Film "Most Favorite" (2018): Release date, plot, actors, director


The film "The most beloved" is a melodrama of director Peter Stepin. Starring such stars of Russian series, like Yuri Baturin, Inna Kolyada, Valery Burduja and Denis Vasilyev. The release date of the mini-series - April 18, 2020 on the TV channel "Russia-1". The project was filmed in Russia and Belarus in 2018.

The actors and their roles in Russian melodrama - in the material 24cmi.


The plot tells about the young woman Tatiana, which gives hope of architect. Working with Vadim, she falls in love with him and their relationships are tied. Not far off the marriage of the couple, but the guy is not the one for whom it gives out. Tatiana naively imagined a beautiful prince who loves her. The girl became pregnant, and Vadim met the daughter of a rich businessman, to which he had mercantile interest. Tatiana rises on the path of revenge, which will drive her into the trap.

Valeria Burduju (Tatiana)

At the beginning of the film Tatiana - a happy girl who has a job and a beloved man. She builds a bright architect career and she has every chance to fulfill his dream. Time and the couple is already plans to wedding. It also turns out that Tatiana is pregnant. But Vadim has new plans for life, he meets more secured Lisa Savitsky and throws former love. Tatiana in despair loses the child and the opportunity to get pregnant in the future. Tia in the souls, she plans to revenge the former bridegroom and his new passion.

Actress Valery Burduja, who played Tatiana, is a young talent in Russian cinema. Valeria made his debut in 2013 in the "Angel and Demon" series. In his student years, she participated in such a stage of the theater as "Late Love" and "Twelfth Night". In subsequent years, Valeria took part in projects: "I remember everything", "Anna-Detective", "Second Vision" and "Mentalist".

Yuri Baturin (Vadim)

Vadim is a careerist who will go to all for the sake of the dream. He makes a bad act, throwing his pregnant bride for the sake of a rich girl, whose father may help him in promotion through the career ladder. Vadim is an architect and colleague Tatiana.

Yuri Baturin is the famous Ukrainian actor and movie actor. His theatrical debut took place in 1996 in Lenkom, but because of a low salary he threw it at the board. In 2000, he first began to be filmed in films, these were episodic roles. Popularity came to the actor after filming in the TV series "Narchar".

Denis Vasilyev

The audience saw in the TV series Denis Vasilyev - a popular Russian actor. After the theater Institute. Boris Schukina he made his debut in the film "Flowers for the Snow Queen". After the actor began to be photographed in the series, on his account more than 40 projects. Denis also established himself in big cinema, in 2014 he took part in the Drama "Sunflow" Nikita Mikhalkov.

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Inna Kolyada

The Belarusian actress Inna Kolyada also participated in the TV series "The most beloved". She long will take off in Russian television projects. Before that, the actress performed in the troupe of the Minsk Modern Art Theater, and its full-length debut took place in the film "Styles". After this film carter, the carriages went uphill, and she managed to play in such ribbons as Vangeliya, Single and Shamanka. In addition to acting, Inna is fond of sports and learning languages.

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