Billy Burk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actor Billy Burk is not among the stars of the first magnitude, but his face is instantly read as a friend, primarily due to the role in the critic teenage saga "Twilight". This franchise brought the most famous artist, although his filmography is calculated by dozens of works, among which there are popular TV shows and films of different genres.

Childhood and youth

William Albert Burk was born in Bellingham, Washington, in 1966. At an early age, the boy realized that he wanted to tie life with his work, he did not know in school productions, he was engaged in music, sang and danced. Being a teenager, Billy organized a group with friends with whom he spoke at local events.

However, after graduation, the guy still preferred dramatic art music and moved to Bellingham, where he entered the University of Western Washington to the acting department. In the youth, being a student, Burk began to receive roles in performances, and graduating university, moved to Seattle. Here he worked on different theatrical sites, and also starred in independent cinema. At the same time, the young man did not leave the dream of a musical career, which led him to Los Angeles.

He barely concluded a contract with a large record label, but the deal was broken. Then the guy took his portfolio from a couple of independent films and began listening to film studios who were quickly crowned with success and brought the first roles in Hollywood cinema.

Personal life

In 2002, Billy began to meet with the star of teenage slasher "Creek" - Canadian Niv Campbell. After a couple of years, young people broke up. For some time, Burk was lonely, until he met the English actress of half a rose, which became his wife on June 15, 2008, and Country came in the personal life of the artist. Family idyll lasted 9 years - in 2017 there was a divorce.

In marriage, daughter Blisy Lari appeared. The birth of a girl coincided with the filming in the Twilight when a man had an image of the screen of the main heroine. The actor admitted that he would be glad if his native daughter looked like a character Kristen Stewart.


Like many beginner actors, at first Billy appeared in the episodes of the serials, among which the "law and order", the "Star Path" and "Virtual Reality". In 1998, Burk starred in the film "Mafia!", Where he demonstrated comedy giving and noted the director of Jordan Brady, who invited him to the main role in the tape "Dill Scullyon" (1999). The drama about takeoff and the fall of the country singer, obsessed with the dream of recognition, allowed Billy to show not only acting skills, but also a musical talent.

The American continued to be filmed in the multi-sieuled TV projects, among which "Gilmor girls", "24 hours" and "defective detective", where Jeffrey Dean Morgan became a colleague on the court. For work in the series on equal rights, participation in full meter was added, where the stars of the first magnitude of Anthony Hopkins are becoming the shooting partners, Ryan Gosling ("Fracture"), Morgan Freeman ("Holiday of Love"). In the tapes "Payback" (2007) and "not leaving the track" (2008) Billy again get the main roles.

Star Hour of the actor came at the moment when Catherine Harlvik invited him to the role of Charlie Zapon in the screening of the Vampire Saga Stephanie Meyer Twilight. The director confessed that he remembered Broke since the time "Dill Sculion" and dreamed of working with him. Billy was perfectly sampled and received a place in the film, which became unconditional hit. His character, reasonable and silent sheriff, which would like the least of all to get involved in the problems of children, have to deal not only with a complex teenage daughter, but also with her friends who were representatives of an ancient unclean.

After the "Twilight", well-deserved popularity comes to the artist, and he receives the main roles in the series "Revolution" and "Zoo-Apocalypse".

Billy Burk now

Now the actor continues to film and serials. In 2019, he began to participate in the Primitive project, which was planned to exit 2020. News from the life of Broke, photos and fresh facts of biography The fans will learn from Twitter. Account in "Instagram" from the artist is not. A man remains in good shape and with a height of 184 cm weighs 82 kg.


  • 1999 - "Dill Sculion"
  • 2000 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2001 - "24 hours"
  • 2002 - "Defective Detective"
  • 2007 - "Fracture
  • 2007 - "Holiday of Love"
  • 2008 - "Twilight"
  • 2009 - "Twilight. Saga. New moon"
  • 2010 - "Twilight. Saga. Eclipse"
  • 2012-2014 - "Revolution"
  • 2015-2017 - Zoo Apocalypse

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