Coronavirus in St. Petersburg 2020: Cases, Situation, Illness, Latest News


Updated April 29.

After the announcement of WHO on March 11, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and the penetration of SARS-COV-2 to Russia, residents of the country are concerned about the statistics of the spread of a new virus. The editorial office 24cmi has prepared material on coronavirus in St. Petersburg, which measures have taken the authorities of the cultural capital and the latest news related to the situation.

Cases of coronavirus infection in St. Petersburg

The first official case of Coronavirus in St. Petersburg found on February 27, 2020, said In the northwest medical supervisate them. Mechnikov from Italy, the guy arrived under the student exchange program. In Pulkovo, a young man measured the temperature and missed freely. On March 2, he appealed to the clinic with the symptoms of ARVI. Collecting anamnesis, the doctors decided to hospitalize student in the Botkin hospital, where the Coronavirus test was positive. The hostel in which the student was located was closed on a two-week quarantine.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

On March 7, another case of infection with a dangerous virus was recorded. The patient who arrived from Italy was delivered to the same Botkin hospital.

On March 16, the Cultural Capital Health Committee recorded the first COVID-19 case within the city. The woman entered the hospital without SMI symptoms, the analysis of Coronavirus turned out to be positive. 33-year-old Petersburg has become infected because of close contact with the carrier of the virus. That day in St. Petersburg there were 9 sick.

As of April 29. In St. Petersburg revealed 3,726 cases COVID-19. Officially registered 29. deaths, 834 recovered . In the Leningrad region recorded 576 patients with COVID-19.

Situation in Petersburg

The discussion of Coronavirus in St. Petersburg began on January 31st. Then the patient who returned from the Chinese Island Hainan had to go to the Botkin hospital and pass the test for the presence of SARS-COV-2 virus strokes. Coronavirus did not find the girl, but the story was widely publicized, since the suspect escaped from the hospital, and after this followed by the dismissal of the head doctor Alexei Yakovlev.

Another public resonance called the believers, touched by her lips to the relics of John the Baptist in the Kazan Cathedral from 10 to 17 March. After that, representatives of the ROC recommended parishioners to observe precautions and stated that they would disinfect icons and vessels.

On March 16, the study of the publication "" showed that residents of St. Petersburg began to buy products due to coronavirus. The top manager of the Igoods service Gregory Kunis said: "Some goods bought faster than they had time to put on the shelves. For example, toilet paper and canned food. "

In stores and pharmacies of the whole city, there was an instant disappearance of pharmacies and grocery stores of antiseptics, medical masks, buckwheat, pasta and canned food. Particularly stuck also toilet paper.

On March 20, due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, cinemas began to close in St. Petersburg. Suspended the work of the halls of "Aurora", "Motherland", "Lenfilm". Later, network cinemas like the "Sinema Park", "Formula Cinema" and "Karo" announced an automatic return of tickets due to closure.

Restrictions in St. Petersburg

1. From March 19, the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Belflov officially forbade mass events with a number of more than 50 people. At the same time, the head of the city recommended to persons over 60 years old to refrain from traveling and visiting the places of cluster of people, and employers - think about the introduction of a remote version of the organization of the workflow.

True and lies about coronavirus

True and lies about coronavirus

3. Then the authorities restricted the work of fitness centers due to the situation with the spread of coronavirus in St. Petersburg. In additions to the decree of Alexander Bully, on March 26, it is said that children's playrooms, bars, cafes, clubs and hookah are obliged to suspend work. The head of St. Petersburg also forbade handing leaflets to avoid aggravation of the epidemiological situation.

4. Alexander Belflov introduced restrictive events that touched the lives of the cultural capital:

  • Schools, kindergartens and additional education institutions in St. Petersburg are closed. However, the authorities promised that duty preschool organizations will work for those parents, which are involved in medical organizations, on continuously existing enterprises or implementing essential goods. For schoolchildren and students of colleges, vacation will last until April 12.
  • The Committee on Transport said that 120 commercial routes will cease to work, and explained that such buses are difficult to monitor disinfection measures.
  • In normal mode, only grocery stores, pharmacies, automotive refills and tableware are operating under enterprises. From the list of essential goods, the tobacco products were excluded, so you can now buy products only in network supermarkets.
  • Museums, exhibitions, theaters, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants (including cabaret), gaming rooms, water parks receive guests can not until April 30.
  • It is forbidden to 30 numbers and distribute flyers from hand to hand.
  • Massive events and group classes are also canceled until April 30.
  • From March 30 to June 1, reservations are suspended, reception and accommodation in boarding houses, sanatoriums, recreation bases, children's health camps and other sanatorium-resort organizations.

Latest news

April 27 2020 It became known about the focus of the infection that was formed in the Mariinsky Hospital of St. Petersburg. At the moment, 17 members of the medical staff are infected.

The Botkin's clinical infectious disease hospital turned out to be overwhelmed with patients. Now the medical institution takes only seriously ill.

Specialists from the Nii of Influenza, Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiologists, Polytechnic University tried to predict the script for the development of coronavirus in St. Petersburg. In their opinion, the epidemic can last until June.

As the director of the NMITs named after NMOZDA Yevgeny Shkhatto said, Petersburg is on the optimistic scenario in terms of the spread of coronavirus infection. According to him, the Botkin hospital is enough places to take patients with COVID-19. Also in the center of the name of the diamond is a consulting department that operates 24 hours a day.

According to gentle, the spread of coronavirus infection also contributes to warm sunny weather.

In St. Petersburg, they began to produce food kits for schoolchildren and students of lyceums and colleges, which before the transition to distance learning were provided with food at the expense of the city's budget. Sets that include cereals, canned food, juices, packaged tea, pasta, sunflower oil, chocolate, milk, condensed milk, etc., are designed until April 12. After this date will be issued additional sets. This is due to the extension of non-working days until April 30.

On April 7, the governor Alexander Beglov noted that the situation with the spread of coronavirus in St. Petersburg worsens every day. At the same time, he believes that the authorities have the opportunity to prepare for the Moscow scenario. He stated that in St. Petersburg at the moment 20 times smaller than in the capital.

Until April 30 in St. Petersburg, as well as throughout Russia, the regime of self-insulation continues.

On April 5, it became known that Alexander Beglov resolved the trading of periodical press. Also in the city will open cellular salons and automotive services.

From April 1, 2020, until the end of the restrictive week, the St. Petersburg metro operates until 22:00. St. Petersburg GKU "Transportation Organizer" in an interview with Fontanka explained that terrestrial transport will run after closing the stations, but the end of the movement is one - no later than 23:00.

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