The longest bridges of Russia: Length, where is, top


The person from prehistoric times was uncpendless in his own desire for the knowledge of the world, but, unfortunately for the ancient travelers, natural barriers made it difficult to make this educational process: over time, ships and aircraft appeared, allowing to overcome the sea and oceans, and the rivers stretched over the mountains and waters Bridges. The designs of both the last and first years have been improved since the years: one of the wooden loosens and coarse gliders were transformed into the wonders of engineering thought, able to overcome thousands of nautical miles, the second, at first, at best, the fallen tree, stretched for hundreds of kilometers as built in China Danyan-Kunshan Viaduct, whose length is 165 thousand meters.

But not only abroad there are impressive engineering structures - about the longest bridges in Russia will tell Article 24cm.

What are bridges

When it comes to what bridge in Russia is the longest, for the mind, the majority of people come monumental structures, built using the latest technologies and hundreds of tons of building materials, for which car flows are rushing and the railway compositions are torn. However, there are also other representatives of the type of engineering facilities under consideration of the type of engineering facilities, which are also distinguished by their own length.

Typographic Most

The typographic bridge was built in 2016 and is located in the Vladimir region, in the city of Kirzhach. This construction of 555 meters long, stretching through the village of the river that is called the same place, is considered the longest wooden pedestrian bridge in Russia, which is confirmed by the Certificate of the Russian Book of Records.

Typographic Most

Before the construction of the typographic bridge, which was called, thanks to the main sponsor of his construction, the local printing house, the place of the domestic record holder on the length among the pedestrian structures made from the tree was occupied by the architectural structure established in Beloretsk, created in 1935. The length of the Beloretsky bridge was 552 meters, a little yielding to the new "title owner", but in 2019 there was a collapse of the portion of the spans, and at the moment the status of a structure representing architectural and historical value remains uncertain.


It would be incomplete to the top of the longest bridges in Russia without mentioning built in 2014 in Sochi suspended pedestrian "Skybridge". The design of a length of 439 meters, connecting the opposite edges of the Akhtyn gorge, is located at an altitude of 207 meters above the water - the valley of the Mzmitt River is located below.

Up to 2018, when a 494-meter Europabrücke stretched over a grabengufer break in Switzerland, this construction was rightfully occupied the place of the longest suspension bridge not only in Russia, but also in the world. True, it is worth noting that a bridge that fisked from the first positions, known as "European", is located at an altitude of only 85 m. Yes, and the third place the Austrian 406-meter Highline179 from the ground is removed only by 110 m.

"Main cast"

Having become acquainted with the pedestrian bridges of the country, able to surprise their own length, it's time to go to the rest, whose sizes are impressive even more.

Big Obukhovsky Most

Opens the top of the longest in Russia erected in St. Petersburg and frequently referred to as local residents for the design features simply "Vants" the big Obukhovsky bridge, the length of which is 2884 meters. The overpass connects the October embankment with Obukhovsky Defense Avenue. It is not one in fact, but two bridges with the opposite direction of movement of the vehicles erected next to each other.

Big Obukhovsky Most

Due to the fact that the Big Obukhovsky Bridge, towering over the water of the Neva 30 meters, unlike other St. Petersburg bridges, does not divorce, the maximum allowed height of the vessels moving in this direction was reduced by 10 meters compared with previous tolerances. Since 2003, the "Museum of the Vote Bridge" functioned at the construction site, after the end of work in 2008, transferred to the Red Selo.

Russian Most

Built specifically to the Russian bridge held in 2012, held in 2012, stretched through the Bosphorus Vescent, became the owner of the rectors at once:
  1. Vladivostok overpass - the world's longest vest bridge, the length of which is 3 kilometers of 100 meters.
  2. The bridge connecting Russian island with Nazimov's Peninsula, the highest pylons - 324 meters.
  3. The design is distinguished by the world's largest span for guy bridges - 1104 meters.

