Uncle Sam (character) - pictures, posters, USA, hat, meaning


Character History

Uncle Sam is an considered symbol of the United States of America. Traditionally, the character is represented by an asthenical man in the years having the power features and an old-fashioned beard. Clothing color hero and fabric pattern repeat American flag colors. So, the hat is decorated with white stars on the blue ribbon, also Sam wears blue frak, a red butterfly, white shirt and red and white striped pants. The characteristics of the character were popular and important cultural significance in the XX century.

History of character creation

The first mention of the character-symbol appeared during the war of 1812 between Britain and America. The people argued that the appearance of Wordform "Uncle Sam" sent to a real person, Sam Wilson's butcher, who was engaged in supplying provisions for American soldiers to the Military Base. According to history, the butcher put on the barrels with meat the letters U.S., implying the generally accepted designation of the United States, and the military joked, reporting that the providence was brought to the base from Uncle Sam.

It turns out the prototype of the image can be called Sam Wilson. On the homeland of the butcher he has been established a monument. The first illustration with the character appeared in early March 1852 in the New York newspaper. The image of an elderly powerful man was drawn by the artist Thomas in a series of cartoons published in the second half of the XIX century. There is a version that the drawing character borrowed the features of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederation.

Image of uncle Sam.

The popularity of the symbolic personification of America in the face of the harsh "uncle" intensified during the First World War. Then posters were widely spread, agitated volunteers more likely to join the American army, become participants in hostilities in the territory of European countries. With paper crafts on the audience, uncle Sam, pointing his finger on the looking at the audience. Under each poster was located slogan "You need me for the army of the United States".
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The author of the portrait "Uncle" became the artist James Montgomery Flagg. The work was created in 1917 and became widely converted. Later, the illustrator admitted that his own features of the face used as the basis for the portrait of Sam. The idea and composition of the poster were borrowed by Flegg at the British - in England, they were demanding "recruitment" posters with Lord Kitchener, which was depicted on them. The Pose "Uncle" turned out to be an identical posture of the British Lord.

The artist also created another version of the image - the character also looks at her the viewer, but does not point to him with his finger, but stands his hands in Boc. According to the strength of the influence, the second version of the picture was inferior to the first, "classic", and after the First World War was no longer used in campaigning purposes. The image indicating the finger, on the contrary, remained very popular for many years later. Later, this poster was updated and reprinted in order to recruit American soldiers to the second world war.

When hostilities ended, and the need for agitation disappeared, the poster received a "second life" - many parody pictures and cartoons were made to him. It is known that the creation of James Montgomery Flagga inspired the Soviet artist-schedule Dmitry Moore for the creation of a poster "You wrote down by a volunteer?", Which was created for the Red Army soldier during the civil war in Russia.

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Interestingly, the Soviet painter, like his Western colleague, endowed the Hero-Red Army with his own portrait. During the Great Patriotic War, Dmitry Stakhievich processed the existing image. At the new poster, the Soviet warrior appeared in front of the audience with a rifle, helped him on his head.

Today, the image of Uncle Sam acts as a symbol of the American government. In those countries where the rejection of American politics and its influence on the world, as well as in the circles of anti-globalists, the character is used to demonstrate the US aggression. The cartoons are popular here, drawing Sma's uncle as an evil old man.

Uncle Sam in Culture

The image of "uncle" received fame not only in the campaign medium. It is often treated by the creators of cartoons, computer games, films. For example, in the TV series "Futurama", the phrase of the poster is comprehended by the phrase, which is comic

Did you sign up in an anti-leather patrol?

In the film directed by William Lustiga "Uncle Sam", the fanatical patriotism of Americans is ironically comprehended. The picture "Through the Universe", built on the songs of the Bitles group, depicts a "uncle", calling the main character in the ranks of the American army. In the series "Nation Z", the image of the symbol of America is used by heroes to get products from other people. The image is also found in the literature - the writer Dmitry Emets in works is Sam as a negative character.


I need me for the United States Army.


  • 2003 - Tanya Grotter and Perun's Hammer »
  • 2008 - "Tanya Grotter and the staff of the Volkhvov"


  • 1999 - "Futurama"
  • 2007 - "Through the Universe"

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