Tibalt (Tibald) (character) - Photo, "Romeo and Juliet", William Shakespeare, Mercutio, image


Character History

Tibalt (Tibald) is a secondary character in the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". Because of hatred of the family of montext and unwillingness, the fate of the cousin Juliet turned out to be no less sad, than the main characters.

History of character creation

Piece "Romeo and Juliet" is not only a story about unhappy love. And not at all the narration of the non-sympability of family and cabins. The author with the help of secondary characters showed the features of moral obscons in the medieval veron.

Tibalt is a bright representative of the aristocracy, showing a certain model of behavior in the public strict era of the Middle Ages. Researchers from the work of William Shakespeare, in particular M.M. Morozov wrote that the name of the hero means "Cat". Thus, Shakespearem noted the similarity of the character traits and appearance of the character with this animal. This indicates the quotes of Mercutio from the play. Romeo's friend called the main antagonist tragedy "king cats" and "rats".

If you repel from the etymology, Tibalt is a reduction from the French name to theobald, which happened from the German "Theobald". The literal translation is "brave from the people." Indeed, the courage does not occupy this character. But this is just one side of his character, which is associated with the fertility and the conservatism of views, made a catalyst for the tragic finals.

The image and fate of Tibalt

The cousin of Juliet treated her sister with excessive care. It is believed that the negative attitude of the antihero to the Montext family is due to upbringing and difficult childhood (the boy has lost her parents early). Hate and thirst for revenge - this is what the nobleman was guided in his actions. It was often the initiator of the fights, contemptuously referring to men family of montext.

The main antagonist appears in the first action of the play when the fight between the servants of the warring houses began. Benvolio tried to stop the bloodshed and asked Tibalt to help pacify the hot engines. But instead, Brother Juliet attacks Benevolio. The fight grows up, and old, and young, everyone is enough weapons and throw in a fierce fight.

This fight could be fatal if the Duke of Escal appeared. He tired of hostility and the wisp in Verona, the Duke announced that he, because of whom the blood sheds, will answer his life. The warring parties diverge, but the representative of the cabinets does not suit it, he is eager for the death of enemies.

Hate is enhanced in the scene, which shows the Masquerade ball in the house of Cappulets. Romeo with friends secretly sneaks for a holiday. But Tibalt learned the enemy and considered such behavior offensive. Signor Kapuletsi did not want a fight in the house, so forced the nephew to leave the guests alone. A man has threatened, but was forced to leave.

When these heroes faced the third stage of the play, Romeo had already secretly wound with the young heir to Kapuleti. The desire of the young man to reconcile himself in the fact that he called Tibalt Brother. But this did not affect the development of the plot, but even more raised the "king cats".

Mercutio popped up for a friend, considering that he took the first step, and Tibalt should have answered the same. Bettle is tied between them. Romeo is trying to reconcile the warring, but cousin Juliet, taking advantage of the harness, strongly wounds Mercutio.

Benevolio reports that the relative of the Duke of Veronsky died. Such a petition murder and the death of a friend beloved Juliet could not bear. Romeo killed Tibalt in a honest duel, realizing that the life would pay his life. Subsequently, even the plan of Father Lorenzo, presented in the letter, did not help in love to overcome the separation in the form of death.

Critics, speaking about the image of the "rat" impose a definition of a vision of a black and white painting of the world. Thoughts, actions and arguments of the antagonist were connected entirely with a generic host, and nothing else was interested. He knew from childhood who his enemies, and, having matured, did not change the views. Little, hard and straight nobleman, not for reconciliation from the montext, even if the happiness of the younger sister depended on this.

Therefore, to interpret the characteristic of the image exclusively from the negative side is incorrect. After all, the man is scrupulous in matters of honor. According to the Duel Code, no one has the right to stand up between opponents. Romeo intervened in a duel than insulted both sides.

The fact that Tibalt escaped a duel is the first sign that he is not a fearless person who does not know regret and shame. To some extent, he himself did not expect this tragedy, although he dreamed of shedding the blood of the enemy with all the films of the soul. And return - nothing but the desire to atone for the guilt, answer for the deed and defend your honor.

The tragic fate could not be avoided, because childhood and conscious life hero spent in a state of hatred. And no longer expect from him. Before his death, Mercutio cursed both homes for their hostility. And this is the first sending to the fact that this story will not be a happy finale.

Tibalt in films and musicals

There is a huge number of Romeo and Juliet shields, but the grandee is considered the work of the director Franco Dzeffirelli in 1968. The film became the classic of world cinema, and the actors played in it were approached by appearance and age to literary heroes. The role of cousin Juliet performed Michael York.

The play shifted onto a modern manner. Verona appeared by a megapolis, and the noble clans became mafiosis in the film Lurmana base. Replicas and the description of actions were also interpreted by the director in accordance with the realities of the late XX century. Here Cousin Juliet played American actor John Leuyuizamo.

The best musical about the saddest history in the world was put in France. Gerard Presgürvik himself wrote words and music in the play. The premiere took place in 2001. The brilliant game of actors, costumes, scenery - all of this embodied the immortal creation of Shakespeare on the stage. Subsequently, the musical was transferred to 12 languages.


Romeo, the essence of my feelings to you all expressing in the word: You are a bastard. I am always ready for your service, give me just a reason. Silov is irritating not to take it, which you always excite.


  • 1595 - Romeo and Juliet


  • 1980 - Romeo and Juliet (Brazil)
  • 1981 - Romeo and Juliet (Argentina)
  • 1984 - Romeo and Juliet (USA, United Kingdom)
  • 1993 - Romeo and Juliet (Canada)
  • 1994 - Romeo and Juliet (United Kingdom)
  • 1996 - Romeo + Juliet (USA)
  • 1996 - Romeo and Juliet (Sweden)
  • 2000 - Romeo and Juliet (Italy)
  • 2000 - Romeo and Juliet (USA)
  • 2002 - Romeo and Juliet (Canada)
  • 2006 - Romeo and Juliet (Uzbekistan)
  • 2009 - Romeo and Juliet (Croatia)
  • 2013 - Romeo and Juliet (United Kingdom, Italy)
  • 2014 - Romeo and Juliet (USA)

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