Coronavirus in China: 2020, the latest news, diseased, statistics


Updated April 29.

Earlier, an unknown in other countries, Wuhan, who became the epicenter of the coronavirus infection epidemic, has now become the main source of information about the success of a non-affilution. China is the first country faced with COVID-19, and the first country, which won it. The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared material about the latest news from the Middle Kingdom and how things are currently Coronavirus in China.

Cases of coronavirus infection in China

Where did Coronavirus come from in China, it is still not known for now, since there is no information about the "zero" patient. The first case of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus was installed on December 11, 2019. A woman in the surname of Wei, who traded shrimps in the uhang market was infected. However, it is possible that the first patient, according to South China Morning Post, was the 55-year-old man on November 17, 2019.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Then the researchers suggested that Coronavirus was transferred from the volatile mice, snakes or birds sold on the market. Now the experts came to the conclusion that SARS-COV-2 is a hybrid of coronavirus detected from the bats, and the other, unknown, coronavirus.

On December 31, 2019, China's authorities were seriously concerned about the outbreak of the disease of the New Origin, which the World Health Organization stated. By the end of January, the situation with Coronavirus in China began to gain disappointing turnover: January 31, 11,89 people were already infected, and the number of registered dead was 46.

In February, statistics were only aggravated, and the peak activity of the virus occurred at the 16th day: then 57,934 people were recorded in China with COVID-19. When on March 11, WHO announced that the scale of the proliferation of coronavirus in the world was acquired by the character of a pandemic, in China, the incidence went on a decline, the number of patients with viral infection was 14,831.

The country has repeatedly faced accusations of the proliferation of coronavirus by transferring aliexpress parcels, but this information refuted scientists. Nevertheless, concerned beneficiaries due to the rigid government measures, China had to be issued a return on orders made before January 20, as the country introduced hard quarantine measures.

As of April 29. In the country registered 84 239 Cases of the disease infection caused by a new virus. 78 602. The man was discharged from medical institutions in a satisfactory condition. China is located on the 7th place in the list of high mortality from pneumonia caused by coronavirus, and the number of dead is 4 642. . This means that measures to deter proliferation of the virus turned out to be correct and timely.

In the latest news, the authorities claim that import cases of COVID-19 caused by coronavirus are registered. A third of the patients are in serious condition.

The Chairman of the PRC Si Jinspin On March 10, during a trip to the infectious hospital, Hoshershanshan suggested that soon the country would win over the epidemic. China already carefully declares that diseases within the country are almost not registered.

Existing restrictions

According to the latest news, China's airports will receive no more than 134 international flights per week. There is enough such quantity to meet the needs of foreign citizens and students and minimize the risks of re-outbreak of coronavirus. This was announced by the Deputy Department of Civil Aviation Aviation PRC Lui Ersue.

The PRC Migration Department since March 28 temporarily prohibits the entry into China to foreign citizens with active visas and a residence permit. There were also a visa-free entry in several cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Hainan Province.

From March 16, the country has a restriction for arriving from other countries to Hainan: All the arrived must go to Quarantine for 14 days. However, only pregnant women will be able to sit at home, people over 65 and those who have related diseases, and everyone else is distributed to the infectious hospitals of the city districts of Haikou, Sanya and Quunhai. The same measures operate in the capital of China - Beijing.

How to treat ill in china

The authorities seriously reacted to the availability of testing to coronavirus in China as residents of the country and foreigners. In addition, officials declared a high level of response to the situation with coronavirus. The government controlled the treatment of patients, examination of the epidemiological situation, the movement of potentially infected citizens. The publication of reports on the current situation significantly helped other countries in the organization of confidence in coronavirus.

There are still no specific treatment methods for the treatment of coronavirus infection, therefore, in China, the sick is treated with the approved preparation "Favipevir", blocking RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The Institute of Virology in Uhana expects the approval of a patent for another drug - Remesevir.

In February, it became known that some patients managed to recover by transfusion of the blood plasma of the victims of COVID-19. Antibodies present in plasma helped facilitate the course of the disease in seriously ill. The methodology was developed by the Chinese company China National Biotec Group (CNBG).

In terms of diagnosing and treating COVID-19 in February 2020, a list of tested drugs struggling with Coronavirus in China was listed:

  • "Ribavirin";
  • "Lopinavir";
  • "Ritonavir";
  • "Interferon Alpha";
  • "Abidol".

Latest news

On April 13, 2020, Head of the Infectious Branch of the Shanghai Hospital "Huashan" Zhang Wenhun predicted the second wave of a pandemic in November 2020. This is due to the fact that in the summer mankind will not be able to fully cope with coronavirus.

Vaccine from Coronavirus, developed by China, is included in the first phase of clinical cleansing. This was told by the head of the Center for the Control and Prevention of Diseases of the province of Heilongjiang Van Kylie on April 13, 2020.

On March 25, the Metropolitan movement was resumed in Wuhan after two-month quarantine. The Edition "Guenmin Siboo" noted that the subway will act new rules: passengers must pass through the thermal imager, and in the car sit through one seat from each other. The controllers will have to ensure that all those present will not take medical masks during the trip.

On the same day, Hubei province announced the end of quarantine. Now citizens can easily move, enter and leave the region.

On April 8, the Uhanny International Airport began work, as the deputy head of transportation of transportation of the province of Hubei Van Banjyu.

Thus, from the fight against a pandemic of coronavirus infection, China begins to restore the economic situation. Si Jinpin stated that 93% of frozen buildings resumed, transboundary deliveries were preserved, and trade is stimulated. Coronavirus in China is likely to be defeated soon.

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