Nadezhda Karpova - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Football 2021



The Russian athlete Nadezhda Karpova is now constantly living in Spain, because she fell into the list of Messi as a girl who professionally playing football. Speaking for the famous Seville team, a talented striker can competently accept the transfer and score a beautiful goal.

Childhood and youth

Football player Nadezhda Alekseevna Karpova was born on March 9, 1995 and under the supervision of his father and mother held childhood in Yaroslavl. She stood out against the background of the ride, because she did not wear shoes and dresses and preferred time with boys, playing football in the next yard.

For constantly disheveled hair, friends called Nadia Mowgli, and this nickname pursued her throughout school years. Classmates teased athlete because of behavior and a steepness, but the girl for each knife found a worthy answer.

In addition, Karpova did not have time to friendship and youthful entertainment, as she went to the sports section at one of Yaroslavl schools. But the closests were not perceived seriously her systematic classes and could not think at that time that the daughter's career would be football.

In mid-2010, the pupil of Coach Nikolai Fadeenko received an invitation from the professional team and moved to Zvenigorod. Once in the hands of the mentors who worked in the Olympic reserve school, Nadia began an independent biography and was convinced that her vocation was sport.

Personal life

In an interview with the secular and sports editions, Karpova prefers not to talk about personal life, and her fans are unknown, whether she has a husband or boyfriend. They have to be content with photographs, where the girl is sometimes posing in a swimsuit on the shore of the Spanish Bay, spending the weekend alone.


At the age of 16, the girl acted for the Russian Youth Club, who played in the first league and could not get to the highest division. And then she signed a contract with the Team "Dowel" from Krasnogorsk and graduated from the debut season in the national championship in the prestigious status of the Vice Champion.

In April 2015, Karpov was invited to FC "Chertanovo", weighted in the women's Premier League and representing interest to scouts and sponsors. Having taught the attacker's position, she became the best scorer of the tournament and became part of the Russian national team together with the players of the former CSK of the Air Force.

By the third professional season, a football player with an increase in 179 cm and weighing, thanks to the training of 66 kg, he got into the field of view of journalists and appeared in a series of photographs that were illustrations to the matches spent, transmissions and scored goals.

In the same period, won the love of fans, the hope became the star "Instagram" and once lived in the lives of Moscow "Spartak". But after the victory of the national team over Italian, the European championship is not indifferent to sports, people counted that it was a trifle.

At the end of the International Tournament, Karpova was on the list of ten athletes, which, thanks to the promotion of Lionel Messi, could get to the Spanish championship. She was invited to the club "Valencia", where Denis Cryshev came to the club, and signed an expensive 2-year contract with a glorified team.

In the fall of 2017, coming out for a replacement in a fundamental match with Atletico, the girl scored the Madrids a quick and beautiful goal. She was recognized as the best participant of the 9th round examples, thereby proving that Russians can play professional football.

True, in early 2018, the hope was excluded from the main composition, and then she ceased to fall into applications and was forced to terminate the contract ahead. The parties were partitioned by mutual agreement, and the athlete began to participate in advertising campaigns and appeared on the fashion shows of Chanel houses and Christian Dior.

Nadezhda Karpova now

In January 2019, Karpova became the "Seville" striker and soon scored a goal into the gate of the former club, a avenue for removal from training and unfairly terminated contract. In October, it was recognized as the best player of the tour la league, and this allowed fans to think that she would brilliantly hold the current championship.


  • 2014 - Silver winner of the Russian Championship
  • 2016 - the best scorer of the championship of Russia
  • 2016 - Bronze medalist of the international tournament in Brazil

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