Evgenia Timonova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Youtyub Channel 2021



The Russian scientific journalist Evgeny Timonova is known as a naturalist and TV presenter, and a part-time woman also leads his own video blog, called "everything like animals" than and became famous among the audience "Yutiuba". As a biologist, she is trying to embrace many topics and tell the audience interesting facts about the surrounding nature.

Childhood and youth

Zhenya was born in the fall of 1976 in Novosibirsk. Already from an early age in her biography there were mugs about animals and nature. The girl loved this topic and at first he studied the world around himself. Parents did notice this in time and recorded the daughter in a circle of young naturalists with a zoo. In the future, she did not even participate in biology competitions and occupied prizes.

Already in his youth Timonova knew what the Life would like to connect with, and after school he entered the Biological Faculty of Tomsk State University. But I studied 3 years, she realized that he wanted to master another profession, and was transferred to NGPU, where he began to study psychology and literary criticism.

Personal life

Evgenia leads a page in "Instagram", as well as in Vkontakte, regularly postpones fresh photos from the filming, there are pictures from the beach in a bathing suit. The growth and weight of women are unknown, but without this data it can be seen that Zhenya monitors weight and supports a figure in shape.

Despite the constant connectors, Timonova managed to build a personal life. In 2015, her husband became famous for the animation films "How to deceived the Snake", "Raven deceiver", "Kverret" and other artist Andrei Kuznetsov. Now they are engaged in shooting "Everything like the beasts." There are no children from the pair yet.

Journalism and television

At Novosibirsk television, Eugene was immediately after the university. Her debut took place in the "expensive pleasure" program. But this girl was little, and she decided to move to Moscow. At first, in the capital Timonov engaged in advertising journalism, mastered the profession of a copywriter, then took the post of creative director. During this period, I managed to work in different states of the former Soviet Union, at the same time headed by the editorial board of Kiev magazine.

Every day Timonova continued to develop, participated in different projects. In 2012, the woman won the "Best Work in Russia" contest. She was present at the awards ceremony and met Sergey Fenenko, who was engaged in organizational issues of the event. Subsequently, their meeting led to the creation of their own program Evgenia, the idea for which she developed with Fenenko.

Video Blog

Youtyub-Channel appeared at Timonova in 2013. A Dutch company was engaged in creating a style for him, with whom the woman was brought by Sergey. If the first season was filmed in a simple studio on a green background, then a woman came to the shooting more seriously. Evgenia acquired a team in the face of Oleg Kugayev operator and the artist Andrei Kuznetsov. The film crew went to Kenya, the issues were devoted to wildlife.

Subsequent seasons were devoted to a certain country and its nature. So, the Timonov team has already visited New Zealand, Australia, Portugal, Croatia and other states. Separate series devoted to Russia. Often, popular biologists who could deeper the viewer in the subject were involved in the plots. Eugene in each issue appears as leading.

Timony's transfer is interesting because in each issue, it considers different animals and insects and is trying to hold parallels between their behavior and behavior of people. Also, the woman devoted the audience in the topics of the love of love, told about the sexual selection, the evolution of people and so on.

Evgeny Timonova now

Zhenya and is now engaged in a project called "Everything like the beasts", and at the same time it does not stop lectures on different topics, the news about which places in a public in Vkontakte. It is also engaged in the organization of travel to different countries, where it offers not indifferent to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the nature of a particular state. For example, in November 2019, a group of travelers went to Africa, where he visited Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

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