Dmitry Kulichkov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photos, Films, Actor, Filmography 2021



Dmitry Kululkova filmography is calculated by dozens of works, and mostly the actor plays negative characters. He is self-critical recognized that his bad character and pronounced negative features are the reason for this. Be that as it may, it did not prevent the artist to build a career and get fans.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on June 3, 1979 in Saratov. Farmers with a master of theatrical and cinematographic world Oleg Tabakov helped the guy subsequently break through the capital scene. However, in childhood, I did not think about anything like Kulichkov. He remained early without his father, the mother took over the care of his son and his upbringing. And Dima grew uneasy and in an interview recognized that the mother had to suffer from him.

Filled with raging energy, the boy Shalil and the hooliganil, and the challenge began to flow for him. He repeatedly ran out of the house, when the Bunctric Spirit and the thrust for the adventure took their own. For the first time, this happened at the 3rd age during a hike in the circus, when mom almost desperately find the disappeared sudden son. Then everything ended well, and now there is the closest relationship between Kulichkov and Mother. The artist is going to transport it to the house under Tula, which builds on the acquired site.

There he plans to rest from the capital's everyday life, spending time with his family, acquire pets. Kulichkov wants more often with her mother and thank her for everything she put in him. It was the mother who led the 7-year-old son in the Saratov House of Pioneers, where the theater circle acted. There Dima became junior among children and a universal favorite. For the contest, praise and admiration were in the wonder, and he tried to work out them with all his might.

The first exit to the scene brought a storm of emotions. The boy played Pinocchio and felt like a star. Then there were dozens of characteristic roles, and after 6 years of classes in the studio, Dmitry did not think for himself a different path except the acting. Therefore, graduating from school, entered the Theater Faculty of the Saratov State Conservatory. L. Sobyanova. The teacher of the guy became the People's Artist of the RSFSR Alexander Galko.

After graduating from the university in 2001, Kulichkov received suggestions from provincial theaters, but his ambitions demanded more, and to remain in Saratov, a young man did not want. In addition, his acquaintances studied and worked in Moscow, and stories about the capital acting, the guy conquer the new peaks. His choice fell on the Studio School of MCAT, where he was taken after the personal intervention of Oleg Tabakov.

Dmitry, not being a sign with a master, dares to approach him and talk about studies, noticing that he already has a higher education, but he really wants to learn from him.

"If it is impossible, but you really want, then you can," Oleg Pavlovich answered him.

Since then, it has become an unlawful motto of the artist, who made his way not only to the Studio School of MCAT, but also to the Tabakov Theater.

Theater and films

The acting biography of Kululkova began on the theater scene. His creative "parent" became Oleg Tabakov, who granted young Kulichkov work in his troupe. He played in performances "Story about seven hanged", "Geek", "Soldiers" and others. In parallel with this, Dmitry worked in the MHT. A. P. Chekhov, where he played in the classic productions "King Lire", "Cherry Garden", "White Guard".

Then Kulichkov began working in the cinema. His debut took place in 2002 in the screening of Shukshinsky stories, where the artist played the driver to Kohly Skollyna from the novel "Oratoric Reception". Since then, a man appeared on the screens many times as in entertainment projects like "Fizruk" and "youths" and in serious cinema - "live", "Fool", etc.

The actor filmography and today is replenished intensively. Every year he is filmed in several projects. In 2019, appeared in the 2nd season of the series "Former", where he played a nevoye fesbashnik. Kululkova's character does not look like a hero: he is unhappy and ridiculous, trying to recover from alcoholism and get out of problems. However, the artist himself likes to play similar roles - multifaceted, volumetric, which allow you to show a positive and negative start in man, their struggle.

In 2020, Dmitry filmography was replenished with a good tent of the films, among which "Kalashnikov", "Winter", "Gold Lagna", "Call Center" and others.

Personal life

The curtain over the personal life of the artist is opened in the Instagram account, which he regularly replenishes news and fresh photos. Often there are shots from the scene or the set. Still, the profession artist considers the main thing about life.

And Kulichkov's wife found himself in the creative environment - Tatiana Pyhonin is also an actress. They met in the common company and got married in 2010. A woman works at the Theater of Music and Poetry under the leadership of Elena Kamburova, teaches at the MCAT Studio School, is engaged in music and directed.

This marriage did not live to a ten-year-old anniversary. In an interview, the actor admitted that there was always mutual understanding with his wife, they did not arise any serious conflicts. But at a certain point, the man realized: everyone needs to go further, and alas, these roads do not intersect. After the divorce of Kulichkov, he thought about whether he was generally a person. But, despite loneliness, still waiting for a significant and interesting person in the fate.

So far, the place of his beloved woman takes work: if it is not filmed in films and shows, it goes to the theater scene. Free time dedicates to the construction of the house, trying to delve into all processes. The celebrity finds the "windows" in the schedule to go to the gym or drive the ball on the football field. Dreams to turn around the whole world - from sultry Cuba to the harsh northern countries like Iceland and Norway.

Dmitry Kulichkov now

On April 12, 2021, the premiere of the dramatic series "Gold Lagin" director Leonid Belozorovich was held on the NTV television channel. The plot about the chairman of the gold mining artel, shared the creators of the project, fictional, but close to the truth is the story. The main role in the tape was performed by Alexander Baluyev. Kululkovo got a secondary character, and his colleagues on the set became Maria Poroshina, Alexey Kirsanov and Vladimir Verevochkin.

Dmitry's central character's amplua tried in the show "Conclusion", and actress Victoria Isakov made his partner. Detective on the work of the Kulichkov investigator described as an exciting Saga, in which the criminal cases are not going to the fore, and human characters and relationships.


  • 2002 - "Shukshinsky stories"
  • 2004 - "On the top oil"
  • 2007 - "Flint"
  • 2010 - "Brest Fortress"
  • 2012 - "Live"
  • 2013 - "Major"
  • 2013 - Nyukhach
  • 2016 - "Irckka"
  • 2017 - "The youth. Adulthood"
  • 2018 - "Selfie"
  • 2019 - "Alibi"
  • 2019 - "Former"
  • 2020 - "Call Center"
  • 2021 - "Conclusion"
  • 2021 - Gold Lagin
  • 2021 - "Cathedral"

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