Enver met, still being a guerrilla. The girl had a nickname fragile. The like-minded people played a wedding on the first day of 1945. Three children were born in the couple - the daughter of the Fringer and Sons Ili and Falcon.

The non-Zhaga, the main ideologist of Socialist Albania, has been led since 1966 by the National Institute of Marxism-Leninism and the Higher Party School. After the death of Enver, his wife fell into opala, and then spent 5 years in the Tirana women's prison.

According to the sources of the Commerce's edition, the lack of the Version of Enver Khoja Row Merena marriage is due not to the high ethical principles of the Albanian leader, but by the fact that politician was fond of young men-officers. The dictator, who forbidden to owned by the owned cars, went to the six hundred "Mercedes", and his personal palace-bunker had 106 rooms.


After the occupation of Albania, the Italian troops of Hody headed the partisan movement. In the tobacco shop, located in Tiran and owned by Hoj, passed the collections of the Communists.

Albania has become the only European country that drives the fascists without the introduction of the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition. Khoja was present at the Moscow Parade of Victory.

The Soviet Union took part in the Industrialization of Albania, the construction of roads, factories, hospitals and schools. Help the proud mountainous country also provided Yugoslavia. However, the state led by Tito by Iplar Brozom, planned to absorb Albania.

In 1947, Enver headed the party coup and became the head of his country's Communist Party. The first state with whom Albania was raised was Yugoslavia.

The gap with the Soviet Union occurred after the arrival of Nikita Khrushchev arrived in power, which caused Khoja rejection as antistinism and incorrect replicas during a visit to Tiran. Nikita Sergeevich said that the Soviet mice eat more provisions than Albanians. "Khrushchevets" became an official cursue in Albania.

Albanians, who studied in the Soviet Union under Stalin came to Opal. Their Soviet wives and husbands concluded in Albania in prison. The arrests and executions were generally common in the Ever Koji state. Repressions were subjected to every third resident of Albania. According to the example of Stalin Khoja arranged party cleaning. In the state treason, Enver accused even the nearest associate, Comrade for the partisan struggle of Mehmet Shehu.

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Khoja forbade citizens to own cars and pianos, wear jeans, listen to rock and jazz. Albania is the only country in the world in which any religion is officially forbidden.

In addition to Khoja and Stalin, the Balkan state glorified Skanderbeg - the hero of the national liberation struggle against Turkish conquerors. The biography of Albanian who lived in the XV century, in the years of cooperation with the Soviet Union, was based on a film in which Yuri Yakovlev debuted.

The policy of isolationism led to the construction of bunkers in Albania. One protective structure accounted for every five Albanians.

At the same time, the population of Albania has grown from one and a half to three and a half million people, and literacy levels - from 5% to 98%. In 1960, Enver canceled income tax. If the citizen of Albania died, the family received the payment in the amount of annual salary or the pension of the deceased.


In recent years of life, Enver suffered a series of microinsults and microindarkt. The situation aggravated diabetes, which hogzha suffered from youth. In 1983, Enver was departed from affairs. Albania began to lead the successor to Khoji Ramiz Alia.

The politician who ruled the poorest country of Europe at Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev, died when Mikhail Gorbachev was already the leader of the USSR. The cause of the death of the dictator on April 11, 1985 was hemorrhage into the brain.

On a farewell ceremony, the Albanian leadership only made the delegation of states that retain the commitment to Marxism-Leninism. Khoji's grave was originally in the memorial cemetery of the heroes of the nation in Tirana (the funeral took place in October 1985). However, in 1992, Enver body exguted and reburied on the public cemetery on the outskirts of the Albanian capital.


Dictator's daughter, along with her husband, Colanech's Clemente designed the Museum of Enver Khoji in Tirana, called Mausoleum. During the war in the Balkans in a building that resembles a pyramid, NATO headquarters were located. Now the structure is used as an exhibition hall. Part of the premises is given to the television center, the part is clipped. The monument to the Enverra, who was standing on Skanderbeg Square in Tirana, was demolished in 1991.

In the work of the laureate of the Berechovskaya Award Countryman Khoji Ismail Cadar "Farewell Gift Evil" Albanian leader is identified with Satan. Interestingly, during the reign of Enver the same author foaming the main Albanian in the "Save Winter" novel, filmed in 1979, called "face to face".

Khoja is mentioned in the works of George Amanda "Coastal Swimming" and Vasily Aksenova "Island of Crimea". In 2010, the EXMO Algorithm publisher issued the book Enver "Khrushchev killed Stalin twice."


  • 1976 - "Khrushchevtsy"
  • 1977 - "APT in the fight against Khrushchev revisionism"
  • 1979 - "Imperialism and Revolution"
  • 1979 - "Reflections on China"
  • 1982 - "On literature and art"
  • 1983 - "Titovtsy. Historical Notes "
  • 1984 - "Reflections on the Middle East. 1958-1983. From a political diary "

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