Kevin Levron - Photo, Biography, Bodybuilding, Personal Life, News 2021



Kevin Lebrone is called the Maryland Muscular Machine, and it is not surprising, because now he is rightfully the title of one of the outstanding bodybuilders in the entire history of bodybuilding. He conquered fans not only with its steel muscles, which undoubtedly cause admiration, but also an incredible force of character.

Childhood and youth

Kevin was born in the American city of Baltimore, Maryland, in the summer of 1965, the first years of the boy's biography were held there. His mother was an African American, and his father is an Italian. In addition to Levron, parents raised five more children. At 10, he lost his father and worried about this. In a noisy house it was difficult for him to retire with his own thoughts, because he began to play sports.

Gradually, life began to be, Kevin graduated from school, and then college. After began to make a career in construction, opened his own business. At the age of 24, he was waiting for the second blow of fate - the mother of Luron dies from cancer. The guy moved his mountain to the gym, where he drove hard until his strength was completely finally. From that moment on, Bodybuilding has entered his life tightly.

Personal life

About the personal life of the bodybuilder little is known. According to some information, his wife became Bodybilder Juliet Bergman. The woman is also a long time in this sport and has succeeded in it.

Levron has a page in "Instagram", where a man is divided with subscribers with fresh photos. These are mostly pictures made by him in the gym during training.


The first significant successes in Bodybuilding Levon began to show already 25 years. It is no secret that it used steroids to achieve the necessary forms. At that time, many applied this technique for the rapid increase in muscle mass, including the multiple champion Mr. Olympia Dorian Yats. In 1990, Kevin spoke at the state championship. Make it, his friends persuaded, and the athlete won. And a year later I took the 1st place at the National Championship of America, leaving the strong rival of Flex Willer behind. In the first years of professional speeches, the merit of Lebrone marked not one dozen times. In his youth, he won prizes on the "Nights of Champions", San Francisco Pro and in other tournaments.

In 1997, Kevin spoke at the Arnold Classic competition, which organized Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1988. When height 178 cm Kevin had a weight of 130 kg. Such an indicator and general physical condition allowed him to take only the 8th place. For Levron, it became disappointment, the man justified himself, telling that because of the business he could no longer pay for training. A year later, at the Competition "Mr. Olympia" tried to rehabilitate, but this time did not take a prize room. But in 2001 he got on the 3rd line of the same competition, then he was bypassed only Ronnie Klamen and Ja Cutler.

The following years, Levon was no longer engaged in Zheno, and in 2003, and at all declared the termination of the speeches, told the press that he intends to make a career as a musician. At that time, he owned a part of the WORLD GYM sports club, and deciding to commit suicide, even put up for sale his share of shares. But soon recalled the proposal, and at the same time bought the remaining part among another owner, becoming the sole host of the institution. Then Kevin stated that the music would remain passion for him, so he returned to Bodybuilding.

However, speeches continued not long. After participating in the "Show of Power - 2003", he stopped participating in tournaments, devoting himself to the actor. Periodically rumored rumors that Levon will return to the sport, which remained no more than conversion reporters. The next time he appeared in competitions after many years, it was "Mr. Olympia" in 2016, where the man took only the 16th place, and Arnold Classic in 2018. There he coped a little better and hit the 13th position.

Kevin Leon now

Now Levon is managing the training halls in Baltimore and Maryland and every year arranges his own competition "Classic". In 2019, they took place in November. Celebrated means A man sends to the Fund to help with sick children who created in memory of the dead parents.

Kevin also sells protein bars, which are saturated with protein and fiber.


  • 1991 - Heavyweight, 1st place on Nations - NPC, Heavyweight, Absolute Winner Nations - NPC
  • 1992 - 3rd place on Chicago Pro Invitational, 1st place on Night of Champions, 2nd place at Mr. Olympia
  • 1993 - 1st place on Grand Prix Germany
  • 1994 - 1st place on "Arnold Classic", 1st place on Grand Prix France
  • 1995 - 1st place on Grand Prix Germany, 2nd place at Mr. Olympia
  • 1996 - 1st place at Arnold Classic, 3rd place at Mr. Olympia
  • 1997 - 2nd place at Arnold Classic, 1st place on Grand Prix Spain
  • 1998 - 2nd place on Grand Prix Germany, 1st place on San Francisco Pro invitational
  • 1999 - 2nd place on Arnold Classic, 3rd place on Grand Prix England
  • 2000 - 3rd place on Arnold Classic, 2nd place on Mr. Olympia
  • 2001 - 1st place on Grand Prix England, 3rd place at Mr. Olympia
  • 2002 - 2nd place at Mr. Olympia
  • 2003 - 3rd place on Show of Strength Pro Championship

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