Hell Cat (Character) - Photo, Image, Marvel, Description, Actress, Rachel Taylor


Character History

Hell's cat, she is the same Patricia (Trish) Walker is one of the oldest superheroid Marvel. At different times, she was part of the avengers and defenders.

History of character creation

Under the name Patsy Walker, the heroine debuted in the second release of Miss America magazine in November 1944. Her creators were the American writer Otto Oscar Binder and artist Ruth Atkinson Ford.

The authors gave patricia an attractive appearance - this is a slim red-haired girl with blue eyes, athletically folded and sports. Her physical abilities are quite common to her gender, age and growth. Walker has persistent and fundamental character, but she is not alien to the tendency to be despondency and depression, which, however, it successfully overcomes.

The costume of the hellish cat is created as to strengthen the physical capabilities of its owner. In gloves and boots, extended claws are hidden, with which you can defend or cling to irregularities to climb up.

Biography and image of the hellish cat

According to the description of the fictional biography of the hellish cat, her father Joshua worked as an engineer, brothers and sisters in the girl did not have. Already as a child, the little Patricia became the heroine of the comic book - Mother Dorothy released a series of books about her. From the quotation of the original source, it is clear that the early fame did not like Patsy: it seemed to her that her mother uses her for his own benefit. When the release of the comic was stopped, the girl sighed with relief. Despite this, it was then that her interest in superhero and a dream someday would ever join them.
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Such an opportunity appeared in Patricia after her first unsuccessful marriage with a friend of childhood Robert Baxter was collected. Before becoming a member of the squad of heroes, Patsy passed a training course in Titan, where in battles with captain America and the lunar dragon acquired excellent fighting skills. In the same place, she fell under the mental stimulator, which strengthened its psychokinetic abilities: Patricia has learned to telekinesis and gained the ability to resist mental control.

At first, Patsy hoped to join the avengers and even spent one investigation with them, during which she accidentally discovered the superheroid costume Gurr Nelson. He came to the girl in order, and she decided to leave him himself, taking the hellish cat alias.

Returning from Titan, the heroine enters the squad of defenders - simply because they arrived at the invitation earlier than the avengers. She stayed in their ranks for several years and found close friends there - Valkyria and nightly jast. Later, the hell's cat found a new beloved - Damon Hellstrom, with the time she became her second husband.

Patsy planned to abandon the superhero career, hoping on a quiet family happiness, but already at the wedding it became clear that this dream was not destined to come true: her first husband Baxter declared for the celebration, and she had to call for help friends to reflect the attack .

Another grave strike was the disease of the new spouse. Hellstrom and before the wedding was mentally unreal - from time to time it took the top demonic part of his personality, seeking to destruction. During his stay at the defenders, Deimon's condition improved, which allowed Patsy to hope for recovery, but the attack of Bakster at the wedding provoked a cruel crisis and led to Hellestrom's hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.

The struggle for her husband's health and destroyed dreams of the family undermined the spiritual power of the Patricia and brought it to depression. The heroine decided on a desperate step - to go to hell to find a medicine for Hellstrom there. There Patsy had to participate in an endless battle on the arena of the fallen souls. He rescued it from there only the intervention of thumbs up.

Returning from hell, the hellish cat found a new supercoperation - sensitivity to mystical objects and phenomena called the "Demon's breath". It was this skill who later led her to an externally harmless person who had a sworn enemy of Avengers, - Yandrot's wizard. When he attacked the land, Patsy had to reiterate with superheroes to give a vulnerary worthy rebuff.

Hell Cat in Films

The character appears in the American Master Series "Jessica Jones", created in 2015 based on the spy comic. The image of Trish Walker revealed the Australian actress Rachel Taylor. In the series, she played a faithful girlfriend and companion to the main character. A total of 3 Jessica Jones season came out, the final of which was shown in June 2019.


  • 2015 - "Jessica Jones"

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