Although the question of the construction of the path through the Strait was raised repeatedly, starting from the 30s of the last century, the work on the creation of the bridge was started only in 2007, ending in August 2012. At the time of construction, the construction was unique both in terms of technical specifications and the complexity object for Russian bridge buildings.

Khabarovsky Most

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1916, in the city of Khabarovsk, the bridge stretched across the Amur River and marked the end of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway Mainer. He was named "Alekseevsky" - in honor of the heir to the Russian imperial throne. Now this construction is known as a Khabarovsky bridge or, in the surroundings, "Amur Miracle".

Amur miracle

Until the 90s of the last century, the bridge was exclusively Railway Highway - only in 1992 the reconstruction began, which allowed seven years later to open the overpass and car traffic. The length of the structure that is familiar to all Russians through the image on the five-thousandth bill of the Bank of Russia, - 3891 meters.

Bridge over Jurieuri

But the bridge across the Yuriuri River, which proceeds in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, opened in June 2009, provides for the movement of only railway transport. It is in the first place in the world in length among bridge transitions built for the polar circle - the length of the overpass is 3893 meters. The design of the project is unusual in that due to the peculiarities of the soils with the presence of soft clay soils and permafrost in the location of the construction of the construction, instead of reinforced concrete supports, steel pipes were used.

Builders met in 349 days, which is considered a record indicator for such structures.

De Friz - Cedanka

Opened in 2012 in Vladivostok Bridge across the Amur Bay is also included in the top of the longest in Russia. The overpass with a length of 4.3 kilometers, allowing to significantly reduce the time costs of the road to the airport, connects two Peninsula - Muravyov-Amur and De Fris - and employs 80 spans. On the construction of the design, for the lighting of which the new type LED lights were used, which ensure energy savings, it took three years - the works continued from November 2009 to August 2012.

Like a bridge over the Bosphorus, this erected overpass built in Vladivostok was built to the APEC-2012 summit, which was held, according to the agreement from 2007, on the island of Russian.

Presidential Bridge

A bridge overlooked through the Volga River in Ulyanovsk, although it has a length of 5.8 km, but not only not only with this parameter. It is much more curious that the construction was built on 23 years instead of the scheduled 9: the work initiated in 1986 ended with the discovery only in 2009. During the construction of the project, called the "Presidential Bridge", managed to make not one head of state: laid after the last Secretary General, transformed into the first president of the destroyed USSR, Gorbachev, the overpass through the Kuibyshev reservoir "was built" and at the first President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin, but was Frozen due to lack of financing. In fact, work started only in 2002, with Putin, and Viaduct Medvedev and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev were opened.

Presidential Bridge in Ulyanovsk

An unprecedented delay during construction led to the rise in the cost of the project by 14 billion rubles, and the final cost of the presidential bridge was 38.5 billion.

North and South Owls of St. Petersburg

8795 and 9378 meters are the length of the northern and southern overpass of the western high-speed diameter of the city of St. Petersburg, respectively. The ZSD is a paid car highway through the North Capital of the country, the construction of which began in 2005 - December 4, 2016, the opening of the last queue took place.

Both parts of the overpass, in addition to the land viaduct, include 2-running bridge over the water: South - through a ship carvater and sea channel, North - through Elagin and Petrovsky Farvathers.

Crimean Most

Thanks to the active lighting of the construction of a bridge over the Kerch Strait in the media, the answer to the question of where the longest bridge is located in Russia is obvious to any resident of the country. The order regarding the construction of a grand constructure must comply with the mainland state with the Crimean Peninsula, bypassing the Ukrainian territory, was given in 2014. The first stage of the Crimean bridge, which is a 16.9 km long car, running on 35 m above the water, completed in May 2018. The movement along the first overpass of the railway line with a length of 18.1 km discovered in December 2019 for passenger trains - cargo compounds will receive permission to move on the bridge only from July 2020.

Crimean Most

According to the creators, thanks to the latest technological solutions, the Crimean Bridge will not require repair in the nearest hundred years. The talisman of the engineering structure is the cat named the bridge, which appeared at the facility in 2015, and the design of the structure repeats the colors of the flag of Russia.

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