Peter Foundation - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause



The 1960s counterculture was formed by the symbols of America, which strikes the War in Vietnam: Hipsters, Woodstock Festival, Martin Luther King and The Beatles. Legendary actor, Laureate of the Golden Globe Peter Fonda also did not stay away from this phenomenon. Although he did not receive special fame in the cinema, but his era presented brilliantly.

Childhood and youth

Peter Henry Fund was born on February 23, 1940 in New York. He is the only son of the actor Henry Funds and the secular lioness Francis Ford Seymour. The family was also brought up by Jane Fonda (1937.

Parents of the funds lived in unfortunate marriage: Mother, the victim of sexual violence, again and again experienced the events of childhood, and his father wanted a full-fledged personal life. Unable to endure more, Henry Fund asked about divorce. Then Francis Ford Seymour has already been treated in a psychiatric clinic.

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April 14, 1950, 3 months after the request of her husband, Seymour committed suicide in his ward. Peter was hardly 10 years old. On the circumstances of the death of Mother, the actor found out only 5 years later.

This is not the only tragedy in the biography of the fund. On the 11th birthday, the young man accidentally fired himself in his stomach and almost died. Later the Foundation told about the event of John Lennon and George Harrison.

"I know what to be dead," I noticed the actor.

So Born the song The Beatles She Said She Said.

The actor studied at a social school in Savborough, Massachusetts, until 1954, and in 1958 he graduated from the boarding school in Simsburg, Connecticut. Easy to make it easily with the profession, the Foundation entered the Theater Faculty in the University of Nekrasky in Omaha.

Personal life

In 1961, Peter Funds became Susan Bruer, designer. Bridgets and Justin Foundation were born in marriage. The daughter went in the footsteps of the Father. She starred in the cinema, until he married composer Danny Elfman in 2003.Embed from getty images

In 1975, the new Mrs. Fund became Portia Rebecca Crockett. Their marriage turned out to be the most durable and lasted until 2011.

The latest chief of the actor became Margaret Debel. They got married in 2011 and were together until the death of the funds.


Returning to New York, Peter Fonda hit Broadway. In his youth, he spent 3 years at theatrical stage, until he was offered a role in the romantic comedy "Tammy and Doctor" (1963). From this it began the triumphant ascent of the actor.

Foundation - symbol of countercultitution of the 1960s. The first film characteristic for those times - "Wild Angels" (1966) about bikers, then came out "Trip" (1967) on the consequences of the use of LSD.

The most religious in the filmography of Peter Fonds is considered to be Road Movy "Careless Riding" (1969). This film crew of the Foundation shared with Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson.

"Careless rides" had international success. Nicholson nominated for Oscar for the best male role of the second plan, and the foundation and hopper - for the best original scenario. At the box office gathered more than $ 40 million.

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Symbols from the "careless rider" are still recognizable. For example, in 2017, the Joel and Itan Cooney brothers removed the "Mercedes" advertisement with the stock in the lead role. He acted as an innovator, who, unlike conservative bikers, moves around the desert not on a motorcycle, but on a comfortable sports car. The only thing remained unchanged: the cultic rust with the American flag on the back, the distinctive garment of his character from the "careless rider".

The 1960s ended, hippie culture went to the second plan, and the Foundation switched to militants. Bright paintings - "open season" (1974), "Racing with the devil" (1975), "Murderous force" (1976). None of these films, as follows, did not repeat the success of the "careless rider".

Peter Fonds filmography includes more than 70 paintings, but only the Drama "Gold Uli" (1997) brought him awards, and including the Golden Globe for the best male role.


Peter Foundation died on August 16, 2019 in his home in Los Angeles, California. The cause of death is respiratory failure caused by lung cancer. The actor was 79 years old.Embed from getty images

In recent years, the Foundation has not lost the presence of the Spirit, the photos looked still cheerfully, except that she lost weight - with a height of 189 cm he weighed no more than 80 kg.

After the death of the actor, his sister Jane Fonda said:

"I am very sad. He was a kind of younger brother, who always took care of the family. I perfectly spent time with him in his last days. "


  • 1963 - "Tammy and Doctor"
  • 1964 - "Lilith"
  • 1966 - "Wild Angels"
  • 1969 - "Careless Riding"
  • 1974 - "Dirty Mary, Crazy Harry"
  • 1993 - "Deadly Fall"
  • 1996 - "Gold Uli"
  • 1999 - "Mystery Life Ain Rand"
  • 2007 - "Real Kabany"
  • 2007 - "Ghost Rider"
  • 2017 - "Ballada about Lefty Brown"

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