Coronavirus in India 2020: Situation, quarantine, diseased, latest news


Updated April 24th

The latest news about the scale of distribution of the new SARS-COV-2 virus becomes no less frightening. Measures to combat dangerous ailments acquire the scale of mass quarantines. What is the picture of what is happening due to the current situation with coronavirus in India, where the population density is higher than in China, will tell the material 24cm.

Coronavirus cases in India

The first, who brought January 3020 to India, the SARS-COV-2 virus, became a Chinese student who came to Kerala from the most disadvantaged city of Middle Kingdom - Uhani. The girl was placed in the insulator of the Hospital of Trissur County.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

On April 6, 29 cases of COVID-19 infection among medical personnel were revealed at the Medical Center of Welhard in Mumbai. The Indian authorities decided to close the hospital and declare the place to contain the SARS-COV-2 virus containment zone.

The first death from the complications of the infection caused by coronavirus, in India recorded on March 10 in a 76-year-old man. The patient has suffered in a journey in Saudi Arabia, and the accompanying diagnoses of asthma, sugar diabetes, appendicitis, hypertension affected the fatal outcome. The oldest died was the 38-year-old resident of Bihar.

As of April 24th , coronavirus in India has become infected 23 502. Human. Doctors managed to cure 5 012. Patient, virus pneumonia took life 722. Human.

Situation in India

The authorities do not exclude that the real amount of infection may be much more, because to establish a social distance in a country where more than 1.35 billion residents are almost impossible. Compliance with sanitary standards is also questionable, because millions of Indian citizens simply do not have access to clean water, not to mention medical masks and gloves.

India spends no more than 3.3% of GDP, which means that, with an increase in the number of sick hospitals, they simply do not cope, because at their disposal there are only 40 thousand IVL devices. It remains to hope that the climate of India will help keep the wave of the virus spread, but official confirmations that the virus dies at high temperatures is not yet.

Residents of India are amenable to panic sentiment, with each subsequent day of quarantine, the situation is not changing in a positive side. Healthcare workers, employees of airlines and rail transport are discriminated against - the landlords began to evict them from housing, as they are afraid to become infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus.

Foreign tourists in India also disliked. Local residents refuse to sell them essential products and water, evicted from hotels. Sometimes it comes to throwing sticks and bricks on the balconies and at home.

Physical punishment by tagging in relation to disturbing quarantine conditions - not a myth. Indian police have the right to apply such measures. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic laid the beginning of both solid and mass offenses.

In addition to the dissemination of false information about the outbreaks of coronavirus in India, the media covered some other situations that strict the difficulty of the population about the new infection:

  • The owner of the furniture store in Bhivandi assured that his mattresses are able to heal from COVID-19;
  • Twitter launched the Nomeat_nocoronavirus trend, according to which only people used to be infected with meat;
  • A number of high-ranking politicians via the media stated that the use of cow's urine or manure wiping is able to cure COVID-19.

Restrictions in India

On February 2, in India, due to the threat of dissemination of a new virus, the Chinese citizens stopped issuing online visas. Later, on March 13, they canceled all visas for entering the country, except diplomatic.

On March 22, in India because of Coronavirus, the Narendra Prime Minister Modo announced a curfew, the duration of which was 14 hours (from 7 am to 9 pm). The measures touched 82 districts and major cities, which previously revealed cases of COVID-19. Such a measure official called strategic: restrictions will allow the authorities to understand how quickly the country can mobilize in an emergency.

On March 24, in India, a nationwide quarantine was introduced for three weeks. The largest blockade in the world, according to the NEW YORK Times edition. According to the order, the borders between the states are closed, the work of stores and enterprises is stopped, and a taxi, metro and rail services work in limited mode. Taj Mahal, schools, universities, theaters and other locations of the massacre of people are also prohibited for visiting.

Latest news

On April 14, the authorities due to the coronavirus of India extended the Total Isolation regime to the 30th day of the current month, local media reported.

On April 13, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the poor may pass a free test for the identification of a virus in private laboratories. From the rest of the citizens will be charged earlier than the established fee - 4,500 rupees for the analysis (about $ 60).

Citizens note that many simply nowhere to self-indulgered, as they do not have at home. Now all temples are closed and do not distribute free food.

Many people in India can soon begin to die from hunger, and not from the virus. People become just nothing to buy food, since enterprises are closed, ordinary workers lose meager earnings. The authorities note that they allocate funds to help poorly. Funds are spent both on the products and directly transfer to citizens.

The media notes that children who previously collected scrap metal and had 53 cents in good days, now lost this income. Dumps are closed, the police are on duty. Children in an interview with the Journalist The New York Times told what they knew about the virus from China, but they were more afraid to get a stick from the police than to get sick.

On April 6, the Minister of the State of Telingan Kalvaacrate Chandenekhar Rao proposed to extend the insulation mode from April 14 to June 3, but the power of India is so silent.

India Prime Minister Narendra Modo called on the inhabitants of the country on April 5 to turn off the light and light the candles (mobile phones lanterns) at 9 pm for 9 minutes. In this way, India brought gratitude to all workers to doctors and expressed hope for a rapid recovery from the illness caused by Coronavirus.

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