Coronavirus in the Nizhny Novgorod region 2020: in Dzerzhinsk, sick, the latest news


Updated April 29.

COVID-19 continues a victorious procession on the planet, increasing both a new type contaminated by coronavirus and the number of complications caused by the disease that caused by the disease. As in other subjects, Russia, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, also identified patients, in the body of which a virus was detected.

The situation with Coronavirus in the Nizhny Novgorod region, what measures are taken from the government of the region and the governor to normalize the situation, as well as the latest news - in material 24cm.

Cases of coronavirus in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The first patient in the Nizhny Novgorod region, who was found in the body of Coronavirus, appeared in early March - the 6th day was hospitalized by a 26-year-old girl who arrived at the end of the winter from Italian Milan and immediately applied to doctors.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

After confirming the fact of infection, the coronavirus traveler was placed in an isolated ward and began to check the contacts of the sick in order to ensure measures to organize quarantine in case of identifying among them infected.

Until the middle of March, the situation remained stable, but the 17th day, when the first patient was discharged, in Nizhny Novgorod, the infection was confirmed by the girl who returned this time from Germany. And after 2 days, Coronavirus revealed in the body of the Iraqi student of the Higher School of Economics, which arrived in the area from Austria.

On April 2, the number of contaminated coronavirus in the Nizhny Novgorod region increased already up to 25 people, and 13 of them were found during the previous day. And the 5th day, when doctors in the region recorded the first two deaths due to infection caused by the infection, Coronavirus was confirmed in total in analyzes of 47 proven.

According to official information, as of April 29 2020 The number of infected in the area has reached 1 794. Human. The patients were found in Pavlovo, Vyksa and Kstovo, in Dzerzhinsk, Bogorodsk, Sarov, as well as in other areas and cities of the subject of the Russian Federation, including the administrative center of the region of Nizhny Novgorod, the city districts of Shahunya and Bor. Recovered - 177 people, died - 11.

Situation in the Nizhny Novgorod region

From March 14, 2020, according to the decree of the head of the Gleb Nikitin, due to the coronavirus, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, there is a mode of increased readiness in the Nizhny Novgorod region: citizens are prohibited from leaving the place of residence without appropriate permission, except in cases of extreme necessity. It should be noted that the text of the order formulated by the governor relative to the dissemination measures of COVID-19 was repeatedly updated, based on the change in the situation.

So, after introduced from March 30, 2020 in the Nizhny Novgorod region of the self-insulation regime, starting from April 6, in accordance with the decision of the management of the region, individual enterprises of the region resumed work. Among such organizations: Gas, Krasnogo Somos, "Orghim", "Paz" and others, a total of 1000.

Despite the mitigation of measures for a number of organizations, restrictions on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region continue to act. Entertainment and sports centers are still closed, as well as catering enterprises, with the exception of workers.

It is possible to leave the house only in the presence of a resolution document, as well as in exceptional cases caused by an acute necessity: the need for pets of domestic animals, visiting a doctor or a visit to the nearest store or pharmacy. The educational process in general educational institutions, universities and dsces is prescribed to build on the principle of distance learning.

Also, the region management authorities compose a regularly updated list of "relevant territories", on which cases of infection are recorded and tightening measures to counter the dissemination of the disease are required.

At the "relevant territories", kindergartens will remain closed, except for duty groups, entry and travel outside the settlement of the region can be limited. Arriving and decreasing residents measure temperature - restrictive measures will be administered selectively for each individual settlement based on incoming information and changes in the situation.

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Malysheva explained the source of immunity to coronavirus from Russians

On April 11, the announcement of the governor was made by the next changes, according to which all those who stay in the region from the Moscow region, Moscow and St. Petersburg are obliged to abide by the regime of complete self-insulation for 2 weeks.

For the implementation of those prescribed in the ruling, everyone without exception to persons crossing the boundaries of the Nizhny Novgorod region, prescribed for an hour to notify through a special service or a phone call at 112 of the authorities about its arrival.

Also from April 11, the streets of the cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region hold raids to identify the intruders of self-insulation regime, in which local officials and law enforcement officers are involved with the right of drawing up protocols. The penalty for violation is up to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the court decision.

In April, the only problem associated with coronavirus in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in addition to the number of patients, is a shortage of pharmacies of individual respiratory protection products, the reason for which the need to provide medical institutions with medical masks. However, the regional authorities promised to figure it out soon.

Latest news

On April 20, a new multifunctional infectious center will open in the Soviet area of ​​Nizhny Novgorod, designed to receive the bundling with SARS-COV-2, the construction of which started in the second half of March. Capable to accommodate 60 patients Complex after the end of the pandemic may be reprocessed to receive patients not only with infectious diseases.

From the 15th, paper permits for the exit ceased to operate. Working inhabitants of the region will be able to confirm their own right to leave the place of residence only with the help of an electronic QR code, which organizations will receive through the service "Map of the Nizhny Novgorod region". Inspection will also be organized to function on compliance with the requirements of the governor of March 13, 2020.

The Governor of the region on April 14, 2020 signed a resolution on the provision of delayed rental entrepreneurs. According to this order, tenants will have the opportunity to transfer the fee for the rental of state lands or premises for up to December 1. To such measures, the leadership of the region went to reduce the burden on a business, experiencing difficulties in the conditions of the restrictive mode introduced due to COVID-19.

To resolve the issue of lack of medical masks, the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region offered to local companies with the required equipment, to establish the production of individual means of protecting the respiratory organs. More than 30 enterprises responded - now the total volumes of daily production of hygienic masks in the region reached 400 thousand units.

In the near future, the regions of the region predict a noticeable jump of the number of contaminated coronavirus in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This is due to the fact that a number of tests received from local residents will soon be verified, which can noticeably affect the number of identified patients.

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