Coronavirus in Belgium 2020: cases, quarantine, diseased, latest news


Updated April 19.

In Belgium, the situation with the current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic is more encouraging than in other countries, in the "leaderboards" rating by the number of infections, it takes 10th place, but the situation is capable of changing at any time. About how coronavirus influenced in Belgium to the life of the kingdom, will tell the editorial board 24cmi.

Curonavirus cases in Belgium

The first coronavirus infected in Belgium appeared in February. 4 Numbers The Ministry of Health in the country in Maggie de Block reported that among evacuated from the Chinese uhang, one infected was revealed.

The patient who had examined along with the rest of China's returned from China at the Military Hospital of the city of Nedel-Over Hembek, after confirming the diagnosis, was placed in the Saint-Pierre University Clinic, located in Brussels. The rest of the arrived specials from abroad has not found the disease from abroad.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

After this incident, no longer negative news from Brussels did not receive. The first patient has already managed to finish treatment without complications, when it was found in Belgium a second sick with coronavirus in the body.

This happened on March 1 in Antwerp - the woman returned from France was hospitalized with fever and pain in the respiratory tract. The next day, another 6 new cases of infection were recorded, including in the capital of the kingdom.

On March 11, when the first patient COVID-19 was died in Belgium, in the country there were already over 260 patients with confirmed coronavirus infection. And on March 14, 2020, when the number of deaths provoked by the disease increased to five, the Ministry of Health has already spoke already on 689 cases of infection. Subsequently, the situation only worsened.

April 8, 2020, 2 days after the statement of the authorities of the kingdom of readiness to begin a gradual way out of the self-insulation regime introduced as part of measures, in Belgium, 2240 deaths due to infection were recorded in Belgium with a total of 23.5 thousand people due to infection, causative agent which is coronavirus, complications.

As of April 19. Because of the coronavirus in Belgium, 37,138 people were injured. 8378 patients managed to cure, 5453 more - died.

Situation in Belgium

Invented himself in Belgium in early March, Coronavirus changed the usual measured lifestyle. And he did not leave the country away from Panic, which covered against the background of the rapid spread of a new infection, the entire European Union.

So, already on March 11, when in the news was reported on the first dead due to illness, Belgian was detained in Brussels who had attacked the man of Eastern outdoor, accusing the latter in the spread of coronavirus infection. And the 12th inhabitants of the country rushed into grocery stores to stock products and essentials.

The choice of all-European hysteria firstly fell on pasta, cereals and canned foods, as well as personal hygiene and detergents, as a result of which the shelves with these goods were empty. There was also a shortage of masks in pharmacies, in connection with which the authorities decided to publish the patterns of protection of respiratory authorities in open access so that the residents could make them on their own.

Fuel into the fire of universal panic was poured and shoppers began to reprint articles that allegedly in Belgium resounded from the infection caused by coronavirus provoked a violation in the operation of the respiratory authorities.

Later it became known that the material is a newspaper "Duck". But the Belgians, and for them and other Europeans have already managed to suspect that before the start of a zombie apocalypse, so popular in the games and films of the last decade, remains quite a bit.

Streets and squares of the Belgian cities are empty, universities, without waiting for orders of the government, transferred students to distance learning. Enterprises also sent employees to "remote". Churches stopped conducting mass religious events. Courts transferred consideration of non-prior affairs at a later date. And stopped the work of the Brussels "Quarter of Red Lights".

In early April, after a short clutch, it became known that the workers of the Belgian networks of Carrefour and Delhaize stores declared a strike, demanding due to a pandemic of wage raising.

Restrictions in Belgium

The first measures in Belgium began to take another 10 March - Coronavirus made the leadership of the kingdom to cancel the events whose number of participants exceeds 1 thousand people. Also, the Government of Belgium, saying that schools will not be closed yet, recommended to educational institutions to temporarily postpone the departure of students abroad as part of school trips, and entrepreneurs - transfer personnel to the remote mode of operation and cancel non-aral business meetings.

The famous people who died due to coronavirus

The famous people who died due to coronavirus

However, the situation soon dictated the requirements for tightening the introduced measures - Prime Minister Belgium Sophie Vilmes announced the beginning of a national quarantine: from the 13th of the authorities of the kingdom ordered to close restaurants and cafes, nightclubs and shopping points, with the exception of selling essentials, and products, as well as pet stores and pharmacies.

On the territory of the country, all entertainment and sporting events were canceled, regardless of the scale and number of participating. Residents of Belgian cities strongly recommended refuse to travel by public transport. Hospitals indicated to be ready for emergency measures in case of deterioration of the epidemiological situation.

On March 18, 2020, quarantine measures tightened, completely banning any meetings and restricting the movement of citizens in the country's territory and obligatory not to leave the house without real ones: visits to work, pharmacies, refueling, banking or post office or visiting to the doctor.

Moreover, the authorities were allowed and even recommended to make short jogging and bicycle walks in the fresh air, but exclusively accompanied by close relatives and in compliance with the distance at one and a half meters with outsiders. The borders for entry and departure the country did not close, however, recommended to exclude foreign trips without acute need.

Despite the fact that before the normalization of the situation with a pandemic, the reason for which Coronavirus became, in Belgium, it was still far away, on April 6, the state authorities reported on the start of preparation for the gradual output from the self-insulation regime. For what formed from economists, health workers and sociologists a special expert group, which will determine the timing and nuances of the abolition of restrictive measures.

Despite the loud statements, the insulation regime was extended until April 19. It was also noted that with a large probability of quarantine subsequently extended at least until May 3.

Latest news

Belgian authorities, on April 6 reported on the decision to start a phased output from the insulation regime introduced under quarantine to contain the speed of coronavirus infection, weakened restrictive measures, resolving older Belgians and families with children under 6 years to go to nature to spend time in the fresh air . Remaining is done for residents of cities, near the houses of which there are no parks and green plantings.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Alexander de Croo reported that the country's leadership pledged 5 million euros to create a vaccine against COVID-19.

The family of complications caused by a coronavirus infection of the complications of the store's employee belonging to the Belgian trading network of Colruyt filed a supermarket to the court. According to the family members of the deceased, the chief told an employee not to wear personal protective equipment (mask, gloves) in the workplace, because for young people, Coronavirus is supposedly harmless.

For the manufacture of masks in the kingdom, Belgium attracted prisoners - convicts produced more than 27 thousand tools for the protection of respiratory organs, of which 17.5 thousand went to the needs of the correctional institutions themselves, and the rest were sent to other organizations.

Because of the pandemic, the cause of which became coronavirus, the number of deaths in the nursing homes has increased in Belgium. According to the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom, from the moment of the introduction of a quarantine in the country, more than 6 hundred people were died in intended for the care of elderly people. And due to the lack of comprehensive testing on SARS-COV-2, the real figure is capable of being much larger.

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