Coronavirus in Chelyabinsk 2020: Cases, Situation, Illness, Latest News


Updated April 29.

Returning to normal life without quarantine and planned restart of the economy is what is waiting for Russia in the near future. In the meantime, in the country, the epidemiological situation does not become better every day, and Russian regions report new cases of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material on the coronavirus in Chelyabinsk, the actions of the local authorities and the latest news of the region, which had ever survived the fall of the meteorite.

Cases of coronavirus infection in Chelyabinsk

On March 21, the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Alexey Texler in the workers Instagram-Account confirmed that the first sick covid-19 was revealed in the city. They were a resident of Miass, who returned from Spain with two friends. The authorities worked promptly: the day after the arrival at the airport of Yekaterinburg and the return to Chelyabinsk, a young man was hospitalized to the city hospital No. 2 Miass and made a test for the presence of coronavirus in sputum, which later turned out to be positive. Analyzes of friends and in contact with patients are negative.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus in Chelyabinsk continued to spread, and a family under the sight of previously positive analysis results was the number of pre-positive results of the analysis. The man flew on March 8 from Italy and infected his wife, mother-in-law and daughter. All were hospitalized in the infectious corps of the city clinical hospital number 8 of Chelyabinsk. On March 25, the Novosibirsk Laboratory "Vector" confirmed a disappointing diagnosis. The employee of the Chelyabinsk traveler was infected, which became known to the 26th. On the same day, patients with COVID-19 were two self-injected people who arrived from the Czech Republic and the UK.

On March 29, the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region reported that 12 citizens received a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Among the illness turned out to be a 69-year-old resident of Zlatoust, which on March 14 returned from a trip to Thailand. According to local residents, the traveler works by the entrepreneur, and the quarantine did not stand for 14 days. Under the threat of infection, the Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Olga Mochukhetyarov and its assistant.

On April 2, Governor Alexey Tesler at a briefing reported that the coronavirus in the Chelyabinsk region continues to spread. As of April 29. Remitted 499. The case of the disease, one death and another 54 patients managed to recover.

Situation in Chelyabinsk

Chelyabinsk authorities had to face the irresponsibility of some citizens. So, a man who returned from Austria, observed the regime of self-insulation of 10 days, and then unexpectedly disappeared. The migration service finds out whether a resident of Kopeysk could cross the border. Anxiety also causes the condition of the woman who returned from the Czech Republic with the conditional coronavirus, as the traveler refuses to contact with doctors and does not provide data.

The Head of the Chelyabinsk Information Policy Department Vladimir Safonov said that some citizens ceased to pay utility services. Reducing collections on these payments can lead to failures in the work of utilities.

Due to the coronavirus in Chelyabinsk, there is a shortage of medical masks. The Ministry of Industry Promotorg promised to purchase personal protective equipment, but the auction was canceled. Therefore, the inhabitants will come to the rescue, which from April 2 began to sew gauze bandages for citizens.

From April 1, the Chelyabinsk roads are disinfected by a solution of hydrogen peroxide columns of special equipment with aircraft engine.

Journalists on April 1 published video report on how self-insulation regime in Chelyabinsk. Despite the fact that the loudspeakers warn about the danger of staying outside, the inhabitants of the city are warm in the rays of the April Sun. Most of the population walks without masks and does not comply with the social distance.

Restrictions in Chelyabinsk

Following other regions, in Chelyabinsk until April 19 there is a regime of self-insulation. Open stores selling essential goods (grocery supermarkets, stores of children's goods, pharmacies), continuously existing enterprises and gas stations.

Schools, centers of additional education, medium education institutions in Chelyabinsk are closed on quarantine from March 27 to a special order.

Due to the fall of the passenger traffic, the public transport of Chelyabinsk finishes the work 2.5 hours earlier. On April 1, flights to Tatarstan, Kurgan and Bashkaria were canceled, the number of flights to Yekaterinburg was reduced. You can find out the current schedule in the help desk of the Central Bus Station: 8 (351) 778-62-42.

Latest news

From April 16, Chelyabinsk promises to check for the presence of a coronavirus of cashiers and couriers.

Services in Chelyabinsk temples are held as usual. It is undesirable only to appear in the service of parishioners over 65 years old. Social distances, icons, door handles and other surfaces are applied to the floor.

All arriving from Moscow and St. Petersburg to the Chelyabinsk region will take under medical control. We will offer to offer a voluntary test to COVID-19.

It became known that in May and June, people who lost their work due to coronavirus will receive a surcharge of 15 thousand rubles. Earlier, Texler voiced that the payment to account for unemployment would receive even in April. The governor noted that this issue will be studied in detail, people will get the opportunity remotely and without unnecessary references to regain.

From April 13, Chelyabiners can hand over a paid Coronavirus test in the Medical Center "Lotos" and "Invitro". The cost of the study is not yet known.

On April 9, the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, Alexey Texler, announced that he had self-being. He accepted such a decision after positive tests to Coronavirus at his press secretary. Texler noted that this situation will not affect the workflow, and it will continue to manage the region.

On April 2, 2020, the authorities ordered to close due to the coronavirus entrance to Chelyabinsk. The press service of the UGIBDD GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the region explained that only transit freight flights with essential freight goods will be skipping.

Alexey Texler plans to send students from medical schools and universities to hospitals to "unload" personnel working with patients who have been identified by COVID-19.

It is not yet known what additional measures will receive power in connection with the appeal of Vladimir Putin on April 2, in which the president extended non-working days until April 30. If the situation with coronavirus in Chelyabinsk will improve, then "forced vacation" will end earlier. So far, Chelyabinsk residents are in self-insulation mode until April 19.

You can get up to date information about the measures to combat coronavirus in Chelyabinsk and self-insulation mode by telephone hotline of the regional Ministry of Health: 8 (351) 240-15-16.

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