Tumso Abdurakhmanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



In the fall of 2015, blogger Tumso Abdurakhmanov escaped from the native Chechen Republic. According to him, the reason for this is the conflict with the relative of Ramzan Kadyrov, the current chapter of this subject of the Russian Federation. Abdurakhmanov tried to find political asylum in Georgia and Poland, but unsuccessfully. In Russia, he is now in the federal wanted list.

Childhood and youth

Tumso Umatovich Abdurakhmanov, by nationality, Chechen, was born on December 19, 1985 in Grozny.

For the struggle with the authorities of the USSR Umarita Abdul-Madzhidovich Abdurakhmanova, the father of the blogger, sentenced to death. Later it was replaced by imprisonment. He spent in the colony of strict regime of 18 years, died in 2000. In 1994, he was wounded in the first Chechen war.

Tumso's mother worked in the hospital of the Cardiorean Cardiorette.

Abdurakhmanov grew up in heavy years for Chechnya.

"I was afraid of the teenager. I will never forget what fear put in the heart when I heard the plane. You never know where he is fading where the bomb falls. It's scary, "Tumso told in an interview with BBC.

Blogger stressed that he did not participate in hostilities, but not because he considered the war wrong, but by virtue of age.

In 2004, Abdurakhmanov received a diploma in the Grozny Technical School of Informatics and Computational Technology, worked at the state enterprise Electrosvyaz. In 2010, he graduated from the Grozny State Oil Institute.

Personal life

There is information that Tume Abdurakhmanov is married, but the person's person does not reveal. And in general, the blogger tries to keep a personal life in secret: post the photography, after leaving the place of events, does not voiced by personal data, etc.

Blog and Political Conflicts

On November 4, 2015, the life of Tumso Abdurakhmanov adopted his further biography of an unexpected turn. On this day, on the street of Grozny, he "accidentally crossed" with Islam Kadyrov - the ex-head of the Government of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov's nephew.

The subject of the Abdurakhmanov conflict describes vague:

"He [Islam Kadyrov], sitting in the car, began to dig in my phone, began to ask me questions that I am confessing religion."

Then the blogger was delivered to the Government Complex, where he was "captive."

On November 7, Kadyrov asked Abdurakhmanov to "come with all the members of this part". Under the "party" is meant Wahhabism. The reluctance to pass in any no obey people became for a blogger the main motivation to run into Georgia.

Abdurakhmanov, now refugee and dissident, declared a federal wanted list under Art. 208 of the Criminal Code. He was made to participate in the illegal armed formation in Syria. Blogger argues that there was never.

In Georgia, Abdurakhmanov with his family tried to get political asylum. In April 2017, the state refused the dissident last "in connection with the presence of significant circumstances contrary to the interests of the country." A similar wording in 2018 was voiced by Poland's authorities.

Abdurakhmanov's main Yutiub-Saddam Shishani was created back in June 2013, but his blogger began to use his blogger only in 2017. At the same time appeared the same lift account. In the issues of Abdurakhmanov criticizes the power of Chechnya and Russia, it comes into direct dialogue with politicians.

The most popular in the blog Abdurakhmanov was a recording of a telephone conversation with Magomed Daudov, named Lord, chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic. More than 3 hours of men discussed the politics, the problems of the modern state and even the appearance: Daudov said that Abdurakhmanov is more in a magnificent beard than the "goat Chub", and without a beard he does not at all.

In March 2018, the blogger live "Instagram" has made himself with the deputy of the School of Vladimir Region Maxim Shevchenko. The main theme was the attack of Shamil Basayev to Budennovsk in 1995. I went around the conversation and about Ahmat Kadyrov, the first president of Chechnya.

The phrases Abdurakhmanov about Ahmat Kadyrov seemed insulting, and he, as the blogger himself says, declared him "blood revenge." This fact is actively discussed in the media. Some argue that Daudov just called upon Abdurakhmanov to answer, without meaning the murder. The blogger perceived the threat literally.

Politician Alexei Navalny Included Abdurakhmanov's blog in the top 10 best regional Youtyub-channels. He called Chechen "a very bold young man who devotes 100% of his time to the problems of the North Caucasus."

Tumso Abdurakhmanov Now

As of November 2019, the blogger is still in federal wanted list in Russia. Despite attempts, the political shelter did not provide him, although his family is completely legally, with the permission of the authorities, lives in Poland. Abdurakhmanov himself probably also left this country yet.

About the news from the life of the blogger twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays, tells in Life Account.

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