Coronavirus in Crimea 2020: Cases, Situation, Illness, Latest News


Updated April 29.

Due to the disadvantaged epidemiological situation in the territories of foreign countries, the inhabitants of Russia with anxiety and interest are observed for the situation with coronavirus in the Crimea, because nature and advantageous location of the Peninsula near the sea are attracted annually in summer millions of tourists.

The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared material on coronavirus in the Crimea, which measures are being taken to combat the spread of infection and the latest news from the solar peninsula.

Cases of coronavirus infection in the Crimea

The head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov on the work page on Facebook on March 21, 2020 announced the first sick COVID-19. A resident of the peninsula returned from the journey in Spain and did not report this to doctors. The man was later taken to the hospital with the symptoms of ARVI. 24 numbers revealed another 6 confirmated cases of coronavirus infection: four family members who returned from the UAE, and two more people who visited Belgium and Latvia.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

On March 27, information about 7 new cases appeared. 6 people from two different families traveled on the same cruise liner "Belissima" in the UAE. Another infected also returned from a trip to Emirates.

It was not without contact infection COVID-19: March 28 and 31, doctors hospitalized two people who later the result of the analysis turned out to be positive.

The analysis of Krymchanin, who comes from Moscow to visit relatives was also disappointing. He and another traveler from the capital, the results of tests were positive on April 3, 2020. The 5th dors of the doctors diagnosed COVID-19 in two family members of the first infected.

On April 6, a disappointing diagnosis of a man who arrived from the country with a disadvantaged epidemiological situation - Mexico. A citizen was under the supervision of physicians in self-insulation.

On April 8, a man was taken to the infectious box, who, after traveling to Japan, in conscientiously announced the arrival of the doctors and was in self-insulation mode.

As of April 29 2020. The year recorded 79 cases of coronavirus infection in the Crimea. 34 people managed to cure, deaths are not registered.

Situation in Crimea

The governor of the Republic of Crimea, together with colleagues, holds a meeting every day, where officials are discussed by the situation with coronavirus in the Crimea, the measures taken and the latest news.

The journalists of the Canal "Crimea 24" conducted a photore examination on the topic "How a life changed to the Crimea due to coronavirus", publishing the results on March 31. As it turned out, no self-insulation regime is observed. In Simferopol, for example, the Gagarin Park is not empty: the oldest people walk there, young people are engaged in open-air sports, parents breathe fresh air with children. People rest in Sakak and Evpatoria in coastal areas.

Due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, the number of patrols increases in the city. Strengthening the control over the execution of self-insulation prescription also introduced in Simferopol and Yalta.

Restrictions in Crimea

Restrictive measures to combat coronavirus in the Crimea began to operate from March 28. The end date is still open. According to the decree, the work will continue:

  • executive authorities;
  • management companies and utilities;
  • Polyclinics and hospitals (dentistry take only emergency patients);
  • public transport;
  • offices of banks and insurance companies;
  • Pharmacies and optics stores;
  • stores of essential goods;
  • Food establishments, subject to work on delivery and self-delivery.

Work suspended:

  • Schools, kindergartens (according to the statement of parents, groups of no more than 12 people can be organized. The exception concerns preschoolers and schoolchildren 1-4 classes);
  • museums, reserves, fairs, theaters, pools and other places of crowd of people;
  • shopping and entertainment centers, game rooms and other leisure institutions;
  • Sergey Aksenov ordered to temporarily prohibit the placement of vacationers in sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels and children's health camps.

The authorities will finish their parents whose minor children are alone on the street. Also, self-insulation regime must comply with Crimeans over April 14. The restriction applies to people with chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, asthma, cancer, leukemia, or any lung diseases.

Malysheva told how not to infect COVID-19 through food with delivery

Malysheva told how not to infect COVID-19 through food with delivery

From March 28 to April 14, the preferential passage of public transport, buses, trolley buses, suburban and long-distance messages are canceled.

Archpriest Alexei Astapov in an interview with the Canal "Crimea 24" said that the bright holiday of Easter Crimeans would notice, but would limit the number of employees and clergymen in the temples. Enterprise "Krymchleb" has promised that all cakes produced will be reliably packaged and respond to security requirements.

While full self-insulation mode has been introduced from April 1 in Simferopol. There, citizens can only come out of the house only in case of acute need (purchase of essentials, pets from no further than 100 meters from the house, emergency medical care or work on existing enterprises).

Latest news

On April 15, Crimeans began to be fined for violation of self-insulation regime. However, people on the streets are still a lot, so finfing all the guards of order do not have time physically. For the design of one of the intruder leaves half an hour.

On April 14, 2020, more than 82 thousand medical masks were delivered to the Crimean pharmacies.

On April 12, a new medical center was work. Semashko, who planned to open in July. The establishment is ready to take patients with pneumonia and COVID-19.

Sergey Aksenov is not being taken to judge whether the border will close the Crimea and whether the tourists will be able to come to the peninsula to soak in the rays of the sun. However, it is possible that when compliance with self-insulation conditions, the number of diseases of COVID-19 will decrease, and the Republic of Crimea will be able to take all those wishing to visit everyone.

From April 6, the School of Crimea switched to distance learning. The Minister of Education, Scientists and Youth Valentina Lavrik noted that the question of how schoolchildren will be trained, who have no internet at home. If the exit from the situation becomes difficult, such students will consult with teachers by telephone.

From April 3, 28 Crimean bus station were closed due to coronavirus, including "Simferopol", "Kerch", "Yalta". Changes in the chart continued transportation of 26 objects. Current information on the routes is posted on the site "Krymavtotrans".

On April 1, Sergey Aksenov and Governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razzhevayev at the meeting decided to introduce a profits on the Crimean Bridge. The blocks will limit the entry of trains, cars and buses. Medical inspections (temperature measurement and monitoring of the signs of ARVI) will conduct military doctors. Previously, due to the coronavirus in the Crimea on the border with Sevastopol, they also began to control motorists entering the city, so that ordinary tourists are closed to the city.

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