Lucretia - photos, biography, cause of death, teaching, philosopher



Tit Lucretriya was an ancient Roman poet philosopher, who continued to study theories that the epicurus put forward. It is also known as the investigator of the concept of a three-time system, which influenced the development of subsequent world cultures.


About the biography of the philosopher Lucretia researchers almost nothing is known, the dates of birth and death are not installed so far. According to approximate estimates, his life began about 99 to n. NS. In the infamous city of Pompeii, buried under the layer of ash near the Apennine Mountains.

These assumptions are based on the "chronicle" created by Jerome Streedonsky, who took the texts of ancient Greek poets, adapts them and translated to Latin. From there, a hypothesis about aristocratic origin appeared, confirmed by the books of the philosopher himself, who did not know the luxurious life.

The mentioned love for rural life brought to the idea of ​​his own estates that only representatives of rich families could use at that time. There, according to a number of Roman authors, a scientist took possession of knowledge and mastered the languages ​​and philosophy under the start of expensive teachers.

On the time and cause of death of the materialist theorist wrote in the "life of Vergil" Ritor Elya Donat. This happened in October 53 BC. e., after a poisoned aphrodisiac drank during the Pera Lucretia.

However, the date of the death of a scientist during the heyday of the author "Aneida" was not confirmed by the reliable facts and works of biographers of those times. From here there was an opinion that after taking potions, the philosopher continued to write books, but the health was dramatically staggered, and the reason was damaged.

However, the circumstances of the death were doubting the researchers, since the wife named Lucius was unlikely to plunder the poison spouse. Therefore, the hypothesis about the suicide mentioned by Cicitero in a number of books and quotes was quite likely.


The main philosophical work Lucretia was the poetic composition, which was called the treatise "On Nature of Things". He was devoted to the Roman tribune named Guy Memmia Gemell, the former patron of the patron of scientific ideas.

Continuing the traditions of the epicorean school, the creator affected a number of interesting topics. They concerned atomism and cosmology, as well as the origin and development of the world, which is endowed with physical phenomena, due to the movement of heavenly bodies.

Becoming one of the first Ancient Roman poets, introducing citizens with the ideas about the universe, where the highest blessing for a person was considered a happy life, Lucretius popularized the theory of lack of fear before pain and death and instilled joy, confidence and optimism in the souls.

A poem written by a dactilic hekzamer, a philosopher recognized by the Word Master, broke the chapters and sections in each of six nameless books. He explored complex concepts from physics, ethics and mathematics, applying figurative metaphors and a highly artistic literary language.

Leaving the principles of atomism, the nature of the mind and the evolution of a person, the scientist avoided mention the impact of popular Ancient Roman deities popular. Therefore, subsequently, he was considered the prisoner of materialism, which was distributed in a number of advanced scientific spheres.

In one of the sections of this essay, Lucretia took a tour of the story and described the development of humanity into different era of ancient times. He considered weapons and other household items, as well as ways of cultivating land and using water and fire.

In his opinion, at the dawn of civilization, people applied nails and teeth, and then stones and branches in order to build housing. And then the scientist traced the sequence of change of copper, iron and bronze and eventually became the author and the founder of the famous theory of three centuries.

A note dedicated to natural philosophy deemed certain attention, where the organisms under the action of nature and the external environment were investigated. Lucretia wrote that only strong individuals that should destroy painful and weak species are capable of survival and adaptation.

In addition, in the teaching of the poet, the superiority of a person mentioned, the mind of which consists of atoms and other moving parts. But he still compared people with animals that bring up numerous offspring, just like loving mothers grow and feed their children.

Thus, an ancient Roman author, whose appearance is captured in the sculptural bust, proposed for subsequent study a number of innovative and advanced ideas. His poem was often used as a height on philosophy and rhetoric and still popular with educated people.


  • "On the nature of things"

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