Penalties for a quarantine disturbance: in Russia, 2020, employers, citizens, for Jurlitz


Updated April 19.

In March 2020, in Russia, the word "quarantine" has acquired terrifying importance. On April 1, a law was signed, tougher punishment for violations of the sanitary and epidemiological regime. What will be fines for quarantine for mode violators - in the material 24cm.

It is worth explaining that the criminal punishment will affect only quarantine violators, which were contacted with the sick, returned from abroad or on the prescription of the doctor undergo treatment from COVID-19 at home.

For the rest of the population, self-insulation mode is introduced, in which it is recommended to limit contacts, avoid public use and go to the remote format of work.

Fines for citizens

1. If a person stays in the territory, where the emergency is announced or high readiness, but he ignored the requirements for self-insulation, then the perpetrator will be required as an administrative action to pay the amount from 1000 to 30 thousand rubles. The remaining cases of the regime violation will increase the punishment of up to 50,000.

Quarantine in Moscow: self-insulation, which is prohibited and fines

Quarantine in Moscow: self-insulation, which is prohibited and fines

2. For finding on the street with children, law enforcement agencies will make a warning and recommend to return home. The malicious violation of the insulation regime will be fined.

3. The penalty for the violation of quarantine, which was prescribed by the doctor or after a visit to the country with an unfavorable environment by coronavirus, will be 15-40 thousand.

4. If children violate the rules in Moscow and walk on the street alone, then an article about violation of the child's rights to health care, which requires sanctions in the amount of from 100 to 5,000 rubles. Parents can also be arrested for 5 days.

5. For non-compliance with the insulation of the patient with a coronavirus infection, if the contamination or death of others around him is proved, the amount of punishment will increase to 300,000 rubles.

6. An infected person who violated isolation and deliberately infected other citizens, expects imprisonment for up to 5 years or penalties worth 2 million rubles. If the number of victims is more than 2, then faces up to 7 years in prison.

7. Intentional violation of restrictions in settlements is equal to terrorism or sabotage and falls under the criminal article.

Penalty for officials

In the specifics of Russian legislation, an officer is considered as a representative of the authorities and the head, director, the company's head.
  1. In the event that an official breaks the limitations of the emergency regime and obliges to enter the work of the subordinate threat of dismissal, the penalty will be from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.
  2. The penalty for working in quarantine is up to 500 thousand or 3 months threatens the deprivation of rights to activities as an official.
  3. For the exit to work in a quarantine, as a result of which a coronavirus infection of employees occurred, including cases of fatal outcome were recorded, the amount of the fine will increase to 500 thousand or a court will be banned for a period of up to 3 years.

Legal entities on the Russian law recognize registered organizations that own property and carrying out obligations. All comrades, LLC, joint-stock companies, state and municipal companies will relate to legal entities.

True and lies about coronavirus

True and lies about coronavirus

1. For non-compliance with the restrictions that were introduced in the COVID-19 epidemic, the legal entity expects a fine of 100 to 300 thousand.

2. Penalties for violation of restrictions, in particular, coercion to work in quarantine employees of enterprises, which, in accordance with regional recommendations, are obliged to comply with the regime of self-insulation, will be from 200 to 500 thousand rubles. Possible suspension of activities up to 90 days.

3. The penalty for working in quarantine, if the fault of the IP or a legal entity from coronavirus infection will suffer from people up to death, will be up to 1 million or the organization's activities will suspend for a period of 3 months.

Penalties for employers

In the conditions of the epidemic of coronavirus infection, employers whose enterprises remain working must:

  • organize ventilating premises;
  • carry out wet cleaning;
  • abandon the mass organizational assemblies, planers, ages and introduce remote ways to communicate with employees;
  • cancel trips to countries and regions, dysfunctional by coronavirus infection;
  • to control the well-being of employees daily;
  • Damage is prohibited if the employee cannot work remotely;
  • In idle case, the employer may ask for a vacation next or at his own expense, but the employee has the right to refuse.

After the Russian government in 2020 introduced COVID-19 into a list of dangerous diseases, a punishment could be changed for the employer, which can now be classified as a criminal.

  1. Violation of restrictions, which caused infection by negligence, falls under the punishment of 700 thousand or threatens imprisonment up to 2 years.
  2. If, due to the violation of quarantine measures, the case of death of an employee or the client is confirmed, then the employer threatens prison up to 5 years, or forced work. Alternative punishment is 2 million rubles. Measure comes into effect if it has been proven that the employer forced an employee to break the quarantine regime and go outside to get to the workplace.
  3. If the employer dismisses or forces to enter the work of an employee in a quarantine under the fear of dismissal, then a sentence is appointed up to 500 thousand or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

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