Dmitry Solunsky - Photo, biography, life-in-law, memory, cause of death



Dmitry Solunsky, or Dmitry Mirotochetsky, refers to Christian Great Martyrs who died for faith from the hands of cruel and evil people. The memory of the holy was reflected in the ancient poems and legends, and its iconographic images are now stored in dozens of churches.

Life Picture

A number of facts of early biography are presented to the lives of St. Dmitry Solunsky, as an estimated date of birth sometimes indicate 280 years, but more often can be seen only by the III century. There is an opinion that parents were secret Christians from the city of Thessaloniki, so the son was baptized in church, as a true righteous person.

Father, former Roman Proconsul, denied the pagan faith and instilled his own views Dmitry, who also received a state post. Unlike the ancestor preaching the secret and taking about family good, a young employee did not interest any wealth or career growth.

As a result, the secret home church turned into the heritage of the people, and every converted Roman Christian could come there. Solunsky introduced to the true religion of everyone who was drifting on her adoption, and baptized many babies, adult women and men.

Over time, Dmitry's activities learned the emperor Maximilian Gerkuli and on the way from the war with the Slavs, to stop the process in thessaloniki. The preacher felt something wrong and in the absence of living relatives independently freed the body and soul, preparing to take the will of heaven.

First of all, the descendant of Christian ordered a slave Loupe to get rid of the property, and the inheritance of the father and mother gave the members of poor families. Then he fasted and prayed, closing in a small temple, and also kept the vow of silence in isolation from people.


The ruler, investigating the crime against the eradicated pagan religion, ordered to catch Dmitry and put him in prison. Then they organized the spectacular fights between the old workers and Christians, and for the week the city was plunged into screams, moans and bloody darkness.

Fighter Lii, the favorite of the emperor, overcame most of the opponents, but then died from the hands of a Christian, whom Dmitry blessed. The angry Maximilian without a court and the investigation executed the winner and the preacher, and they with a clean soul went to the disposal of the Higher Forces.

After the martyrdom of the death on November 8, the body of the Solunsky was buried in the grave, and the bulk took the blooded clothes and, according to legend, made a lot of miracles. Since then, the events of the III century and the personality of the Holy Roman preacher are revered in the Christian world and are of great interest.

In history, there are other versions about the origin and death of Dmitry, and some believe that he preached in the territory of the Balkan lands. The causes of death are not disputed, but argue that this happened in April, and November is indicated as the date of transfer in thessaloniki of the saints.

Anyway, in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the day of memory of the Great Martyr, and from the IV century, the construction of Orthodox Churches began in honor of Solunsky. The first of the large temples appeared on the site of the presumptive burial, and now there are a pilgrimage of thousands of believers.

When erecting the altar part, the remains of the Roman righteous were found, and they were placed over the throne in the kivori, the crowned cross. Then they were transferred to the marble storage and secretly taken out to Italy, and in the 20th century returned to thessaloniki in the sarcophagus, decorated with silver.

In the life of Dmitry, the statements were discovered, forbidden to share his body, therefore, the Christians have long been satisfied with the landpower and grieving of the Earth. But from the VII century, the saint of the saint was revealed, so the believers reached out for the shrine and scored as they could.

In history, the case of the appearance of world peace in the well in the Basilica of Dmitry Solunsky, which existed since ancient times. This happened after the remains of the martyr disappeared, and representatives of Muslim tribes began to appear in the shrines.

The expiration of Miro was so heavy that he was gained in the bottle, and the miraculous healing fluid was enough for hundreds of people. Now the peace has ceased, and the Basilica building was lost, but Kenotaf and Well open on the eve of holidays.

In addition to the relics, believers worshiped the blood of Dmitry Solunsky, which, according to legend, remained on clothes saved from the ruling of the faithful slave. Capacities with dried grains found on the site of the first tomb were with all possible honors moved to Athos Peninsula.

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