Kira Sedgevik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actress Kira Sedzhvik, outwardly something similar to Julia Roberts, during the creative career played dozens of movie roles. The most prominent work was noted at international festivals, as well as awarded the Golden Globe and Primetime Emmy Awards.

Childhood and youth

Actress Cyrus Mintern Sedgevik was born on August 19, 1965 in New York in the family, where there were a dozen famous people among the ancestors. Major General Robert Sedgevik founded the first fort in Boston, and the bishop of Endicott Pibody was an outstanding director of educational institutions.

The father of the girl who worked with finances took place from William Eller, who as a judge of the Rhode Island signed the Declaration of Independence of the United States, and the other relative of Samuel Epton served in Military Colony of Massachusetts and participated in the bloody battles in the times of King Philip.

Together with his brother Robert, also choosing a creative profession, Kira inherited part of the British and Jewish roots from his parents. Now she knows the name of the most members of the famous dynasty and in an interview says that be proud of their achievements and biography.

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No matter how strong faith in family happiness and the established traditions, father and mother stopped living together when the girl was 5 years old. After some time, Ben Heller, a collector and a merchant for works by art, who knew life and who had ever had light became her stepfather.

He insisted on training in a private school in Manhattan, who gave knowledge of the world and released a number of famous people. Then the sedzhvik moved to the Luxury College of Sarah Lawrence and, participating in theatrical productions, introduced a number of their own creative ideas.

In the future, deciding to devote life to art, Kira entered the University of California and received a bachelor's degree in scenic arts. In parallel with the study, the girl was filmed in the episodes of television series and soon demonstrated the ability to reincarnate and open manifestation of feelings.

Personal life

The personal life of Kira Sedgevik is directly connected with the work, since her husband Kevin Bacikon is a famous Hollywood actor. In his filmography there were such paintings as the "tremor of the Earth" and "Invisible", as well as the "murder of the first degree", "Broker" and "death sentence".
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In the 1990s, children were born at the Star Couple, and then they accidentally found out that they were distant brother and sister. This information did not prevent publish happy photos in "Instagram" and enjoy every day work, love and family.


In his youth, the first serious work of the actress was the picture "Born Fourth of July", where the director Oliver Stone took her a major role. Kira talentedly played a friend of the veteran Vietnam Ron Kovik, whose main enemies were depression and alcohol.

In 1990, the girl appeared in the film James Ivori, who went to the big screens as Mr. and Mrs. Bridge. Participation in the Venetian Film Festival and the appearance at the presentation of Oscar caused the offers of directors and raised her acting prestige.

After these memorable images, sedzhvik with an increase of 165 cm, an elegant figure supported at a weight of about 57 kg, played in a number of romantic comedies, such as a "phenomenon" and "reason for conversations" and voiced the cartoon character "Batman: Mystery Betheumen."

In 2005-2012, Kira worked on television, filming in the series "Irckak" as a charming CIA agent. When the ratings crawled up, the actress became the idol of thousands of spectators and received nominations and premiums for an outstanding game.

The main awards that complement the fees were "Emmy" and the Golden Globe, as well as the star on the "Alley of Glory", open near the Museum of Art. After that, there was a period when Career Sedgevik did not develop, then in the show "Brooklyn 9-9" she played the boss named Whlch.

After episodic raising participation in a detective "Police room", the sedzhvik starred in the "ten days in the valley", taking the place of Demi Moore. Despite the fact that the classic drama received positive feedback, after one season, the series was closed in 2018.

Kira Sedgevik now

In social networks, sharing the news concerning new creative projects, Cyrus announced the film "Villa Needa", finished in 2019. In addition, the actress works in the TV series "In the dark" Corina Kingsbury and develops the plot of this project from episode to the episode.


  • 1989 - "Born Fourth of July"
  • 1990 - "Mr. and Mrs. Bridge"
  • 1995 - "Murder of the first degree"
  • 1996 - "Phenomenon"
  • 2002 - "just a kiss"
  • 2005 - 2012 - "Irckak"
  • 2012 - "on the verge"
  • 2012 - "Cox box"
  • 2014-2015 - "Brooklyn 9-9"
  • 2017 - "Ten days in the valley"
  • 2019 - "Villain"

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