Coronavirus in Omsk 2020: Cases, Situation, Illness, Latest News


Updated April 19.

Pandemic COVID-19 in the spring of 2020 each day covers more and more territories. Despite the restrictive measures taken, the infection seeps through the closed state borders and comes to different cities.

The editorial office of 24cmi will tell the latest news about Coronavirus in Omsk: What is aware of the situation and what measures to combat the spread of infection are adopted in the region.

Curonavirus cases in Omsk

The first three sick coronavirus in Omsk were registered on March 28. A family of three flew from the UAE to the capital of the Russian Federation in mid-March. Returning home, they were on home quarantine.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

On the 10th day of self-isolation in family members, tests were taken and tests for the presence of infection, which gave a positive result. Patients were delivered to a special boxing of an infectious hospital. Their state of doctors was assessed as satisfactory.

As of April 19, 33 cases of infection were recorded in Omsk, 14 patients have already been treated and discharged from hospitals. Another 1660 people are under the supervision of doctors as potential media of the virus, 3 people in observation.

The condition of the 62-year-old sick coronavirus has changed, which since the end of March is considered the most severe patients. Doctors note that the man is still in resuscitation, but it has become much better. It can be said that the patient is amended. Soon it can be turned off from the IVL apparatus.

Several people with suspicion of coronavirus, in contact with patients, broke the home quarantine regime. 16 administrative cases on violators are instituted.

Situation in Omsk

The survey of local residents spent in the media shows that the opinions of citizens on the coronavirus in Omsk differ significantly. Many pre-made food reserves, respect the regime of self-insulation and responsibly relate to the issues of hygiene and security of themselves and others.

However, there are those who relate to the situation with the fraction of skepticism, considering that a panic is creating artificially and too "inflate" the problem, exaggerating the danger.

Some citizens were convinced of their own experience that in the medical sphere, the situation was intense. Call a doctor for the house today - the task is not easy, as the doctors lack at all.

Make a test for Coronavirus in Omsk or pass the analyzes to people with signs of ARVI is impossible because of the large influx of people. There are no medical masks in pharmacies since the middle of March. Grocery stores continue to work. There is no deficiency of products on the shelves of supermarkets.

Omsk can receive telephone consultation on coronavirus issues in the region by calling the 24-hour hotline of the Unified Consulting Center in the Omsk Region: 8-800-35-04-696.

Restrictions in Omsk

From March 31, fines were increased for quarantine disturbance: for individuals - from 15 to 40 thousand rubles, for officials - 50-150 thousand rubles, for companies - 200-500 thousand rubles and cessation of work per month.

On March 28, the work of cinemas, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, swimming pools, beauty salons, hairdressers, etc. Cinema, cafes, and hairdressers are discontinued. Catering institutions only work for delivery. By June 1, hotels, boarding houses and sanatorium are closed.

In MFC, the inhabitants of Omsk may fall by appointment. City authorities reported that benefits for certain categories of citizens will be extended automatically until October 1.

Penalties for a disturbance of quarantine due to coronavirus in Russia

Penalties for a disturbance of quarantine due to coronavirus in Russia

Omsk hypermarkets have installed safe time for pensioners for shopping - from 8 to 9 am. At this time, buyers are small, and the risk of getting infection is small.

In Omsk schools, the educational process is organized remotely. Children's gardens for quarantine in Omsk are not closed, parents, based on personal capabilities and situations, decide whether the child will attend a preschool institution.

In the Department of Education of the Omsk and Omsk Region, a telephone hotline is open, according to which parents and students can get information about the educational process in remote form.

The movement of urban transport is reduced to a minimum. Residents of the city are recommended to respect 1.5 meters in transport and shops.

Latest news

On April 15, the world judge of the Kirov court Omsk will consider the dissemination of fake information about the coronavirus. The local resident is accused of distributing the obviously false impogncy of deaths in Omsk. A woman threatens a fine of from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. or imprisonment.

April 14, in Omsk, schoolchildren began to distribute product sets. Until April 23, students will receive sets from a pack of tea, 1 kg of sugar, 2 kg of flour, 1.6 kg of cereals, 1 kg of macaroni, 1 liter of sunflower oil, 0.5 kg of grocers and 250 g of candy.

It is noted that products will get 15,899 schoolchildren in disabled and students from low-income families. Find out when the child gets this set, you can have a class manager.

Previously, product kits received large families. It included cereals, flour, oil, sugar, gingerbread, waffles and soups in banks.

Alexander Burkov asked citizens during self-insulation to refrain from hiking to church, but the parishioners preferred not to listen to the governor. On April 11, during the celebration of Lazareva Saturday, more than 50 people gathered in the Assumption Cathedral. Journalists noted that the parishioners did not comply with the presidation and were almost all without masks.

From April 1, the authorities of the region due to coronavirus in Omsk installed a special regime of self-insulation for citizens. The prohibition concerns movement around the city, emphasized the governor of the region Alexander Burkov.

Leaving the House Residents of the region is allowed only by a good reason - buying medicines or products at points of step accessibility, access to work, an appeal to medical care. Allowed walking domestic dogs near the house and removal of household garbage.

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