Ambroza Birs - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books



In the 19th century, Ambroza Birsa was heard the most influential journalist of the United States, and his "terrible" stories were put on one step with the stories of the worst of the horror of Edgar Allan in and Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The biography of the writer, as well as his literary works, filled the tragedies and mystic. The main mystery, unsolved until now: how and when Ambroza Birsc died, and most importantly - which caused his death.

Childhood and youth

Ambroza Gwinnet Birs was born on June 24, 1842 in Maigs, Ohio. He is a tenth of 13 children of purebred British Mark Abrailia Birs and Laura Sherwood Bours. All sons and daughters wore a name starting to the letter "A". So, the sisters of the ambrosis called Abigail, Amelia, Ann (Ann on Latineta), Almedia, Adelia and Aurelia, and Brothers - Addison, Averali, Augustus, Andrew (Andrew), Albert and Arthur.

Birza family was poor financially, but rich intellectually. It is the parents who pledged the love of books and writing to the writer.

Civil War found Birsc 19-year-old boys. Becoming the infantryman, he participated in operations on the territory of modern Western Virginia, saw the battle of Philippi in June 1861 and the battle of Shailo in April 1862. The last Event Birs dedicated the book "What I saw in Shailo" (1887).

Burs could build a military career if it were not for a serious injury to the head, obtained in June 1864 in the battle at Mount Kenneso. All summer, the future writer spent in the hospital, and in January 1865 he retired.

Personal life

Gloomy reached the Birça Ambroza personal life. His only wife Maria Ellen Dy in 1872 gave birth to first-mentiones, in 1874, and in 1875 helen. Both sons died earlier than their father: Di in 1889 she committed suicide due to unrequited love, and whether, suffering from alcohol dependence, in 1901th destroyed pneumonia. Helen lived until 1940.

In 1888, finding a letter from his wife from his lover, Birshe moved. Spouses divorced in 1904.


The creative path of the Birca Ambroz began with journalism. He dedicated to this difficult case for 37 years, from 1872 to 1909. The Birsc equally satirically and cynically could tell the world both about cultural and social breakthroughs and financial collaps and murders.

Despite hundreds of problem journalistic materials, Birsz became famous primarily as a writer. His most famous stories were "born" between 1888 and 1891. Probably creative splash provoked difficulties in personal life.

Burs skillfully described the horrors seen in the war. The stories "case on the bridge over the Sovic Creek" (1890), "Horseman in the sky" (1891), "One of the missing" (1891). They among 25 stories entered the collection of "Tales about soldiers and civilians" (1892), which Club Gyol included a "100 most influential American books printed before 1900".

"The case on the bridge over the Sovic Creek" is the most screenable story of the Birca. The first film, still dumb and black and white, came out in 1929 and was called the "bridge". In 1962, the premiere of the short films of the Sovic Creek, which took Oscar and the Golden Palm Branch. Even Alfred Hichkok was taken for the decree for his cycle "Alfred Hitchcock."

The most famous work in the Birz bibliography is the Satan Dictionary (1911). Initially, the work was called the name "Lexicon Cynic", both versions exactly describe the content.

The "Satan Dictionary" consists of satirical definitions of English words. For example, fate, according to Birca, is "what the despot justifies the villainance, and the fool - failure," and the lawyer is a person who skillfully bypass laws. At the beginning of the 20th century, the "Satan Dictionary" scattered into quotes, some aphorisms are still popular.

Found from Birs and ill-wishers. So, the author was accused of a tendency to "cunning" endings. The contemporaries wrote that in their later stories, Birs had a goal to shock the reader, "attack self-satisfied intellectual security." But Lovevkraft of the work of Birsa liked. He wrote that some of the Americans' stories are ideal examples of mystical fiction.


In October 1913, 71-year-old Ambroza Birsa went on a tour of the civil war fields. They say, he traveled with the army of Pancho Villa.

The last mention of the Bire dates back December 26, 1913. Then he wrote a friend letter: "As for me, I'm leaving tomorrow in an unknown direction." The letter was not preserved in world photo archives, which makes doubt on the very fact of its existence. Nevertheless, since then the writer disappeared.

In the death of Birca, the people of Pancho Willia vinyl, but the biographer and friend writer Walter Nile claims that Birsc criticized the revolutionary and never joined his squad.

The mystery of the disappearance of the Birca remains underestimated, despite the abundance of versions (including suicide).


"Mouse - Animal, the life path of which was duffled by disfigured women." "History - a description, mostly falsely, acts, predominantly minor, committed by rulers, mainly at low, and warriors, predominantly stupid." "Cynic - a villain that sees for imagination. Things are such as they are, and not as they should be. "" Year is a period consisting of 365 disappointments. "


  • 1872 - "Demon delight"
  • 1874 - "Web from an empty skull"
  • 1877 - "Dance of Death"
  • 1892 - "Fairy tales about soldiers and civilians" ("in the thick of life")
  • 1892 - "Black beetles in amber"
  • 1892 - "Monk and the Palacha's daughter"
  • 1893 - "Could it be?"
  • 1899 - "Fantastic Basinie"
  • 1909 - "Shadow on the dial"
  • 1911 - "Satan Dictionary"

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