Olga Venikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sometimes there are weighty benefits from user comments on social networks. Thanks to the fans of Actress Olga Venikova, he learned that in some photos she looks like Amanda Michelle Seibride, and on other and at all reminds young Sarah Connor from the Terminator. Those who are closely familiar with the relatives of celebrities, argue that she is poured mom. By the way, it is often noted in the "Instagram" of the artist and its colleague Anastasia Ukolov.

Childhood and youth

In the penultimate day of June 1992, the writer Irina Savrin presented her husband - film director Dmitry Venikov's daughter Olya. Despite the fact that later parents divorced, the girl managed to preserve close relationships and with his father, and with his mother. On the personal page in Facebook, she often publishes photos of the favorite people, including archival, accompanying them by entertaining stories.

For example, under a black and white snapshot laid out in 2018, where adults, happy and young, smiling widely in a frame, sitting at a festive table, an artist explained:

"So my favorite foolies are my parents. As a child, I told them the story that I bought them in a special store, where all the kids choose their mother and dad. Now, I grew up and I know that these two perfectly tried and gave birth to me at the finest time of the year! "

The signature ended with gratitude for life, better childhood, travel, sparkling humor and correct guidelines.

Also periodically and in "Instagram" is a place for biographical stories.

On May 9, 2019, the celebrity devoted a huge post of untimely left Prababuska Evgenia. After her death, Olga found a small suitcase on the mezzide, full of military letters. It became known that the relatives of the woman spread over the entire Soviet Union, in the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, her father was missing, and Brother died in Leningrad's blockade.

In the same brand, the brand Zuckerberg states that several secondary schools remained at the shoulders at once - Moscow Schools No. 1230 and No. 123 and the Language Master-Class School. The knowledge gained in them was enough for the last time to conquer the famous "chips" and be under the wing of Boris Klyuev.

Personal life

In November 2019, Venikova willingly worked with Elena Sokolova - a representative of the information portal "NDN. Info. Moreover, the topic of the conversation concerned not to the creative biography and new roles in the cinema, and the power rules, cooking and taste preferences.

From the same interview, readers learned that the artist lived separately from the parents from 17 years and was civil marriage with the boyfriend Savoy. In 20 years, the girl took his proposal of his arms and hearts.

The couple looked happy, driving a lot, bringing stylish photos from recreation, among which the photographs of celebrities in a swimsuit were especially distinguished. In July 2019, judging by the information on social networks, the final breakdown came in their personal life - the spouses were divorced.

As for the favorite dishes, Olya for breakfast is often racking with omelet, glazing and pashota egg. Or makes a bet on the "lazy oatmeal", pouring flakes from the evening with cold milk with the addition of berries, nuts and cinnamon.

Guests are ready to treat his adorable paste, do not be embarrassed to dream with additives - mushrooms, shrimps in a creamy sauce, etc. But with soups, the property did not work out: a former husband did not particularly complain all sorts and borsch, but the actress assured that If necessary, this item is easily tightened.

Slender blue-eyed beauty (height 167 cm with weight 47 kg) a lot of advantages. She plays the piano and easily copes with driving a car, owns the English language and two types of dances (folk and modern). And it does not forget about sports, doing progress in fencing, figure skating and yoga.


Flashing in the episodes of three projects (among them and "university. New dorm"), a beginner actress received a major role in the Russian-Belarusian melodrama "Driving School".

The following noticeable works were the series "Hotel" Eleon ", where Olya struck by a virtuoso reincarnation to the Maid Yana, and Ivanov-Ivanov, where they played a tutor in English.

Throwing out in the "last bogatyr" and "Call Dicaprio!", Venikova agreed to the proposals of the directors and transformed into Lero in "Pekar and Beauty" and Maria in the "stephide". In 2019, the filmography was replenished at once with several movie recorders: in "I am looking for you", the artist starred together with Anna Ardova and Kirill Doublesich, and in "On different shores" - with Alexander Konstantinov.

"The most difficult thing about" on different shores "is a large number of scenes per day. Everything is very emotionally: first you cry, then you laugh, then cry again. So everywhere, of course. In principle, such mood drops are complex, but this is an acting profession. By evening, you're emotionally squeezed, "the celebrity shared in an interview.

Before leaving headed to the cinema, the graduate of the Mikhail Shchepkin WTU from May 8, 2010 to October 7, 2012 was listed as part of the Small Theater. In the metropolitan temple of Melpomena, she was lucky to go on stage in the play "Twelfth Night", "Three sisters" and "mysterious box".

Olga Venikova now

At the end of March 2020, the audience TNTs and users of the PREMIER online platform were met with the new Master's Mysterious film "Call Center", one of whose main characters was Venikov. To the premiere, the project was not suitable with empty hands. In September 2019, the work was presented at the II Festival of TV series "Pilot" and took from there a prize in the nomination "Best Scenario".

In August 2020, the actress took congratulations on the output of the "goalkeeper of the Galaxy", and also turned out to be involved in "his land".


  • 2013 - "Survive after"
  • 2014 - "University. New dorm
  • 2015 - "Mafia: Survival game"
  • 2016-2017 - "Eleon Hotel" "
  • 2017 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"
  • 2017 - "Last Bogatyr"
  • 2018 - "Driving School"
  • 2018 - "Call Dicaprio!"
  • 2019 - "I am looking for you"
  • 2019 - Call Center
  • 2019 - "Step"
  • 2019 - "Baker and Beauty"
  • 2019 - "On different shores"
  • 2019 - "Smered"
  • 2020 - "Galaxy Goalkeeper"

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