Sonya Kuzmin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Despite the fact that the popular project "Stars factory" on Russian television started at the beginning of zero, his devotees still remember the names of the bright participants of each of the ten seasons. In the 3rd part of the music show, together with Ruslana Chicken, Irina Ortman, Maria Weber and others become real stars under the sights of cameras and descendants of celebrities Sonya Kuzmina, Nikita Malinin, Nikolay Slichenko.

Childhood and youth

Sonya was born that year when her parents are a popular musician Vladimir Kuzmin and Poets Tatiana Artemyev, who created texts to the songs of her husband - decided to divorce after eight years of marriage. In total, the spouses were born three children - Sofia had another older brother and sister Elizabeth and Stepan, unfortunately, who ended with their lives tragically.

No details of the early biography of a woman. It is unknown, in which Moscow school she received secondary education and who dreamed of becoming when he grows. But thanks to the laconic information posted on the personal page in the Facebook's social network, fans learned that their favorite was listed in Gmühi Gmuessi, and then continued his studies in the metropolitan State Academy of Choreography.

The girl inherited from adult craving for art, and they strongly encouraged it. For example, my father took off his favorite daughter in the clip on the soul's own song in 1993. Rare photos from the past or from the family archive The graduate of the "Star Factory" periodically publishes in Vkontakte. Among others, there is a picture of Grandparents Boris Grigorievich, during the Great Patriotic War served by the sea officer and Guard lieutenant colonel.

Personal life

The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmina prefers not to expose to everyone's review that she has in the soul, so it is unknown if the beauty has a beloved person or not. However, the cherished ring on a nameless finger to the beginning of the 2020 was not observed.

In 2019, hitting the TV program "Stars agreed", where Son had to make some clarity about the personal life of the Father, the performer reported that she had the experience of a relationship with a man older than her for a couple of decades. The lover surrounded caresses and care, but the novel did not end.

The release of the transfer turned out to be curious not only the debate of the myth about the fourth marriage of the musician, but also, in fact, the appearance of Sony itself. Many viewers remembered it even on the "factory of stars" and pleasantly surprised to change in appearance: the woman was noticeably lost and repainted into the blonde, turning out of the bold girl in a strict lady.


"Star factory" a beginner singer stormed three times. For the first time, seeing an advertisement in the School on the start of a new unknown project, she went to the casting with the girlfriend Irina Tonoyne. Successfully coming up to twenty lucky ones, the girl was at the stage of interviews and was already preparing to settle in the "Star House". But suddenly, that the daughter will be in front of the whole country, Mom was opposed, and Son had to obey a loved one.

According to Kuzminah, in the 2nd season of the project they did not take it because the organizers already knew who was her father, and the children of celebrities at that time did not fit into the concept of the program. But everything turned out when Sonya came to audition for the third time. At the same time, she persistently emphasized that the famous parent was not particularly active and especially did not make his efforts so that his child would be among the contestants.

However, Vladimir Borisovich did not stay indifferent - he was very worried about Sofia, he Morally supported, always attended in the auditorium at the reporting concerts and even organized a fan club.

On the musical reality, the young beauty is remembered primarily by its bright numbers. For the performance of the single "Your house with me", it appeared on the scene on a motorcycle and in the company of young people, to dating the public with the hit "Your Girl" "reincarnated" in Mariahi Carey, and in the Olympic "sang" You call me "together with Father.

Unfortunately, this was not enough for victory. Instead, the leading places in the end were taken by Nikita Malinin, Alexander Kireev and Julia Mikhalchik. However, Sonya was not particularly upset, since he did not meet the final.

After the "prom", the artist, together with the "manufacturers", went on a tour of the cities of Russia and plunged into solo creativity, which successfully combined with floristry and activities in foreign projects, and recorded the album. It is also known that she tried to break through the fifth "factory", but the undertaking failed.

Sonya Kuzmina now

Sophia and now continues to develop his own flower business, acts as a protector of animals and does not forget about favorite classes with melodic art, agreeing to joint numbers with his father, helping him in records of new albums and replenish the discography."When I on the stage, I seek to another dimension. There are no feasures, offended and doubt. There is only energy flying from somewhere from space, and the voice pouring from the soul. This is my world. There I am real. And no one in the world is able to dissuade me in this! " - Recognized singer.

Despite the fact that the "Star Factory" remained far in the past, the woman supports relations with the forests of Yaroslavl and Victoria Daineko. Also, joint images with Nikita Malinin and Polina Gagarina are kept in social networks, and on music platforms - a joint track "New Year" with the participants of the 3rd season of the show, released in 2017.


  • 2012 - "Heart"

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