Graham Hancock - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Books 2021



Graham Hancock is a British publicist, whose books, despite the accusations of anti-acurateness, differ in millions of circulation. Many writer investigations are devoted to archaeological monuments and their connection with space.

Childhood and youth

The expusricant archaeological dogma was born in the summer of 1950 in the capital of Scotland, the city of Edinburgh, in the family of Surgeon. Early childhood Graham has passed on the Industan Peninsula in connection with the Father's business trip.

At 23, Hancock graduated with honors from the university, located in the English town of Durham, in the specialty "Sociology". Then the man worked as a journalist in such editions like The Times, The Independent, The Guardian. In the early 80s of the 20th century, Graham was the correspondent of The Economist magazine in East Africa.

Personal life

Hancock's personal life is inextricably linked with scientific. The wife of the Santa Researcher (Santha) Fairy is a co-author of such books Graham as "Heavenly Mirror: the search for lost civilization" and "Fingerprints of the gods: Quest continues." Santa - a native of the Malaysian state Pinang and a professional photographer, whose exhibition in London "Ethiopian Trilogy" opened the daughter of the English Queen Princess Anna.

Hancock's book "The Wizards of the Gods: the forgotten wisdom of the lost land civilization" illustrate 32 color photos made by the wife. Graham and Santa Six children. The biography of the FIO is posted on the official website of the writer. In the same place, Hancock reports that Ayaiaska is drinking Lian, applied by Indian shamans for meditation.

In 2017, Graham suffered a series of epileptic seizures and was introduced into an artificial one for 48 hours. Now Hancock takes anticonvulsant medications, which makes it difficult to consume the consumption of your favorite drink.


The first books of Hancock analyzed the problems of poverty, social inequality and the inefficiency of humanitarian aid. In the future, Graham began to produce works in the genre of alternative history, exploring the link between ancient civilizations. Part of the bestsellers is written by Gram in collaboration, in particular, with Enver Karim and Robert Boval.

Hollywood director Roland Emmerich admits that on the shooting of the film "2012" he was inspired by the concept of "shifting of the earth's crust", which he learned from the book of Hancock "fingerprints of the gods." In the work it is argued that before Antarctica did not cover the crust of ice and there was a highly developed civilization.

In 2010, he saw the light Roman Hancock "Involved: Eater Shower". Commenting on the exit of a fantastic work, the author joked that he was not afraid of the reputation, since all his books in the genre of non-ficked critics called fiction.

In 2013, the Russian Publishing House "EXMO" published the translation of the Roman. In Russian, the book is called "Time Node". The readers in Russia were shocked by abundance in the product of abnormative vocabulary and the savings of the novelist of the scenes of drug use.

In addition to "Eksmo", in Russian, Hancock's book produced the publishing house "Veche" in the series "Forbidden topics of history. World Bestseller. " The names of the works of Graham published in Russia are somewhat different from the original, for example, "Heavenly Mirror: the search for lost civilization" came under the heading "Mirror of the Heavens, or the search for missing civilization."

Graham Hancock now

In 2019, Graham's bibliography was replenished with a new book "America to: the key to the lost civilization of the Earth." The work claims that America has not been settled 13 thousand, and 130 thousand years ago and what this indicates an ancient civilization with technical means for crossing the ocean. In support of the book, the author drove with a lecture tour of the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada.


  • 1981 - "Journey to Pakistan"
  • 1985 - "Ethiopia: the problem of hunger"
  • 1986 - "AIDS: Death Epidemic"
  • 1989 - "Poverty Lords: Power, Prestige and Corruption in International Assistance"
  • 1992 - "Sign and Printing: Searches for a lost ark of the covenant"
  • 1995 - "Fingerprints of the gods: evidence of the lost civilization of the earth"
  • 1996 - "Sphinx Message: Searches for hidden heritage of mankind"
  • 1998 - "Mystery of Mars: a story about the late two worlds"
  • 1998 - "Heavenly Mirror: Search for Lost Civilization"
  • 2001 - "Fingerprints of the Gods: Quest continues"
  • 2002 - "Another world: the mysterious origins of civilization"
  • 2004 - "Talisman: Sacred City, Mystery Vera"
  • 2005 - "Supernatural: Meeting with ancient teachers of humanity"
  • 2010 - "Involved: Soul Eater"
  • 2013 - "God of war: night witches"
  • 2015 - "Wizards of Gods: the forgotten wisdom of the lost civilization of the Earth"
  • 2019 - "America before: the key to the lost civilization of the earth"

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