Sea king (character) - pictures, image, vasilisa to do, three heroes


Character History

Major Tsar (Tsar Podny, Tsar Keepnik) - the character of the Russian epic "Sadko". The Lord of the Seas Keeps unpretentious wealth, lives in a crystal palace and welcomes guests. However, the price of this location is exorbitantly high.

History of character creation

The sea king from Slavic mythology is similar to the characters from the folklore of other countries. Presumably, the Slavs borrowed the image of the king of the palumn from Finnish legends.

So, the legends about God Ahti became known to the Russian peoples of the North, on the assumption of V.F. Miller. Ahti is a great God, who is depicted by an old man with a herbal beard. He commanded the waters, and also kept wealth, which fell from the boat of the musician Vynyamyarden (prototype Hero Sadko).

AHTI has a wife - Vellamo (Slavs - Waterman), which tries to be kind and useful people. Surrounded by the royal family - a crowd of water maid, while the Slavic Tsar of the Käriknik is 12 daughters.

In the Vidnavannavian mythology, Jotne (Giant) of the World Sea Egira also has no son, but 9 daughters. According to the characteristics of EGIR similar to antique neptune. The Old Roman Lord of the seas later began to identify with the Supreme Deity of the Ancient Greeks Poseidon.

The sea king from Russian epic and fairy tales is important to distinguish from water. This mythological character was distributed at the beginning of the 20th century and was identified with a harmful being with a big belly and swollen face.

Characteristic of the image of the king of the heater is akin to the very sea. Like any other natural wealth, it is considered to be water, it gives a good man. But nothing happens "just so." The main idea is that people pay out for thoughtless embezzlement of resources in the end. So the sea king is ready to give a traveler treasure, but will require something intangible for it.

History and image of the sea king

The image of the Lord of the Seas is ambiguous in Russian fairy tales. It is considered a villain, but nothing sinister does not commit the underwater inhabitant. He acts as a certain noble old man, which commands the world in the world.

He has a very colorful appearance - a long beard, gray hair, decorated with a wreath of fern. A kind of vehicle is a giant sink, harnessed by sea skates or ps. So the saucer circles possession to respect the order.

In the hands of the character of the paddle and the rude. The first personifies the taming of the waves, the second - on the contrary, is used to create a storm. And already in this is a controversial personality. The king is not angry, and not good. He - keeps balance, so he has to show hardness and kindness against other heroes.

But nothing human is alien to him. So, he adores fun and dancing. True, when it is satisfied with the holidays, the sea is very worried, because of what the ships are drown. Here is an example of a bad act without evil intent.

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It is also important to clarify that only daughters are born at the king. But you need to marry them. Therefore, the king is palm and calls in the bunch of sea young and remote guys, promising in the award of indiscreet wealth. So happened to Sadko. He attracted the king to the winery game on the hurs. For Sadko married one of the daughters - Chernava, she helped the guy and escape.

Marine king in culture

In the folk fairy tale, "Maritime Tsar and Vasilisa Wheaves" the Lord of the Seas forced the king of the thieves of the state to be deceived to give the long-awaited heir, Ivan Tsarevich. But Vasilis fell in love with him, the daughter of the water lord. She also helped the young man to escape, and after began to live with him in the kingdom.

The image of the king of the heater from Slavic mythology penetrated into classical literature. So, in the "Tsar Tsar Saltan" Alexander Pushkin, the leader of 33 heroes living at the bottom of the ocean, is called the uncle Chernomor. Of course, the character of Slavic epic was the prototype of this hero. The author showed it from a positive side as a wonderful commander of strong and strong fighters.

Many cartoons and films shot for children. Soviet fairy tale "Sadko" was delivered in 1952 by Alexander Ptushko. The role of the Marine Tsar played People's Artist of the RSFSR Stepan Kayukov. The plot was based on the episode of the Huslar Sadko. The film caused admiration for the audience, and after 10 years he was broadcast in the United States called the "Magic Journey of Sinbad".

The concept of the image of the seole lord character in the cartoon "Fire, water and ... copper pipes". In search of the beloved Hero Vasya have to go through many tests, including to visit water in the kingdom of the cunning and powerful owner.

The wonderful film-fairy tale "Marya-Skinnik" was filmed by the Maxim Gorky film studio. The thirteenth waterfront appears in this picture, which kidnapped the mother of Ivanushki - Marja-Prim. A brave soldier in retirement will have to go in a distant way to release the Russian beauty from the water captivity.

Studio "Mill" in 2016 released a full-length cartoon film "Three heroes and a maritime king". The description of the plot begins with the fact that the water rule of hunting is married.

At this time, his wife's wives get tired of the inattention of spouses and constantly busy with their homework. Eashabited love King decides to flood the city to find among people narrowing. Nastasya, Alenushka and Lyubava become mermaids and float into the palace to correct the situation.

But, arriving at the place, see a terrible mess, so quickly lead the royal chambers into the proper look. The taller king falls in love with Nastasya and asks Kikimonora to prepare a love potion so that Russian beauty responded to him. But warriors, as usual, drove on time. In the final Nastasya realized that he loves and was ready to forgive Dobrynya.

And the sea king under the action of magical potion marries the assistant, Brungilda. Beautiful pictures, many funny moments and recognizable characters came to taste to children.


But if you want, stay fish, swim to my grandfather, he loves his fish, hehe ... Roasted, Hehehehehe He-Hey! And after three hundred and three hundred, well, when you grow up, I get you on my daughter! You are Sunny what! Only came, and I wanted to earth! Yes, I first get married at my daughter.


  • "Sadko"
  • "Maritime Tsar and Vasilisa Revision"


  • 1941 - "Konk-Gorbok"
  • 1946 - "Marya-Skinny"
  • 1952 - Sadko
  • 1984 - "In the blue sea, in white foam ..."
  • 1968 - "Fire, Water and ... Copper Pipes"
  • 2016 - "Three heroes and sea king"

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