Quarantine in Tatarstan: It is forbidden that it is possible, fines, self-insulation


Updated April 19.

Week from March 30 to April 5 was declared weekend in Russia by decree of the president. According to the example of Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, the authorities of Tatarstan introduced a special regime of self-insulation in the republic from March 30 due to the deterioration of the situation on coronavirus in the country. The fact that Tatarstan is closed on Quarantine, announced the Deputy Prime Minister Leila Phazleev.

As of April 19 in the Republic of Tatarstan registered 191 cases of contamination with coronavirus infection. 25 patients were recovered and discharged home, the rest are in medical institutions under the supervision of doctors. Their state is satisfactory.

To what date quarantine will last unknown. Obviously, the measures taken will act indefinitely, before improving the epidemiological situation in the region and the Russian Federation as a whole. More about quarantine in Tatarstan and about the situation in the republic - in the material 24cm.

What is allowed during quarantine

Leave the housing during quarantine Tatarstan are allowed after receiving special codes or permits. Skip to access the service can be obtained at the facilities at the place of work, or by registering on a special Internet portal by making the name and home address. A message will come to the mobile phone, which will help identify the personality and place of stay during the self-insulation regime.

To exit the house to visit the trial, hike to the hospital, participation in the funeral, traveling to the cottage, mail or bank, or in other cases, residents of the republic are sent Free SMS to number 2590 indicating the goal of moving. The answer will receive a message with the code and the resolution time.

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Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Dacha trips are possible if the country house becomes the place of self-isolation during quarantine. It is forbidden to invite neighbors to visit your site.

To leave the house during the action of self-insulation regime, citizens of Tatarstan without codes and passes are allowed only in emergency cases and situations of extreme necessity, such as buying products and drugs, treatment for medical care, dog walking, the removal of household garbage.

In grocery stores, pharmacies and on the street, citizens of the republic it is recommended to comply with the social distance of 1.5 meters to reduce the risk of disseminating infection.

Taxi services are allowed to use taxi services. Displacement on personal transport is possible in case of extreme need.

Fishermen and hunters can engage in their passion alone.

In Tatarstan schools, as well as throughout the country, quarantine has been introduced from March 23 for 3 weeks. Children's gardens of children are allowed to drive at the request of parents.

A detailed procedure for moving citizens will be determined in the near future. For violators, the authorities will establish fines and punishments.

Basic bans during quarantine

Bans concern the movements of citizens in the city. Residents of the region are prohibited from leaving the place of self-isolation without a valid reason. It is forbidden to be in the parks and forestarks in the residents of the region from March 30.

Earlier, cafés, restaurants, cinemas, beauty salons and other public places and institutions were closed by a quarantine decree.

Also from April 1, inter-municipal passenger transportation is canceled in the republic. The movement of urban public transport is limited in Kazan and other cities of Tatarstan. Residents of the region are advised not to leave the republic and do not go to other cities of the Russian Federation without acute necessity.

Penalties for quarantine

In the event that a citizen who is not infected with coronavirus will violate the self-insulation regime, it faces a fine of 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

Officials for violation of the regime will suffer punishment in the form of a fine from 50 to 150 thousand rubles, the company and the Jurlitz - from 200 to 500 thousand rubles or stopping activities for a period of a month.

If the actions of a person suffered harm to the health or death of another person by negligence, the fines are increasing almost twice. An ordinary citizen will have to pay from 150 to 300 thousand, the official - from 300 to 500 thousand, and the Jurlitsa - from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles.

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