Varis (Character) - Photo, "Game of Thrones", TV series, actor, Conlena Hill


Character History

Lord Varis is a colorful character of the series "Game of Thrones". Master over whispering masterfully enjoys the most important resource - information. And in the end, it has not the last influence of the fate of seven kingdoms.

History of character creation

A fictional character for the first time appears in the first part of the Ice and Fire cycle. George R.R. Martin "Game of Thrones." The author published 5 fantastic books describing the long-term struggle for the iron throne.

The growing popularity of the works of the American writer led to the fact that the NVO decided to screen them. Varis in the literary version appears in six volumes (Tom "Wind Winter" will be published in 2020). In the "Ice and Flame" cycle, the master over whispers remains a secondary character. While in the famous adaptation, the scriptwriters identified one of the main roles.

Season 1 "Games of the Thrones" became available for viewing on the NVO TV channel on April 17, 2011. In total, they filmed 8 seasons, the latter was shown in 2019. During this time, the film epopathy literally captured the whole world. Lord Varis to the final became an influential figure in the fantastic world of the Games of the Thrones. Initially, he seemed a negative hero, but he could not be called a traitor, because he was guided by the interests of the state.

Biography and image of Varis

The future intelligence officer of Westeros was born in the free city of the fox, which was located behind the narrow sea. In childhood, Varis lived and traveled with the acting group until his sorcerer bought him.

He drove the boy in potion, which deprived him of the opportunity to move, but did not soften the pain. Using the authority received, the sorcerer committed a terrible magic rite, at the same time, at the same time, his slave. After the crowning boy became not needed, the magician threw him into the street.

The story of how he became eunuch, Varis told Tyrion Lannist, no one knew about this unpleasant plot in the biography of Enuch. And during the narration, the man slowly opened the wooden box. In the end, he demonstrated to a friend the chopped head of that very sorcerer with the mouth sewn in the parcel. So, Varis accomplished revenge after many years.

After the terrible case of a teenager was forced to steal to survive. Soon, Enun found himself a defender represented by Illario Mopathis. Varis virtuoso crushed other thieves, and Mopathis returned things to owners for money. A little later, the spider (one more name of the master over whispers) caused confidence and swallowed the team from small orphans.

With the help of such inconspicuous "birds" it turned out not to get things, but a much more valuable resource - information from account books, letters, cards. Small orphans did not crawl, but remembered the information and passed the patron sort of eunuch.

Trade of knowledge not only brought the condition of the Varis-Illario Union, but also spread fame about spider talents. Very soon they were interested in Eiris II, which suffered from paranoid thoughts.

The spider perfectly approached the post of master over whispers in all descriptions: did not have family and friends in Westeros, ratified for the prosperity of the kingdom. His birds worked not only in the royal harbor, but also far beyond.

Neutubes of other courtiers were caused by several factors. First, Varis was a foreigner, and therefore a stranger. Secondly, he caused ridicule due to the fact that he was eunuch. Well, finally, the appearance and manner of behavior of the master over the whispers were simply unpleasant.

It was a tall and bald man who often looked inside him as towards others. Wassed view, excessive fullness, smooth, as if powdered face and soft white hands - all this caused irritation. Varis created the impression of a consistent and even subsequent person.

But few knew that such a characteristic is actually masking. The master of deception was hiding behind the ostentatious glad. The spider easily changed appearance, gait and even its own smell to be unnoticed. Love for upholstered shoes and silk outfits was due to no comfort and "lotion", and the desire to move silently.

The image that Varis created for himself, he collected in pieces with one goal - to become a professional. And he himself responded to his craft to quotate: "The master of the whispers should be a deckless, suitable and unscrupulous. The valiant diamospher is just as useless as a cowardly knight. "

After the murder of Eiris, Robert Barateon rose to the throne, who appreciated the Varisa and left the advisor in his position.

In the film screening of the "Ice and Fire" romance cycle, the role of a all-knowing intelligence officer was played by Conlena Hill. For this role, the British actor nominated twice for the "Guild of Cinema Actors" award.

The hero of the Games of Thrones really thought about the fate of the kingdom, so it was important for him to find the ruler who could rule wisely and fairly. He saw such a man in Deeneris Targaryen, the Mother of the Dragons, the only daughter of the insane king.

A spider looks after the fate of the heiress with the help of birds, although at first he considered it a thunderstorm with an iron throne. Petir Bailyes (Mysinets), who himself methyl becomes king also adhered to the same plan. After the murder of Robert Barateon and the heir, Joffri Vyssa is finally approved by the thought of the purpose of deaineris. Therefore, runs away from the royal harbor and adjoins the retinue of the Dragons.

The fate of the hero in the last season of the "Game of Thrones" was tragic. He first realized that Deeneris becomes crazy, like Eiris II. The plans of Varisa was convinced by John Stark to take the iron throne. But the spider did not have time to bring conceived to the end. The last of the genus Targaren announced an adviser to the traitor and sentenced to death. Varisa was executed in the same way as other "disadvantageous," - by the dragon flame.


Some doors are closed forever, while others open in the most unexpected places. The art is subjective. If people are right with swords, why do we pretend that the authorities belong to the kings? The contents of foreign letters are much more valuable to the contents of other wallets. You have to learn the strengths of your enemies and understand who among your friends is not friend at all.


  • 1996 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 1998 - "Battle of Kings"
  • 2000 - "Storm Swords"
  • 2011 - "Dance with dragons"
  • 2020 - "Winter Wind"


  • 2011-2019 - "Game of Thrones"

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