Mercutio (character) - Photo, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Tibalt, image


Character History

Mercutio - Pieces Character William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". According to the plot of the tragedy - the best friend of Romeo Montecca. Young Veronea appears on the pages of Shakespeare Creation only in three acts, but plays an important role in the main action. The witty, the Mercutio, filled with irony, becomes excellent characteristics not only for his friends, but also for occurring events. The fate of the hero is tragic - he dies on a duel.

History of character creation

Shakespeare has created a plays in 1595. The story was based on a host of two noble Italian families - montextures and cabins. A fever lasts for a long time, Verona is tired of bloodshed, and Prince Veronsky, Escal, at the legislative level banned the street fighting of representatives of both childbirth. But the hot Verona youths crave the blood of rivals, not the loss of the case when meeting to join the fight with the "enemies". Against the background of this struggle, Love Romeo and Juliet, children of the heads of warring families begins.

Romeo's friends, his faithful companions are the cousin Benvolio and Mercutio. The latter in the play performs the role of the initiator of actions, joker, isoslov, and a dexterous fencer. As the philologist Leonid Pinsky notes, this character plays the role of a tragedy jester, drawing Shakespeare more sophisticated, refined than in comedies. The hero is constantly fading over in love - first in Rosalindu - Romeo, over the borders of Juliet and even over the worst enemy - Tibalt (Tibald). His image becomes contrasting next to the silent and serious brother Juliet.

The image and fate of Mercutio

About the appearance of the hero in the play is not mentioned - about the nature of Mercutio, the audience will know from the replica of the hero itself or his friends. A young moncecement says that he "loves to listen herself and will speak as much as he will regret the whole month." Indeed, the relative of the prince Verona masterfully mastered the art of eloquence. The young man was smart, drew, bold. Mercutio understands human psychology, experienced in love affairs - which is why Romeo is talking over the feelings.

One feature of the character of the hero is love for puns. So, for example, referring to Benevolio, the character notes that that "inclined to recklessness and recklessness in the inclinations." Mercutio likes to ironize, using the original turns and comparisons for this in its speech. When Romeo begins to take a friend of a friend of the unavailable love of an excellent Rosalinda, a character, calling the montext "a pattern", reports that he is tired of flimmer, "like a chadnkaya smoking".

The audience meets Mercutio in the scene of the Masquerad holiday in the house of Signora Capuletsi. The hero, as the nephew of Prince Veronsky, is invited to this event. Romeo and Benevolio come for a feast secretly, since the input of the montexti to the celebration is prohibited. When the young man in Love in Rosalinda reports a bad dream, dreamed of the day before, Mercutio seeks to draw bad premonitions of a friend in a joke. The hero utters an enchanting, bright monologue about Queen Mab, which brings all different dreams.

Already after the masquerade, when Romeo, combat the beauty of Juliet, decides to return to the house of Cappulets, between Benevolio and Mercutio there is a funny dialogue. The nephew Signora Moncecek asks a friend to call the "disappeared" in love, to which the relative of Prince Verona pronounces an ironic passage, in which he is openly laughing at the fading feelings of his young friend, calls that "crazy admirer."

In this comical monologue, the character acts as a connoisseur of female beauty - the speech is given sensual, impregnated with eroticism of Rosalinda (Mercutio does not yet know that his friend's heart is already occupied by another beauty). For the third time, the public sees the hero in the scene, when the Kormilitsa Juliet is to Romeo with a message from his young beloved. Mercutio continues to tear over the montext, comparing it with a dried herring, and about the passion of a friend ironically says that in comparison with his beloved Romeo Laura Petrarchi - just "kitchen disgusting".

When Zhulletta feeds come up with young people, the character does not hide caustic comments towards the lady. Stressing her fullness, the young man compares a woman with a sail. And when she asks the servant of the fan - after all, the day is hot, - Mercutio, not embarrassed, says that the fan of the fan will fix his appearance. The hero calls her random, wants to drive until Romeo calms his friend.

In the fourth - and the last - once the relative of Prince Veronsky appears in the stage of the fight between representatives of the family of monteccs and the kind of cabbage led by Tibalt. Earlier in the dialogue with Benvolio Mercutio calls Brother Juliet with a skillful "doughrist", which fentes "as notes." When meeting with Tibalt, he disseminatedly calls the young man with a cat (the same name from the cat out of an old fairy tale), spoke to the words of Kapulent about Romeo, whom he wishes to cause a duel, and soon between the opponents begins the bloody fight.

Trying to dispel to young men, Romeo becomes an involuntary participant in the wound of a friend - from under his hand, Tibalt is mortally wounds Mercutio and hides with comrades. The hero curses both families, calling the plague to hit both at home, while even on the threshold of death continues to ironize, saying that his wound is just a scratch.

Mercutio in films and musicals

Shakespeare Piece has repeatedly shielded. Today there are many versions of the English classic tragedy. The film of the director Franco Dzeffirelli is most popular, where Mercutio's role was performed by actor John Makineri, and the film "Romeo + Juliet" directed by Lurmana base. Here, the image of the relative of the Verona Prince brilliantly embodied on the screen the black actor Harold Perrino. The phrases of the hero became popular quotes.

The plot of the tragedy also became an excellent basis for plastic arts. So, at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian composer Sergey Prokofiev wrote music for the ballet "Romeo and Juliet". Later, in 2001, the Musical Displane was created in France. At different times, Mercutio's role was performed by many talented artists. In one of the latest versions of the hero, John Eisen plays.


After all, you are in love, so the wings of the Amur / decisive waves and tear off. Now let me know what they say, say: / I am a muddy, let the mask and blush. One of your nine lives, a feline king, in anticipation of eight others that I travelery. Taking your sword for your ears, until I grabbed you for your own!


  • 1595 - Romeo and Juliet


  • 1936 - Romeo and Juliet (USA)
  • 1954 - Romeo and Juliet (United Kingdom)
  • 1968 - Romeo and Juliet (United Kingdom - Italy)
  • 1996 - Romeo + Juliet (USA)
  • 2001 - Romeo and Juliet (Music) (France)

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