Anique Warrior (Characters) - pictures, epics, bogatyr, value of phraseologism, description


Character History

Anike-Warrior is a hero with whom you can find, reading the ballad about Anica and Death. The character's name has become none and used in relation to people who boast by force in words. But they are not in a hurry to answer for their actions and feasible with decent opponents.

History of character appearance

In the Russian folk folklore, Mount Warrior moved from Europe. At the end of the 15th century, the Tiographer of Bartoloma Gotan arrives on Rus and brings with him German manuscripts. One work and transformed into Russian epic about Annik. It is "the story and the tale of the belly of the belly with death and about His courage and his death."

In the XVI century, this text has become popular in Russia. He was repeatedly recycled and published on a new way. If in the original manuscript, the presentation was carried out in the format of the dialogue, then the conversation was subsequently replaced by the story. Also, the main operating persons were abstract images of death and life, personification occurred in the Russian version.

So, death appeared in the form of an ugly old woman, which walks through the light on the skinny horse. She has a rich stock of weapons, so it is impossible for her to confront even the strongest and brave heroes.

Life was transformed into a deleted warrior who did not lose the opportunity to boast delete. He is also strong, but his main mistake is not that he mistakenly estimates his own abilities, but in the fact that he elevates himself with a hero at the expense of weak and weak.

There is no specific author of the Tale of Anica-Warrior. The work refers to folk creativity, as well as positioned as spiritual verse. In the eponymous, the deep Orthodox component, describing the attitude of a person to death, is traced.

For the first time, the recycled verse is published under the name "Promotional Story" in 1840. Translation and adaptation belongs to the Russian writer Peter Vasilyevich Kireevsky. Later, the verse entered the "Collection of People's Songs" of the same author. Another edition, which deserves attention, is printed in 1860 by Pavel Nikolayevich Rybnikov. Its translation is the closest German source.

The origin of the name Warrior is also interested in linguists. Claim to accurate 2 versions. The first is connected with the other epic hero Digeneis, the Byzantine warrior, which by its exploits made the location of the emperor himself. This character was often mentioned by the word "Anikitos", which means invincible.

Consonance with Anica gives food to reflement in such a format. But the hero of the Russian fairy tale was defeated. In addition, if Digeneis committed really worthy actions, then Anica is engaged in robbery and waste.

The second version refers to the ancient Greek goddess of Victory Nick. The particle "A" is used as a negative prefix "not". Accordingly, "A-Nika" - opposition to the victory, identifying with defeat. On the other hand, the translation can mean "invincible", which is also perceived as irony over the dishonest warrior.

The image of the character was imprinted by a lithographic way on the chests. At the top of it was placed grief warrior, and below the short text describing his history. The plot of ballads also form the basis for fairing boalances, popular in Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

In the views of Anika, it was only engaged in the fact that he constantly boasted his courage, loose and strength. But suddenly there was a terrible death with a scythe, which MiG docked the "hero". Often, another colorful character appeared on stage at that moment - Parsley, who distilled the terrible old woman with a stick.

Biography and image of the Warrior

In the Russian folk ballad, the narration begins with the description of the biography of the warrior Aniki. He travels for many years through his native land, robs weak, ruins the churches. And, as usual, praises with such "exploits" to all around.

Anique Warrior (Characters) - pictures, epics, bogatyr, value of phraseologism, description 819_1

On his way there is an ugly old woman, which reproaches him for the bhachic. But the warrior of the uncommon that death itself is herself. And even when she confesses whether she is, Anica is sure that in the power to defeat the enemy.

Warrior pulls out weapons, but does not even have time to attack, as death amazes him invisible saws. Here the hero understands that he will soon feel goodbye to life, and is trying to "bargain" for the remaining time on him. In return, he promises the death of wealth, but only nothing she needs. Anika promises to build a church and hang the icon so that people pray for it, but it is impossible.

Only the last place of the Warrior's grief recalls her mother, father and wife with children. But death has no relatives, so it is alien to these moments of repentance. As a result, the bogatyr dies without receiving one extra hour.

This story and characteristic of the character became the basis for the expression: "Anika-warrior sits yes Wisch." The value of the phraseology "Anika-Warrior" reflects the essence of a person who prefers to stand out against the background of others, but only due to the weaker. And when meeting with a decent enemy, it tries to hide.

The phraseologism was distributed in classical literature. For example, in the work of "who in Russia live well" Nikolai Nekrasov writes:

Oh, you, Aniki-Warriors! With old men, with women you just fight!


I'm not afraid of death: on the head of the flock of fighting, and you, death, I'm bruised. I am in the house there is a lot of life, a lot of zlata and silver. I would share the treasury with you - what's necessary for you, I would take me with my father, I would say goodbye to my mother, I would ask a great blessing, I would have blessed my little kids, and I would say goodbye to my young wife.


  • "Anika-warrior and death"

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