Countries with Coronavirus: List, infected, diseased, quarantine, borders


Updated April 19.

Countries around the world are increasingly beginning to take radical measures to combat the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus. The number of countries faced with coronavirus reached 233. About where there are a large number of coronavirus infected by coronavirus and what measures are taken to contain the epidemiological situation - in material 24cm.


On February 27, 2020, the first case of Coronavirus disease was recorded in the village of Lon-Op-Zand. The patient returned from the trip to Italy. April 19, the number of SARS-COV-2 infected with the virus was 31,589, of which 3,601 died. Cases of recovery in the country are not registered.

The government declared quarantine and forbidden to hold events on which more than three people are present. Distance measures tightened: if shops, cafes, beauty salons and other institutions can not provide a distance between people 1.5 meters - then the room is closed. Air communication with 57 countries has been suspended, including Russia, USA, Canada and others.


On February 25, 2020, Austria was hit by Coronavirus countries in the statistics of countries. As of April 19, 14,662 patients with coronavirus infection were revealed, 443 people could not be saved from death. 10 214 recovery registered are officially registered.

The country has introduced a set of restrictive measures: people are allowed to leave the house only in order to buy products and medicines, walking out in the fresh air with pets (with the number of more than 5 people are prohibited), help other people or go to work if it Acid is necessary. Also, the prohibition does not act if a person is sent to the doctor.


In the snow-covered Norway, 7,069 infection with coronavirus infection were revealed. 164 people died. As of April 18, all places of people cluster are closed in the country: fitness clubs, hairdressers, schools and kindergartens. Organizations carrying out essential services (nutrition, healthcare) It is recommended to take distance measures.

From March 13, Oslo Airport has ceased to receive foreign citizens. On March 14, Norway was among the countries closed due to coronavirus.


The number of people sick with coronavirus infection in Portugal, on April 19 is 19,685, of which 610 managed to cure. Total registered 687 deaths.

President of Portugal Marcelo Rebel De Mostov announced on March 18 a state of emergency in the country. In the indoor premises, meetings are allowed not more than 1000 people, in the fresh air - to 5,000. Portugal is among the countries closed due to the threat of the proliferation of coronavirus.


On January 31, 2020, a woman from Uhani, infected with Coronavirus, arrived in Sweden. On April 18, 2020, 13,822 cases of infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus were recorded in the country. Sources talk about 1,511 dead citizens of the country.

The government temporarily stopped insignificant trips to Sweden from countries that are not included in the European Economic Zone, and Switzerland. The decision entered into force on March 19 and will be valid for 30 days.


More encouraging statistics of contamination of coronavirus is observed in Canada: at 33,383 infected people account for 11,077 recovery and 1,470 lethal outcomes. For the first time, the virus was discovered at a tourist who returned from Uhani through Toronto. On March 11, in Stockholm, they decided to take analyzes only in persons in the risk zone with coronavirus infection.

On March 16, the country announced the closure of borders and refusal to enter into anyone who is not a citizen of Canada or a permanent resident, with the exception of the next relatives of Canadian citizens, members of the crew of the aircraft, diplomats and US citizens. The 18th measures have affected land borders: insignificant transportation is prohibited.


As of April 19 in Australia, tests revealed the SARS-COV-2 virus in 6,575 people. 4 163 passed successful treatment, 69 deaths were registered.

On March 22, Quarantine announced in the country. For this reason, the venues of public events, hotels, bars and other entertainment facilities, cafes and restaurants are obliged to work only on removal, and a free visit is introduced in schools.


The number of sick coronavirus in Brazil on April 19 is 36,925. 2,372 deaths and 14,026 recovery were registered.

On March 19, the authorities accepted measures to contain the spread of coronavirus: now the entry of foreign tourists on the land borders with Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Suriname and French Guiana is impossible.


Cases recovery in Denmark - 3 847, express tests revealed the presence of the SARS-COV-2 virus in 7,242 people, another 346 died from dangerous illness.

On March 11, the authorities of Denmark stated that the mass events of the number of more than 100 people are not allowed. Those who have contacted with infected coronavirus infection, should be self-aumed for 14 days. If these measures do not help in restraining the spread of the epidemic, the authorities are ready to take more radical solutions.


On January 21, a woman infected with a coronavirus infection on the Cruise liner "Diamond Princess" was returned to the country. The number of people infected by Coronavirus in Israel as of April 19 - 13 265. 163 people failed to save, but 3,247 citizens were successful.

On March 25, the authorities tightened measures to combat the spread of a dangerous virus. So, it is forbidden to retaliate from the house than 100m (the exception is urgent situations), only one passenger can go to the taxi, in a private transportation - 2, employees should measure the temperature every morning (when the SMI symptoms are detected, it is sent home). For those who violate the prescriptions, a fine in the amount of 1000 shekels is provided (106.7 thousand rubles).

Czech Republic

The first three confirmed cases of infection with a new infection registered in the Czech Republic on March 1, 2020. As of April 19, the number of infected reached 6,654, 1227 citizen recovered, another 181 died.

The sharp lack of FFP3 respirators led to the fact that the authorities introduced a restriction on the sale of appropriate products. In public places from March 18, the authorities are forbidden to be without medical masks. Health workers do not have the right to take leave, while the situation with the spread of coronavirus will not come to normal. From March 16, the authorities announced a national curfew.


On April 19, 2020, 10,435 cases of infection with coronavirus registered in Japan. 224 people died, and 1069 Japanese were able to cure doctors.

On March 15, Japan closed the borders for citizens of Hubei and Zhejiang provinces, as well as those who visited China's regions, which were affected by the virus, South Korea, Iran or Italy for the last 14 days.


In Poland, 8,742 cases of disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus were recorded. 981 citizens recovered and discharged from medical institutions. The official number of dead - 347 people.

It is known that schools and universities have not conducted classes until April 1020. From March 15, Poland has banned foreigners to enter the country, suspended international aircraft and rail transportation for citizens. All Polish citizens returning from abroad are self-injected within two weeks.

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