How to protect yourself from Coronavirus: Masks, Antiseptic, do it yourself, Lifehak


Against the background of anxiety for health in the COVID-19 pandemic conditions, the population was puzzled by the purchase of masks and antiseptic fluids. However, the excitement wave led to a deficit in pharmacies. How to protect yourself from coronaivirus with the help of remedies - in material 24cm.

Masks do it yourself

Proven tools with proven efficacy include marlevic tissue masks and gauze bandages, known from the courage. In emergency situations, improvisation with a scarf cloth will help.

According to infectiousists, a disposable mask made of four layers of gauze is able to protect against the penetration of viral particles for two hours. It is not recommended to soak the material by antiseptic or essential oils. A mechanical barrier is important to protect.

In the case of an infection that is transmitted by air droplets, it is worth bothering about eye protection. You can use glasses without diopters or sunglasses.

Reusable means of protection create and reusable means. For this, the bandage or gauze is folded in 16-32 layers. It is recommended to sew 10-12 masks at once to change the product throughout the day every two hours. After use, they are erased with soap or washing powder, it is possible with the addition of "whiteness". Experts argue that when washing the fiber of gauys will cover the pile, which will increase the area of ​​the protecting surface.

In addition to masks, tissue bandages are suitable, which also change every two hours or during wetting.

Alternative ways of protection with unproved efficiency

Popular methods of protection against coronavirus on Youtyub-channels include bandages on the face of paper towels or toilet paper.

For making masks, it will be necessary:

  • paper base;
  • Scotch;
  • rope;
  • scissors.

Paper towel or toilet paper are folded in three layers, you can slightly thicker. In the center of the mask make a fold. The side edges glue with a scotch, pre-putting on the adhesive part of the rope.

The improvised bandage can be folded from household napkins that are sold in rolls. Tear away the two fabric sheets, launch paper napkins or toilet sheets between them. Fold the harmonic harvest. Elastic bands for bills will fasten the edges of the dressing. And make a loop from the gum to fix the dressing on the ears. Hold the product on the nose and ensure the tight fit of the mask to the face will help the glasses.

How much improvised protection will last - it is significant unknown.

Antiseptic with their own hands

In medical circles, the economic soap is considered the best disinfectant at home. As a Lifehak in spring 2020, the filling of empty containers taken from the house, gel from the dispenser installed in a public place.

As the basis of the self-made sanitizer, which will protect against coronavirus, is taken by alcohol or alcohol with a fortress of at least 70 degrees.

Method of manufacture No. 1

Mix in clean dishes 800 ml of alcohol or strong alcohol, 20 ml of water and 42 ml of hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy.

Method of manufacture number 2

If the alcohol-containing fluid is a bit, then you can take 50 ml of medical alcohol and 30 ml of glycerin. Components mix and store in a closed container.

On the Internet, recipes are given, where the basis is technical fluids, which is undesirable to use.

Alternative methods with unproved efficiency

Experts warn that liquids that consist of vodka, essential oils and do not contain a sufficient number of alcohol-containing agents with a strength of more than 70 degrees, may be ineffective.

Method of manufacture number 3

Mixed in a clean capacity of 1 tbsp. Water spoon, 5 tbsp. Spoons of vodka, 5 drops of lavender oil and 5 g chlorhexidine from the pharmacy. In order for the liquid to acquire antiviral activity, the solution is required to insist.

Method of manufacture number 4

As the basis, you can take a alcohol chamomile tincture or calendula. Then mix 50 ml of water, 50 ml of alcohol or tincture from the pharmacy, 30 ml of glycerin, 5 drops of essential oil.

The antiseptic properties of laurel oil, which can be protected from coronavirus steel for lovers of traditional medicine. Recommended 2-3 drops. Facilities apply to hands and rub.

Important: Children under 7 years old is contraindicated.

Other ineffective protection methods

1. With reference to various sources in the network, fake information is distributed about that hot drinks should be used during the day (broths, tincture, water), since the temperature above 27 degrees acts on the virus is destroyed.

2. Also leads the advice to make every 15 minutes a sip of water, which will help to hold a virus in the stomach, where it is destroyed by gastric acid.

3. To people's ways are attributed to infrared and teas that strengthen immunity.

4. For ironic recipes, Folloviers include garlic whose smell will scare around.

5. As an alternative advice for prevention, chicken soup, green bean dishes, onions are recommended.

False ideas about the prophylactic of coronavirus infection regularly refutes on social networks and on the official website of the World Health Organization.

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