Luke Hemsworth - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Brothers Hemsworth - one of the most prolific and talented family in consignments in modern cinema. Chris Hemsworth is known to the world as Marvel Universe. Liam Hemsworth became famous due to blockbuster "Hungry Games". In the filmography of Luke Hemsworth, the older of the brothers, who came to the actor before the rest, until several major roles.

Childhood and youth

Luke Hemsworth was born on November 5, 1981 in Melbourne, one of the largest cities of Australia. He is the firstborn of the co-worker Craig Hemsworth and the teacher of English Leoni (in Van OS).

Luke, like his younger brothers Chris (August 11, 1983) and Liam (January 13, 1990), inherited from the grandfather Martin van Osa Dutch roots. Also in the veins of actors flow Irish, English, Scottish and German blood.

Brothers Hemsworth have always been friendly. They built teenagers on the trees, learned to swim in suburban small rivers, mastered the surfing and caught frogs. In general, I was looking for entertainment in the fact that I gave nature, because there was no other around - the family lived in the wilderness, on the island of Philippa, which is 140 km from Melbourne.

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The "experimental rabbit" in risky games, to invent which only boys are capable of, traditionally performed the youngest Liam. For example, Luke and Chris dressed a lot of clothes on his brother and checked if it would feel through this thick layer of a bullet released from a pneumatic rifle.

Hemsworth was firmly friends, but fought and quarreled even stronger. Parents, having relent from the house, had to be delivered by brothers in different relatives: Chris to aunt, and Luke and Liam - to her grandparents. The family in a joke called the boys "devilish jokes" and threatened the rite of exorcism.

Kinomans are best familiar with Chris and Liam Hemsworth, but the whole hatch was the first on the creative way. He improved his acting skill at the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, another largest city of Australia.

It is not known what purpose Himsworth Hamsworth persecuted, learning improvisation and reliability of the transfer of emotions on the theater scene or in front of a movie chamber, but clearly did not feed his vanity. Even now, little gladly glorifying, the actor prefers to avoid the attention of the public.

"I don't think people want to become actors to follow them. It constantly happens when I am with brothers. I do not understand why passersby photograph us when we leave the car or rest on the beach. This is strange!" - Once noted Luke Hemsworth in an interview.

Personal life

Luke Hemsworth is a faithful family man. His personal life is spinning around the wife of Samantha, the wedding with which was held in 2007, and children - Daughters Holly (2009.), Ella (2010) and Harper Rose (2012) and son Alexander (2013 r.).

The actor is proud of his family. He regularly lays out common photos in "Instagram", publicly congratulates his wife with the Day of Mother, and all the girls - with International Women's Day. And only Alexander often remains behind the scenes.

By the way, in social networks Luke Hemsworth is not afraid to seem funny. He often croches the face and composes the scolding signatures. Judging by the updates in the photo dent, the actor has saturated, complete adventure and communication life. He is interested in motor sports and surfing. Water is the favorite Element of Australian. Once in an interview, he said:

"I saw sharks in the ocean, but they did not make me get to the shore. Do not wait. "


The acting career of Luke Hemsworth began in 2001 with the soap opera "Neighbors". He starred in 10 episodes as a football player Nathan Tyson, which consumes steroids.

There were times when Luke Hemsworth pushed the brothers on the screen, and not the opposite. It is with his filing in the "neighbors" later starred and Chris, and Liam. The younger stayed in the project longer than all - for 25 episodes, he played Josh Taylor, surfingist.

In subsequent years, Luke Hemsworth was shot at the second-rate local TV series "Equestrian Club", "Last Hero", Blue Hilers, "All Saints", "Enjoyment", "Elephant and Princess", etc. If it were not for his brothers The actor would remain on the backyards of the cinema and never left Australia.

The long-awaited debut of Luke Hemsworth in Hollywood took place in the Black Comedy of the Kriva Stands "Kill me three times" (2014). The shooting platform with the actor Deli Simon Pegg, Alice Braga, Sullivan Steplton and Teresa Palmer.

One of the first major roles got a hatch Hemsworth in the fantastic thriller "Infinity" (2015). For the sake of shooting the actor I had to return to Australia. Paints of the film and the plot estimated a few. However, some national critics called "Infinity" with one of the evidence that the mainland can make decent competition on the world film engineer.

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In the western "Hikok" (2017), Luke Hemsworth was again in the center of the screen. He played a really existing man of Wild Bill Hicoca - the famous gold detector, scout. The actor got the opportunity to show itself in all its glory.

Next, Australian lit up in a blockbuster "Thor: Ragnarök" (2017), played a major role in Fantasy "Contact" (2018). And a little earlier, in 2016, Luke Hemsworth joined the Cast of the HBO series "The World of Wild West." While this is the most successful project in his biography.

"The Wild West World, according to the plot, is an entertainment park, flooded by android. Luke Hemsworth in Him - Ashley Stubbs, Head of Security Service and responsible for contacting people with robots.

"The Wild West World glorified Hamsworth's Luca, because since the exit of pilot episodes of the series" This Detective "in 2014, HBO did not collect such high ratings for the premiere.

Luke Hemsworth now

On March 15, 2020, the premiere of the 3rd season of Western "Wild West World" took place. It includes 8 episodes. Luke Hemsworth is still mostly caste.

The news about whether the continuation of the "Wild West World" will follow, while there is no, but, judging by the storylines, the character of Luke Hemsworth will be with the TV show to the final.

Also, in the post-sales stage there is another film with the participation of Hamsworth Hamsworth "34th battalion". He will tell about four friends who are trying to survive on the fronts of Australia during the First World War.


  • 2001-2002, 2008 - "Neighbors"
  • 2014 - "Kill me three times"
  • 2015 - "Infinity"
  • 2016 - nasty. BP. - "Wild West World"
  • 2017 - "Hikok"
  • 2017 - "Thor: Ragnarök"
  • 2018 - "Contact"
  • 2019 - "Crypto"

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