Boris Grigoriev - photo, biography, personal life, artist, cause of death, paintings



The Russian artist Boris Grigoriev, who worked at the beginning of the 20th century, is inferior to such paintings as Vasily Kandinsky and Vladimir Tatlin. Inspired by the works of Van Gogh and Cesanna, he presented his gaze on the avant-garde current and left a number of outstanding original paintings to the world museum.

Childhood and youth

Boris Dmitrievich Grigoriev was born on July 23, 1886 and became an illegitive child of the Bezanin, which served as a banker in Imperial Moscow. The interesting fact of his children's biography is that the mother was a Swede for nationality and after the agreement on the recognition of the Son settled with his father in provincial Rybinsk.

In connection with such a history of origin in the early years, the boy ran into difficulties and could hardly find a place in a noble society and family. Seeing this, the parents gave him a home education, and then sent to the Stroganov School, where he began to study the technique of drawing and listened to lectures on painting and graphics.

In 1907, Junior Grigoriev graduated from the establishment and on the recommendation of the mother and teachers went for knowledge in St. Petersburg. In the Imperial Academy of Arts, his mentors were Alexander Kiselev and Dmitry Kardovsky, who became famous as realist artists and outstanding masters of fine arts.

Personal life

In the personal life of Boris Grigoriev, women were a special place, but only artist Ello von Briarche he saw on the site of his wife. After the wedding and the birth of the Son, the couple was forced to settle in France, photographs and portraits remained in memory of family happiness.


The creative way of Boris Grigorieva began with acquaintance with Alexander Burtsev, who became famous as an ethnographer, publisher, collector and patron. Encouraging the talent of a novice master, this man ordered a number of folklore illustrations, and the painter with enthusiasm began to create portraits of men and women.

The first works published in the collections "My Magazine for a few" and "free clocks" were demonstrated by an inexhaustible fantasy of the artist, creating grotesque and satirical images. Stressing the simplicity of people's life, he portrayed her characteristics that appeared book sketches "Girl with Kosmas" and "Cooker and Children".

Another direction of the works of the period that came to the 1910s was the famous cycle of city drawings, made after the visit to Paris. The paintings, the bohemian spirit performed in the style of Henri Toulouse-Lotrek, were exhibited in St. Petersburg and, bringing fame in Russia to the author, also raised his international prestige.

A series of scene scenery and portraits was a series of scenes with animals, which were written from nature during their stay in the Zoological Garden. In them, Grigoriev managed to reproduce the facial expressions and plastic four-legged and, despite the natural similarity, demonstrated a craving for a new-fashioned avant-garde.

In 1916-1918, becoming a member of the Petrograd Union of Artists, Boris was a highly paid master and created a cycle of custom-made works. It included dozens of portraits of outstanding citizens of the Russian Empire, which were depicted Maxim Gorky, Sergey Rakhmaninov and Lev Sixt.

At the same time, systematizing his own creativity, Grigoriev combined the paintings in the books and to separate illustrations and drawings began to add accompanying text. Thus, he released a catalog of painting, based on the impressions of the trip to France and entitled, based on the content, "intimacy", or intimité.

After the October Socialist Revolution, the artist had problems with the authorities, but until 1919 he did not leave his native country. Illustrating the attitude towards changes, it created the cycle of the "Ras" drawings, which impressed with cruel frankness and were close to expressionism.

The exhibition, where the works of the "Girl with Bidon" and the "Old Lucker" were presented, made an ambiguous impression on the public and caused a number of critical articles. It aggravated the position of Grigoriev, who was forced to leave abroad and, having bought the land in Kan-sur-exive, live there remains there.

In exile, the artist did not leave the work and wrote a picture of the "Linka of the world", as well as a number of colored portraits, combined into the "Breton cycle". And in recent years, he was a teacher in the French Academy of Russian Painting, illustrated a literary classic and carried out orders of high-ranking persons.


In 1938, the artist's health unexpectedly shaken out due to intensive work, which after the construction of the house helped to cover debts. He fell ill and got into the hospital in Nice, where surgery was required, but the operation did not bring relief and caused soon death.


  • Memorial plaque in Rybinsk on the house where childhood B. D. Grigoriev passed.
  • Album G. G. Pospelova "Liki Russia" Boris Grigorieva ".
  • Exhibitions of works in the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery in 2011.


  • 1913 - Zebra
  • 1916 - 1923 - Race Cycle
  • 1916 - Self-portrait "Alien"
  • 1917 - "Girl with Bidon"
  • 1917 - "Street Blondes"
  • 1918 - "Mother and Child"
  • 1918 - "Concierge"
  • 1918 - "In the circus"
  • 1919 - "Woman in a cylinder"
  • 1923 - "Faces of Russia"
  • 1924 - "Breton Cheriars"
  • 1925 - "Poverty"

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